Universität Wien

3.2. APMG Medieval History

070154 VO Numismatics
070189 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200) - Anglo-Saxon England: a new look at the sources
090054 VO Byzantium and the British Isles - a Story of Political, Economic and Cultural Interaction (9th-16th Cent.)
010013 VO Church History - Part III - Church from the late Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightment
060040 SE Using and accounting money in later medieval and modern times - Geldverwendung, Zahlungspraxis und Rechnungslegung in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit
070051 GR [de en] Guided Reading - Rulers and Authority in Western European Medieval Societies
070156 SE Seminar: Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration - Sozial ungleiche Städte: Bürgerbücher in vergleichender Sicht. Der Typ Bürger und die Erlangung des Bürgerrechtes
070203 SE Graduate Seminar - Kinship and Gender. Entangled Relations in late medieval and early modern Europa
070277 VO Specialisation Eastern European History I - South-Eastern Europe between Byzantine and Ottoman Empires (1299-1402): From Kings to Local Rulers and Vassals
090054 VO Byzantium and the British Isles - a Story of Political, Economic and Cultural Interaction (9th-16th Cent.)
070206 FS Research Seminar - University - Place of investigation and teaching
070393 EX Excursion - Diplomatie und Gesandtenwesen (14.-16. Jh.)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39