Universität Wien

B. Master Degree Programme in Art History

m.K. = mittlere Kunstgeschichte, n.K. = neuere Kunstgeschichte, nst.K = neueste Kunstgeschichte, zeu.K. = zentraleuropäische Kunstgeschichte, au.K. = außereuropäische Kunstgeschichte, byz.K. = byzantinische Kunstgeschichte.
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080062 SE [en] Seminar: Cultural Citizenship: Constructing and Contesting "the Commons" - from the Fall of the Berlin Wall to the Arab Spring
080086 SE Seminar: The Moneymental Style - Art and Architecture 1910 - Analyse, Methodenreflexion, Staging Knowledge
080097 SE Seminar: Vienna - Berlin - Analogies, Differencies and Connections in the Art of the two Cities
080062 SE [en] Seminar: Cultural Citizenship: Constructing and Contesting "the Commons" - from the Fall of the Berlin Wall to the Arab Spring
080086 SE Seminar: The Moneymental Style - Art and Architecture 1910 - Analyse, Methodenreflexion, Staging Knowledge
080097 SE Seminar: Vienna - Berlin - Analogies, Differencies and Connections in the Art of the two Cities
080042 EX Excursion
080122 SE [en] Research Seminar
080034 UE "Neu-Wien": Test-Run for the Ringstraße. - How to Generate an Inventory of 19th century Architecture
080122 SE [en] Research Seminar

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39