6.02. Egyptology
A [3] Bachelor Egyptology (Curriculum 2013)
PA Compulsory Module A - Middle Egyptian (StEOP)
- 060012 VO Middle Egyptian I
- 060050 PUE Hieroglyphics I
PB Compulsory Module B - Introduction to Pharaonic Egypt I
- 060033 VO STEOP: Egyptian History and Archaeology - From Prehistory to the Middle Kingdom
- 060053 VO Religion of Ancient Egypt I
- 060130 VO STEOP: Art and Architecture I
P-1 Compulsory Module 1 - Introduction to Pharaonic Egypt II
P-2 Compulsory Module 2 - Egyptian Language and Methodology
P-3 Compulsory Module 3 - Egyptian Monuments
P-4 Compulsory Module 4 - Egyptian Texts
- 060025 VU Egyptian Religion II
- 060082 UE Hieroglyphic Texts I
P-5 Compulsory Module 5 - Egyptian Cultural History and Archaeology
- 060047 PS Proseminar: Memphis and its necropoleis
- 060052 SE Seminar: Karnak
W-1 Elective Module 1 - Philology
- 060052 SE Seminar: Karnak
W-2 Elective Module 2 - Egyptian Art History
- 060052 SE Seminar: Karnak
W-3 Elective Module 3 - Archaeology
- 060029 PR Practical Fieldwork in Egypt
- 060057 PR Practical Fieldwork in Bubastis/Egypt
W-4 Elective Module 4 - Greek
- 090077 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
W-5 Elective Module 5 - Akkadian
- 140049 VO STEOP: Introduction to Akkadian I
W-6 Elective Module 6 - Comparative Literature
- 130061 VO STEOP: General Literature
- 130062 VO STEOP: Comparative Literature
P-Aus Compulsory Finale Module Bachelor
- 060052 SE Seminar: Karnak
- 060078 SE Seminar: Rock Tombs of the Middle Kingdom - Bildprogramm und Raumfunktion-Grabgestaltung und Interpretation
A [2]. Bachelor Egyptology (Version 2011)
Introductory and orientation period (STEOP)
A - Language and Writing System (STEOP)
B - Culture History
Main Phase
1. Compulsory Module Egyptian Language and History of Ideas
- 060053 VO Religion of Ancient Egypt I
2. Compulsory Module Egyptian Archaeology, Art- and Cultural History
- 060047 PS Proseminar: Memphis and its necropoleis
3. Compulsory Module Egyptian Texts and Writing Systems
- 060019 UE Hieratic I
- 060082 UE Hieroglyphic Texts I
4. Compulsory Module Egyptian Archaeology and History
5. Compulsory Module Egyptian Art and Culture History
- 060052 SE Seminar: Karnak
6a. Elective Module Greek Language
- 090077 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
6b. Elective Module Egyptian Building History
7a. Elective Module Egyptian Literature and Texts
7b. Elective Module Practical Fieldwork in Egypt
- 060029 PR Practical Fieldwork in Egypt
- 060057 PR Practical Fieldwork in Bubastis/Egypt
Final Year
8. Compulsory Final Module Bachelor
- 060052 SE Seminar: Karnak
- 060078 SE Seminar: Rock Tombs of the Middle Kingdom - Bildprogramm und Raumfunktion-Grabgestaltung und Interpretation
A [1]. Bachelor Egyptology
1. Compulsory Module Egyptian Language and History of Ideas-Introductory Phase
2. Compulsory Module Egyptian Archaeology, Art- and Cultural History
3. Compulsory Module Egyptian Literature
4. Compulsory Module Egyptian Archaeology and History
5. Compulsory Module Egyptian Architecture and Art
6a. Elective Module Greek Language
6b. Elective Module Egyptian Building History
7a. Elective Module Egyptian Script
7b. Elective Module Practical Fieldwork in Egypt
8. Compulsory Final Module Bachelor
B [2] Master Egyptology (Curriculum 2013)
P-1 Later Egyptian
- 060030 VU Late Egyptian I
P-2 Compulsory Module 2 - Art and Architecture
- 060022 VO Topics of Art History: "Relief and Function"
- 060078 SE Seminar: Rock Tombs of the Middle Kingdom - Bildprogramm und Raumfunktion-Grabgestaltung und Interpretation
P-3 Compulsory Module 3 - Archaeology and Art History
- 060078 SE Seminar: Rock Tombs of the Middle Kingdom - Bildprogramm und Raumfunktion-Grabgestaltung und Interpretation
P-4 Compulsory Module 4 - Philology and Texts
- 060013 VU Textual Scholarship: Historical Phonology
- 060020 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: Textual Sources on Egyptian Phonology and Historical Linguistics
- 060078 SE Seminar: Rock Tombs of the Middle Kingdom - Bildprogramm und Raumfunktion-Grabgestaltung und Interpretation
W-1 Elective Module 1 - Philology
W-2 Elective Module 2 - Art History
- 060117 PR Practical Training in Museum
W-3 Elective Module 3 - Archaeology
- 060029 PR Practical Fieldwork in Egypt
- 060057 PR Practical Fieldwork in Bubastis/Egypt
W-4 Elective Module 4 - Egypt and Sudan
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Gods and Temples of the Meroites
- 140071 VO History of North Africa 1
P-MA Compulsory Final Module Master
- 060048 PV Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates, Privatissimum
- 060054 PV Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates, Privatissimum
B [1] Master Egyptology (Curriculum 2008)
1. Compulsory Module Egyptian Language
- 060020 UE Reading Egyptian Texts: Textual Sources on Egyptian Phonology and Historical Linguistics
- 060030 VU Late Egyptian I
2. Compulsory Module Egyptian History/Archaeology and Art
- 060022 VO Topics of Art History: "Relief and Function"
- 060078 SE Seminar: Rock Tombs of the Middle Kingdom - Bildprogramm und Raumfunktion-Grabgestaltung und Interpretation
3. Compulsory Module Egyptian History of Ideas
- 060078 SE Seminar: Rock Tombs of the Middle Kingdom - Bildprogramm und Raumfunktion-Grabgestaltung und Interpretation
4a. Elective Module Practical Fieldwork in Egypt
- 060029 PR Practical Fieldwork in Egypt
- 060057 PR Practical Fieldwork in Bubastis/Egypt
4b. Elective Module Papyrology/Museology for Egyptologists/Texts
5. Compulsory Final Module Master
- 060048 PV Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates, Privatissimum
- 060054 PV Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates, Privatissimum
C [3] Complementary Study Programmes Egyptology (Version 2013)
C [3] Complementary Study Programmes Egyptology (Version 2013)
- 060033 VO STEOP: Egyptian History and Archaeology - From Prehistory to the Middle Kingdom
- 060053 VO Religion of Ancient Egypt I
- 060130 VO STEOP: Art and Architecture I
2a. Elective Module I - Philology
- 060012 VO Middle Egyptian I
- 060050 PUE Hieroglyphics I
2b. Elective Module II - Art History and Archaeology
- 060047 PS Proseminar: Memphis and its necropoleis
C [1] Complementary Study Programmes Egyptology (Curriculum 2008)
1. Basic Module Egypt
- 060033 VO STEOP: Egyptian History and Archaeology - From Prehistory to the Middle Kingdom
- 060053 VO Religion of Ancient Egypt I
- 060130 VO STEOP: Art and Architecture I
2. Advanced Modules
WM Egyptian Philology
- 060012 VO Middle Egyptian I
- 060050 PUE Hieroglyphics I
WM Egyptian Archaeology and History
- 060047 PS Proseminar: Memphis and its necropoleis
WM Egyptian Art History
WM Egyptian Architecture
D. Doctoral Studies Egyptology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39