Universität Wien

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

Die beträchtliche Wahlfreiheit soll eine individuell angepasste optimale Ausbildung ermöglichen (Diplomarbeit in Physik: ja oder nein, Behebung von persönlichen Defiziten und Wissensdefiziten, Vertiefung unterrichtsrelevanter Interessen) und betont die persönliche Mitverantwortung jedes/r Studierenden für die Ausbildungsqualität.

260243 VO Introduction to Physics III - Quanta, atoms and nuclei
260243 VO Introduction to Physics III - Quanta, atoms and nuclei
260088 VO Theory of interconnected dynamical systems I - From cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
260005 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics: Advanced Materials - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Preparation and Conducting a project for using solar energy regionally in collaboration with a technical college of engineering
260070 PR Project Laboratory Course - Radiation - Perperation and implementation of a project (topic: radiation) in school
260074 SE The pedagogical use of computers in physics education - Based on results from physics education research, case studies of the lecturer, didactics of media and psychology of learning examples will be adressed focusing on the potential of digital media. Specifically topics from the field of mechanics, electricity and optics will be covered. The computer will be used as a tool for collecting and evaluating data as well as for modeling and simulations.
260181 PR Project Laboratory Course - Preparation and Conducting a project for using solar energy regionally in collaboration with a technical college of engineering
260238 SE Floating

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39