Introductory Phase
0.1. Introductory Phase and Vocational Reflection
- 350036 UE Orientation from School to University
- 350071 UE Experience-orientated Practicum: Activity and Sport
- 350101 UE Experience-orientated Practicum: Activity and Sport
- 350135 UE Orientation from School to University
- 350137 UE Experience-orientated Practicum: Activity and Sport
0.2. General and Specific Teaching Methodology of Physical Education
0.3. Research Methods and Evaluation
- 350034 PS Introduction to Scientific Working (teacher accreditation)
- 350108 PS Introduction to Scientific Working (teacher accreditation)
- 350392 PS Introduction to Scientific Working (teacher accreditation)
0.4. Basics of Sport Science
- 350293 VO BA1I - Fundamentals of Sport Science
0.5. Medical Basics
0.6. Movement Skills, Sport Skills and Application Knowledge
- 350037 UE Basic aspects of Coordination Ability
- 350042 UE Basic aspects of Physical Condition Ability
- 350132 UE Basic aspects of Physical Condition Ability
- 350397 UE Basic aspects of Coordination Ability
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39