B11-6. Pflichtmodulgruppe Methoden
B11-6.1. Basistechniken in der Geographie
- 290077 VU Introduction to Scientific Thinking and Method, Group A
- 290078 VU Introduction to Scientific Thinking and Method, Group B
- 290108 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group C
- 290057 PS Project Management, Group A
- 290063 PS Project Management, Group B
- 290101 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna - (nur für Bachelor-Studierende)
- 290134 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna - (nur für Bachelor-Studierende)
B11-6.2. Methoden der Physischen Geographie
B11-6.3. Methoden der Humangeographie
- 290005 VO Introduction to Empirical Social Research for Geographers
- 290087 PS Introduction into Qualitative Data Collection
- 290229 UE Survey Methods and Questionnaire Research in Geography and Regional Science
B11-6.4. Methoden der Kartographie und Geoinformation
- 290004 VU Thematic Mapping
- 290236 PS Introduction to Databases
- 290234 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group A
- 290237 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group B
- 290238 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group C
B11-6.5. Statistik und Regionalanalyse I
- 290140 PS Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography, group A
- 290175 PS Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography, group B
B11-6.6. Statistik und Regionalanalyse II
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39