Directorate of Studies 2 - Protestant Theology
2.01. Protestant Theology
StEOP neu - ab WiSe 2014
- 020006 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
- 020047 UE Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament) - STEOP BA ETF sowie für BA RP, EC und LA Diplomstudium
1. Philosophy
- 020007 VU Introduction to Philosophy
- 020054 SE Philosophy - Hans Jonas and "the antinomy of the freedom of life"
2. Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020017 UE Biblical Hebrew II
- 020018 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020019 UE Exercises in Exegesis - Lamentations
- 020024 EX Biblische Exkursion - Excavation in Ashdod-Yam
3. New Testament Studies
- 020035 VO-L History of Early Christian Literature
- 020036 SE Seminar: Problems in the History of Early Christianity - Paul on "Mission"
- 020038 SE Bibliodrama erleben
- 020048 UE Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt
- 020051 PS+SA Biblical Proseminar II
4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020011 VO-L History of the Ancient Church - History of Christianity in the first five Centuries
- 020012 VO-L Middle Ages
- 020014 UE Reading Course for Church History - A Sermon at Breakfast II: Martin Luther
- 020015 UE Excercise: Cultural History of Christianity - A Sermon at Breakfast I: Kirchenväter
- 020030 PS Church History Proseminar - "The left Wing of Reformation" - The Radical Reformation
- 020031 EX Excursion - Regensburg - Nürnberg
- 020040 VO Cultural History of Christianity - History of the Bible
- 020041 VO Cultural History of Christianity - Geschichte des protestantischen Kirchenbaus
- 020042 VO-L History of Christianity in the 19th and 20th Century
5. Systematic Theology
- 020007 VU Introduction to Philosophy
- 020054 SE Philosophy - Hans Jonas and "the antinomy of the freedom of life"
6. Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020032 VO Introduction to Liturgics - Geschichte, Theologie und Konzeption des christlichen Gottesdienstes
- 020034 UE Basic Questions of Practical Theology - Otto Haendler's Impulse for Practical Theology
7. Religious Education
- 020025 UE+PR Practical Course in Education - Religion unterrichten an der öffentlichen Schule
- 020026 UE Parish Education
- 020027 VO-L Didaktik des evangelischen Religionsunterrichts
- 020028 UE Ethical Learning
- 020029 UE Interreligious Learning
8. Church Law
- 020002 UE Church Law - Kirchenverfassung im Dialog von Theologie und Jurisprudenz
9. Religious Science
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020044 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
- 020046 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - The Situation of Christians in the Middle East
10. Compulsory Optional Subjects
- 010109 SE Introduction to theological Women´s, Men´s and Gender Studies
- 010155 SE Religions - Body - Gender
- 020001 UE Rhetorical Communication II
- 020005 UE Introduction to scientific working
- 020016 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Liturgic and Music - hymns in present - sacred music in a plural culture
- 020038 SE Bibliodrama erleben
- 020045 UE Communication in Colloquial Arabic
- 020046 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - The Situation of Christians in the Middle East
- 020048 UE Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt
- 020050 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience IV
- 020052 SE Seminar in Medical Ethics - The Question of Evil - Ethics, Law and Medicine in Breaking Bad
- 020053 SE Seminar in Medical Ethics - A New Doctor-Patient-Relation? Self-determination in Children and Adolescents
- 020014 UE Reading Course for Church History - A Sermon at Breakfast II: Martin Luther
- 020015 UE Excercise: Cultural History of Christianity - A Sermon at Breakfast I: Kirchenväter
- 090065 VO Stories and histories of scolarly disciplines - ancient studies in Vienna
11. Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 020052 SE Seminar in Medical Ethics - The Question of Evil - Ethics, Law and Medicine in Breaking Bad
- 020053 SE Seminar in Medical Ethics - A New Doctor-Patient-Relation? Self-determination in Children and Adolescents
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Religious Education, Catholic Religious Education
- 020004 PS Introduction to Scientific Writing
- 020006 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
- 020007 VU Introduction to Philosophy
- 020025 UE+PR Practical Course in Education - Religion unterrichten an der öffentlichen Schule
- 020044 VO Introduction to the Methodical Comparing Study of Religions
- 020047 UE Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament) - STEOP BA ETF sowie für BA RP, EC und LA Diplomstudium
2.01. Protestant Theology
StEOP Unterrichtsfach Evangelische Religion Bachelorstudium
- 020006 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
StEOP Unterrichtsfach Evangelische Religion Diplomstudium
- 020006 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
- 020047 UE Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament) - STEOP BA ETF sowie für BA RP, EC und LA Diplomstudium
Unterrichtsfach Evangelische Religion: Lehrveranstaltungen
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 010109 SE Introduction to theological Women´s, Men´s and Gender Studies
- 010155 SE Religions - Body - Gender
- 020003 UE The Parish as a Field of Prcatice
- 020007 VU Introduction to Philosophy
- 020017 UE Biblical Hebrew II
- 020025 UE+PR Practical Course in Education - Religion unterrichten an der öffentlichen Schule
- 020027 VO-L Didaktik des evangelischen Religionsunterrichts
- 020032 VO Introduction to Liturgics - Geschichte, Theologie und Konzeption des christlichen Gottesdienstes
- 020038 SE Bibliodrama erleben
- 020050 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience IV
- 020051 PS+SA Biblical Proseminar II
- 020054 SE Philosophy - Hans Jonas and "the antinomy of the freedom of life"
- 020005 UE Introduction to scientific working
- 020014 UE Reading Course for Church History - A Sermon at Breakfast II: Martin Luther
- 020015 UE Excercise: Cultural History of Christianity - A Sermon at Breakfast I: Kirchenväter
- 020052 SE Seminar in Medical Ethics - The Question of Evil - Ethics, Law and Medicine in Breaking Bad
- 020053 SE Seminar in Medical Ethics - A New Doctor-Patient-Relation? Self-determination in Children and Adolescents
- 020018 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020035 VO-L History of Early Christian Literature
- 020039 SE Church History Seminar - Die Geschichte der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät in Wien
- 020056 VO Ringvorlesung: Reformation als Herausforderung für die Bildungslandschaft heute
2.04. Masterstudium Evangelische Fachtheologie
- 010089 SE Understanding Judaism today: Encounters from a interdisciplinary perspective
- 020002 UE Church Law - Kirchenverfassung im Dialog von Theologie und Jurisprudenz
- 020003 UE The Parish as a Field of Prcatice
- 020008 SE Eschatology
- 020009 SE Seminar: End of Life Decisions in Medical Ethics
- 020010 VO-L Dogmatics 2
- 020013 SE Dogmen- and History of Theology - Christianity - Truth or Error? The radical and still actual critique of Celsus in the second century.
- 020020 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament
- 020021 SE Old Testament Seminar - Unity and Diversity of the Divine
- 020033 SE Seminar in Homiletics (Homiletics II) - Prinzipien und Methoden der Predigtvorbereitung und der Predigtanalyse
- 020037 VO-L Early Christianity: Theology and History
- 020039 SE Church History Seminar - Die Geschichte der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät in Wien
- 020043 SE Church History Seminar - Sepulchral culture and funeral art in early Christianity
- 020046 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - The Situation of Christians in the Middle East
- 020049 SE In-Depth Seminar on New Testament Exegesis
- 090065 VO Stories and histories of scolarly disciplines - ancient studies in Vienna
- 020056 VO Ringvorlesung: Reformation als Herausforderung für die Bildungslandschaft heute
2.01. Protestant Theology
- 370001 PV Privatissimum: Systematic Theology
- 370002 SE Privatissimum
- 370003 SE Research Seminar Religious Education
- 370004 PV Interdisciplinary Kolloquium
- 370005 SE Colloquium: Church History - Actus Petri cum Simone
- 370006 SE Research Seminar Religious Education
2.01. Protestant Theology
- 010081 FS Themes in Old Testament research
- 010086 FS Terminology of Canon Law
2.02. Complementary Study Programme Protestant Theology
Christianity in a Plural Society
- 020006 VO-L STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
- 010110 VO Introduction in Theology I
- 010042 VO Christian Social Ethics II: Ethics in Politics and Economics
- 020032 VO Introduction to Liturgics - Geschichte, Theologie und Konzeption des christlichen Gottesdienstes
- 010027 VO Theodicy
- 010041 VO Ethics II- Introduction into Political Ethics and Social Ethics
The Bible: Book, History, Interpretation
- 020047 UE Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament) - STEOP BA ETF sowie für BA RP, EC und LA Diplomstudium
- 020018 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020040 VO Cultural History of Christianity - History of the Bible
- 010014 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the Old Testament IV
- 010077 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament II - Paul and His Letters
- 010026 VO Fundamental Exegesis New Testament IV: The Catholic Epistels
- 010310 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the Old Testament 2
- 060017 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
The Bible: Book and Text
Module 1: The Bible as a Book
- 020047 UE Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament) - STEOP BA ETF sowie für BA RP, EC und LA Diplomstudium
- 020040 VO Cultural History of Christianity - History of the Bible
- 060017 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
Module 2: The Origination of the Bible
- 020018 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020035 VO-L History of Early Christian Literature
The Bible: History and Interpretation
Module 1: The History of Biblical Times
- 060017 VO+UE History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
Module 2: The Bible
- 010077 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament II - Paul and His Letters
- 010026 VO Fundamental Exegesis New Testament IV: The Catholic Epistels
- 010310 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the Old Testament 2
- 010014 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the Old Testament IV
- 010019 VO Biblical Theology of the Old Testament - Geschlechtermetaphorik und Gottesbeziehung im Alten Testament
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
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