Universität Wien

C. Master Jewish Studies

060035 PV Inspiration und Deduction - Reading Sapiential and Apocalyptic Literature from the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism
060003 VO Teaching and Learning in Judaism, Christendom and Islam - Lernen, Lehren und Wissenschaft in Judentum, Christentum und Islam
060041 PV Hasidic texts
060039 VO Israel in the new Middle East - Zionism after the Arab "Spring" and in confrontation with the Iranian regime
060048 SE Hannah Arendt
060035 PV Inspiration und Deduction - Reading Sapiential and Apocalyptic Literature from the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism
060041 PV Hasidic texts
060003 VO Teaching and Learning in Judaism, Christendom and Islam - Lernen, Lehren und Wissenschaft in Judentum, Christentum und Islam
060005 SE Landscapes of Memory - Places and Cultures of Holocaust Remembrance from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
060075 UE [en] Jewish Vienna and Europe: Past and Present - Sommerkurs zum Wiener Judentum
060039 VO Israel in the new Middle East - Zionism after the Arab "Spring" and in confrontation with the Iranian regime
060041 PV Hasidic texts

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39