Universität Wien

II. Optional Modules

260129 VO [en] Soft matter physics
260058 VO [en] Hydrodynamics
260058 VO [en] Hydrodynamics
260147 SE [de en] Atomic ordering in alloys
260054 SE [de en] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
260054 SE [de en] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
260100 VO [en] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
260129 VO [en] Soft matter physics
260147 SE [de en] Atomic ordering in alloys
260009 VO [en] Research using neutrons and synchrotron radiation - Scientific problems and experimental methods at European large scale facilities: Basics and selected applications
260033 SE Recent topics of materials physics - (Electron microscopical studies)
260100 VO [en] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
260129 VO [en] Soft matter physics
260122 VO [en] Complex Quantum Systems Summerschool - Lectures by international guests with exams by Markus Aspelmeyer
260138 SE [en] Quantum Foundations - (Journal Club)
260159 VO [en] Quantum Information II
260358 SE [en] Quantum Optomechanics
260004 VO [en] Particle Physics II
260058 VO [en] Hydrodynamics
260058 VO [en] Hydrodynamics
260100 VO [en] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
260169 VO [en] Complex Systems II - Applications
260170 UE [en] Exercises to Complex Systems II - Applications
260296 VO Physics of sailing - The true mechanisms of sailing
260100 VO [en] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
260296 VO Physics of sailing - The true mechanisms of sailing
260291 PR Laboratory Aerosolphysics - for advanced students
260005 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics: Advanced Materials - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
260079 PR Laboratory course - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
260129 VO [en] Soft matter physics
260009 VO [en] Research using neutrons and synchrotron radiation - Scientific problems and experimental methods at European large scale facilities: Basics and selected applications
260033 SE Recent topics of materials physics - (Electron microscopical studies)
260054 SE [de en] Seminar - low dimensional solids - synthesis, characterization and device applications
260076 VO [de en] Physics of molecular Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene - The beauty of instabilities and the influence of basic correlation effects on the properties of molecular nanostructures such as fullerenes, nanotubes und graphene as well as implications on their application potential
260147 SE [de en] Atomic ordering in alloys
260377 SE [en] Seminar in low dimensional quantum solids - Seminar on new results on the properties of low dimensional quantum solids such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene, high temperature superconductors and optoelectronic materials as well as implications on their application potential
260122 VO [en] Complex Quantum Systems Summerschool - Lectures by international guests with exams by Markus Aspelmeyer
260138 SE [en] Quantum Foundations - (Journal Club)
260159 VO [en] Quantum Information II
260213 SE [en] Quantum Optics Seminar - The Seminar consists of a series of talks, given by mainly international guests.
260358 SE [en] Quantum Optomechanics
260023 VO Physics of the earth - Structure and physical properties of the earth
260076 VO [de en] Physics of molecular Nanostructures: Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene - The beauty of instabilities and the influence of basic correlation effects on the properties of molecular nanostructures such as fullerenes, nanotubes und graphene as well as implications on their application potential
260129 VO [en] Soft matter physics
260147 SE [de en] Atomic ordering in alloys
260377 SE [en] Seminar in low dimensional quantum solids - Seminar on new results on the properties of low dimensional quantum solids such as fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene, high temperature superconductors and optoelectronic materials as well as implications on their application potential
260004 VO [en] Particle Physics II
260148 PR Specialization Module Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Supervision of master theses in the framework of subatomic physics, experimental work on international accelerator centres: CERN-AD, Geneva, Switzerland; GSI, Darmstadt, Germany; J-PARC, Tokai, Japa and DAFNE, Frascati, Italy. (Additional information on SMI-homepage: www.oeaw.ac.at/smi)
260032 PR Specialization Module Condensed Matter Physics - Electronic properties of condensed matter
260165 PR Specialization Module Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information - Introduction to the work methods of experimental and theoretical quantum physics - Preparation towards the masterthesis
260032 PR Specialization Module Condensed Matter Physics - Electronic properties of condensed matter

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39