Directorate of Studies 17 - Theatre, Film and Media Studies
17.01. Theatre, Film and Media Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Theatre, Film and Media Studies
BA 1 Required Modules STEOP
BA 1.1. Orientation Period
1.1.1. STEOP 1 Introduction to Theatre, Film and Media Studies
1.1.2. STEOP 2 Forms of Theatre and Media Staging, Lecture
BA 2 Group of Required Modules Advanced Courses
BA 2.1. Advanced Module Scientific Writing
2.1.1. Techniques of Scientific Writing, Practical Courses
- 170110 UE Practical Course "Techniques of Scientific Work"
- 170111 UE Practical Course "Techniques of Scientific Work"
- 170112 UE Practical Course "Techniques of Scientific Work"
2.1.2. Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills, Practical Courses
- 170113 UE Exercise Course Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills
- 170114 UE Exercise Course Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills
- 170115 UE Exercise Course Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills
BA 2.2. Advanced Module Analysis
2.2.1. Performance and Staging Analysis, Practical Courses
- 170120 UE Practical Course "Performance and Staging Analysis" - Lesarten. Zur Rezeption der Opern Giuseppe Verdis
- 170121 UE Practical Course "Performance and Staging Analysis" - current performances
- 170127 UE Practical Course "Performance and Staging Analysis" - Lesarten. Zur Rezeption der Opern Giuseppe Verdis
2.2.2. Film Analysis, Practical Courses
- 170122 UE Practical Course "Film Analysis"
- 170123 UE Practical Course "Film Analysis"
2.2.3. Media Analysis, Practical Courses
- 170124 UE Practical Course "Media Analysis" - Medien der Immersion
- 170125 UE Practical Course "Media Analysis" - The revolution of visual narratives. TV-Series in the millenium
- 170126 UE Practical Course "Media Analysis" - Ästhetiken des Unbestimmten: Der "Prekaritätsfilm" der nuller Jahre
BA 2.3. Advanced Module Theory
2.3.1. Theatre Theory, Introductory Seminars
- 170130 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre Theory"
- 170131 PS Introductory Seminar Theatre Theory
2.3.2. Film Theory, Introductory Seminars
- 170132 PS Introductory Seminar "Film Theory"
- 170133 PS Introductory Seminar Film Theory - Liberated similarity. Theories of cinematic realism
- 170137 PS Introductory Seminar "Film Theory"
2.3.3. Media Theory, Introductory Seminars
- 170134 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - Gestures: From Expression to Interaction
- 170135 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory"
- 170136 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - Bild - Medien - Öffentlichkeit
BA 3 Group of Required Modules Specialisation
BA 3.1. Specialisation Module Body, Staging, Interaction
3.1.1. Concepts and Techniques of Acting, Introductory Seminars
- 170210 PS Introductory Seminar Concepts and Techniques of Acting - Theories on Acting
- 170211 PS Introductory Seminar "Concepts and Techniques of Acting" - Schau/Spiel
3.1.2. Body Practices and Gender Presentations, Practical Courses
- 170212 UE Exercise Course Body Practices and Gender Presentations - sex, performance, politics
- 170213 UE Exercise Course Body Practices and Gender Presentations - Queering Performance and Politics: Gendersubversion with Humor
BA 3.2. Specialisation Module Narrative Orders
3.2.1. Narrativity in Theatre, Film and Media, Introductory Seminars
- 170220 PS Introductory Seminar Narrativity in Theatre, Film and Media - Narrative Techniques in Visual Media
- 170221 PS Introductory Seminar Narrativity in Theatre, Film and Media - Practical Course: Serial Storytelling on TV
3.2.2. Media Transitions, Practical Courses
- 170222 UE Practical Course "Media Transitions" - Transmedia Storytelling
- 170224 UE Practical Course "Media Transitions" - Film music and its context
BA 3.3. Specialisation Module Space Productions
3.3.1. Theatre and Media Spaces, Introductory Seminars
- 170230 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Zwischen/Räume
- 170231 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Discourses of the Public Sphere and Performance
- 170232 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Location Based Games
3.3.2. Staged Spaces, Practical Courses
- 170233 UE Practical Course "Staged Spaces" - Astro-Nautics - Stagings between Seafaring and Space Travel
- 170234 UE Practical Course "Staged Spaces" - Denk- und Bildräume in der Medienkunst
- 170235 UE Practical Course "Staged Spaces" - Mediality of Space: Concepts, Theories, and Models
BA 4 Group of Required Modules History of Theatre, Film and Media
BA 4.1. Required Module I
4.1.1. History of Theatre, Lectures
- 170300 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Das Theater als Teil der antiken städtischen Kultur
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Comici und Commedia. Transformationen der Improvisationskomödie
4.1.2. History of Film, Lectures
- 170310 VO Lecture on the History of Film - Geschichte des amerikanischen Films
4.1.3. History of Media, Lectures
- 170320 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Alltag, Ereignis und Affekt: Einführung in die Geschichte einer Ökologie der Medien
4.1.4. Discussion Course on the History of Theatre, Film and Media
- 170330 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Film - History of American Film
- 170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Media
BA 4.2. Required Module II
4.2.1. History of Theatre, Film and Media, Lectures
- 100019 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Das Nachleben der Antike in Literatur, Oper, Film und Kunst im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- 170400 VO Jewish Teatre and Film
BA 5 Group of Elective Supplementary Modules
BA 5.1. Supplementary Module Theory and Aesthetics
- 010098 SE Religion in the Media - Media Religion
- 170500 UE Audiovisual Film Studies - Production of an analytical Video-Essay
- 170502 UE Eurovision Song Contest
- 170503 VU How we remember as society - Theater as a medium in the memory process of societies
- 170504 VU Destructiveness in Films and TV-Series
- 170505 VU Traces in the Unknown
- 170506 VU The Internet of Things
- 170507 UE Aesthetics of absence - The (music-)theatre works of Heiner Goebbels
- 170508 VU Highlights of the French theater of the 20th century - starting from Eugène Ionesco and Samuel Beckett
- 170509 UE Philosophy of Film: Cavell / Deleuze / Frampton
- 170510 UE Art in Research - Wissenschaftliches Forschen und/als künstlerisches Forschen
BA 5.2. Supplementary Module History
- 170511 UE International filmpolitics between 1950 and 1970
- 170512 UE Film and Melodrama
- 170513 UE Italian Genre Film of the 1960s and 1970s
- 170514 VU Pariser Theater im 17. Jahrhundert
- 170515 UE play with the events - theatre of travelling troupes in the 17th century
- 170516 UE History of war photography
- 170517 UE Financial Crisis and Popular Theatre in the 19th century
- 170518 UE Documentary Film as Speculation
BA 5.3. Supplementary Module Technique
- 170520 UE Documentary Lab: Theory and Praxis of - Der "performative Dokumentarfilm" in Theorie und Praxis
- 170522 UE Stage Photography
- 170523 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 1 - Drehbuch
BA 5.4. Supplementary Module Organisation and Law
- 170530 UE Music Theatre Management
- 170531 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
- 170532 UE Cultural Management in Practice and Theory
- 170533 UE Mentoring
BA 5.5. Supplementary Module Fields of Practice and Communication
- 170540 UE Film Curatorship II - Film begets Film
- 170541 UE Excursion to Crossing Europe Filmfestival, Linz 23.-28.4.2015
- 170542 UE contemporary theater forms in the vienna theater landscape
- 170543 UE Applied Theatre with people with special needs
- 170545 UE Film Festival 2015
- 170546 UE contemporary austrian documentary film- (Diagonale 2015)
- 170547 UE Pop and Opera - Contradiction or synthesis?
BA 5.6. Supplementary Module Gender
- 100235 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 170550 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos
- 170551 UE Tricky Women International Animation Filmfestival
- 170552 UE Gender Film 2.0
BA 5.7. Supplementary Module Global Perspectives
- 124071 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - The Construction (and Reconstruction) of the United States of America
- 140314 VO+UE Spreading News in South Africa: A Short History of 19th and 20th Century Media - Eine kleine Mediengeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
- 170560 UE Perspectives on a Country in Crisis in Spanish Documentary Cinema after 2008 - Heterodocse Filmproduktion in Spanien seit 2008
- 170561 UE War and Conflict in Film on Three Continents
- 170562 VU (Anti-)Colonialism, Exotism and Modernity
- 170563 VU Performativity of borders - Zu Performativität von Grenzen
B. Master Degree Programmes History of Theatre, Film and Media
MA (G) 1 Group of Required Modules, Lectures
MA (G) 1.1. Lectures I
- 170300 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Das Theater als Teil der antiken städtischen Kultur
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Comici und Commedia. Transformationen der Improvisationskomödie
- 170310 VO Lecture on the History of Film - Geschichte des amerikanischen Films
- 170320 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Alltag, Ereignis und Affekt: Einführung in die Geschichte einer Ökologie der Medien
- 170330 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Film - History of American Film
- 170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Media
MA (G) 1.2. Lectures II
- 100019 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Das Nachleben der Antike in Literatur, Oper, Film und Kunst im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- 170400 VO Jewish Teatre and Film
MA (G) 2 Group of Required Modules, Seminars
MA (G) 2.1. Archive and Historiography
- 100236 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 170600 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Hybride des Animations- und Realfilms
- 170601 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Molière und Marivaux
- 170602 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Die Ufer der Schrift. Präfigurationen für ein Gedächtnis des Films
MA (G) 2.2. Presence of History
- 170610 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - The Politics of Bewitchment. Joseph Losey, Nicholas Ray and Orson Welles between Hollywood and Europe
- 170611 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - Strategies of re-presentation of the past in movies
- 170612 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - Reception of the Antigone
MA (G) 2.3. Fractures of Modernity
- 170620 SE Breaking Points of Modernism - Taktile Medien
- 170621 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Theatre of man, theatre of animals. Stagings of the relation between animal and man
- 170622 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Un certain regard jeune - or from "Breathless" to "Weekend"
MA (G) 3 Group of Elective Supplementary Modules
MA (G) 3.1. Theory und Aesthetics
- 010098 SE Religion in the Media - Media Religion
- 170500 UE Audiovisual Film Studies - Production of an analytical Video-Essay
- 170502 UE Eurovision Song Contest
- 170503 VU How we remember as society - Theater as a medium in the memory process of societies
- 170504 VU Destructiveness in Films and TV-Series
- 170505 VU Traces in the Unknown
- 170506 VU The Internet of Things
- 170507 UE Aesthetics of absence - The (music-)theatre works of Heiner Goebbels
- 170508 VU Highlights of the French theater of the 20th century - starting from Eugène Ionesco and Samuel Beckett
- 170509 UE Philosophy of Film: Cavell / Deleuze / Frampton
- 170510 UE Art in Research - Wissenschaftliches Forschen und/als künstlerisches Forschen
MA (G) 3.2. History
- 170511 UE International filmpolitics between 1950 and 1970
- 170512 UE Film and Melodrama
- 170513 UE Italian Genre Film of the 1960s and 1970s
- 170514 VU Pariser Theater im 17. Jahrhundert
- 170515 UE play with the events - theatre of travelling troupes in the 17th century
- 170516 UE History of war photography
- 170517 UE Financial Crisis and Popular Theatre in the 19th century
- 170518 UE Documentary Film as Speculation
MA (G) 3.3. Technique
- 170520 UE Documentary Lab: Theory and Praxis of - Der "performative Dokumentarfilm" in Theorie und Praxis
- 170522 UE Stage Photography
- 170523 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 1 - Drehbuch
MA (G) 3.4. Organisation and Law
- 170530 UE Music Theatre Management
- 170531 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
- 170532 UE Cultural Management in Practice and Theory
- 170533 UE Mentoring
MA (G) 3.5. Fields of Practice and Communication
- 170540 UE Film Curatorship II - Film begets Film
- 170541 UE Excursion to Crossing Europe Filmfestival, Linz 23.-28.4.2015
- 170542 UE contemporary theater forms in the vienna theater landscape
- 170543 UE Applied Theatre with people with special needs
- 170545 UE Film Festival 2015
- 170546 UE contemporary austrian documentary film- (Diagonale 2015)
- 170547 UE Pop and Opera - Contradiction or synthesis?
MA (G) 3.6. Gender
- 100235 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 170550 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos
- 170551 UE Tricky Women International Animation Filmfestival
- 170552 UE Gender Film 2.0
MA (G) 3.7. Global Perspectives
- 124071 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - The Construction (and Reconstruction) of the United States of America
- 140314 VO+UE Spreading News in South Africa: A Short History of 19th and 20th Century Media - Eine kleine Mediengeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
- 170560 UE Perspectives on a Country in Crisis in Spanish Documentary Cinema after 2008 - Heterodocse Filmproduktion in Spanien seit 2008
- 170561 UE War and Conflict in Film on Three Continents
- 170562 VU (Anti-)Colonialism, Exotism and Modernity
- 170563 VU Performativity of borders - Zu Performativität von Grenzen
MA (G) 4 Work Module
MA (G) 4.1. Master-Thesis Presentation
- 170700 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170701 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170702 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170703 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170704 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170705 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170706 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
MA (G) 4.2. Privatissimum
C. Master Degree Programmes Theory of Theatre, Film and Media
MA (T) 1 Group of Required Modules, Lectures
MA (T) 1.1. Lectures I
- 170300 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Das Theater als Teil der antiken städtischen Kultur
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Comici und Commedia. Transformationen der Improvisationskomödie
- 170310 VO Lecture on the History of Film - Geschichte des amerikanischen Films
- 170320 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Alltag, Ereignis und Affekt: Einführung in die Geschichte einer Ökologie der Medien
- 170330 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Film - History of American Film
- 170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Media
MA (T) 1.2. Lectures II
- 100019 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Das Nachleben der Antike in Literatur, Oper, Film und Kunst im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- 170400 VO Jewish Teatre and Film
MA (T) 2 Group of Required Modules, Seminars
MA (T) 2.1. Aesthetics and Poetics
- 170651 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Katharsis
- 170652 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Festwochencampus
- 170653 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Affektfernsehen - Methoden einer empirischen Medienwissenschaft
- 170654 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Politik - Ästhetik - Geschichte: Jacques Rancière und die Medienwissenschaft
MA (T) 2.2. Circulations of the Political
- 170660 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Ästhetik des Politischen - Politik des Ästhetischen. Von den Avantgarden zur Gegenwart
- 170662 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Spurensicherung: Feuer und Asche in der Performancekunst
- 170663 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - What is critique?
MA (T) 2.3. Negotiations of the Subject
- 170670 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Bildpolitik im Essayfilm
- 170671 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Hitchcock:Zizek=Lacan?
- 170674 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Comedic Figurations
MA (T) 3 Group of Elective Supplementary Modules
MA (T) 3.1. Theory and Aesthetics
- 010098 SE Religion in the Media - Media Religion
- 170500 UE Audiovisual Film Studies - Production of an analytical Video-Essay
- 170502 UE Eurovision Song Contest
- 170503 VU How we remember as society - Theater as a medium in the memory process of societies
- 170504 VU Destructiveness in Films and TV-Series
- 170505 VU Traces in the Unknown
- 170506 VU The Internet of Things
- 170507 UE Aesthetics of absence - The (music-)theatre works of Heiner Goebbels
- 170508 VU Highlights of the French theater of the 20th century - starting from Eugène Ionesco and Samuel Beckett
- 170509 UE Philosophy of Film: Cavell / Deleuze / Frampton
- 170510 UE Art in Research - Wissenschaftliches Forschen und/als künstlerisches Forschen
MA (T) 3.2. History
- 170511 UE International filmpolitics between 1950 and 1970
- 170512 UE Film and Melodrama
- 170513 UE Italian Genre Film of the 1960s and 1970s
- 170514 VU Pariser Theater im 17. Jahrhundert
- 170515 UE play with the events - theatre of travelling troupes in the 17th century
- 170516 UE History of war photography
- 170517 UE Financial Crisis and Popular Theatre in the 19th century
- 170518 UE Documentary Film as Speculation
MA (T) 3.3. Technique
- 170520 UE Documentary Lab: Theory and Praxis of - Der "performative Dokumentarfilm" in Theorie und Praxis
- 170522 UE Stage Photography
- 170523 UE Scientific and artistical works with audio-visual material 1 - Drehbuch
MA (T) 3.4. Organisation and Law
- 170530 UE Music Theatre Management
- 170531 UE Media Industry Studies - Kultur- und medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Medienökonomie
- 170532 UE Cultural Management in Practice and Theory
- 170533 UE Mentoring
MA (T) 3.5. Fields of Practice and Communication
- 170540 UE Film Curatorship II - Film begets Film
- 170541 UE Excursion to Crossing Europe Filmfestival, Linz 23.-28.4.2015
- 170542 UE contemporary theater forms in the vienna theater landscape
- 170543 UE Applied Theatre with people with special needs
- 170545 UE Film Festival 2015
- 170546 UE contemporary austrian documentary film- (Diagonale 2015)
- 170547 UE Pop and Opera - Contradiction or synthesis?
MA (T) 3.6. Gender
- 100235 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 170550 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos
- 170551 UE Tricky Women International Animation Filmfestival
- 170552 UE Gender Film 2.0
MA (T) 3.7. Global Perspectives
- 124071 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - The Construction (and Reconstruction) of the United States of America
- 140314 VO+UE Spreading News in South Africa: A Short History of 19th and 20th Century Media - Eine kleine Mediengeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
- 170560 UE Perspectives on a Country in Crisis in Spanish Documentary Cinema after 2008 - Heterodocse Filmproduktion in Spanien seit 2008
- 170561 UE War and Conflict in Film on Three Continents
- 170562 VU (Anti-)Colonialism, Exotism and Modernity
- 170563 VU Performativity of borders - Zu Performativität von Grenzen
MA (T) 4 Work Module
MA (T) 4.1. Master-Thesis Presentation
- 170700 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170701 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170702 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170703 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170704 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170705 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170706 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
MA (T) 4.2. Privatissimum
D. Director of Studies' Suggestions
- 160058 PR Florian Gassmann 'Gli uccellatori'
- 340256 UE [ ja ] Translation of Functional Texts: Japanese - (Projekte)
17.02 Doctoral Programme Philosophy: Dissertation Subject Area Theatre, Film, and Media Studies
- 170600 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Hybride des Animations- und Realfilms
- 170601 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Molière und Marivaux
- 170602 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Die Ufer der Schrift. Präfigurationen für ein Gedächtnis des Films
- 170610 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - The Politics of Bewitchment. Joseph Losey, Nicholas Ray and Orson Welles between Hollywood and Europe
- 170611 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - Strategies of re-presentation of the past in movies
- 170612 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - Reception of the Antigone
- 170620 SE Breaking Points of Modernism - Taktile Medien
- 170621 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Theatre of man, theatre of animals. Stagings of the relation between animal and man
- 170622 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Un certain regard jeune - or from "Breathless" to "Weekend"
- 170651 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Katharsis
- 170652 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Festwochencampus
- 170653 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Affektfernsehen - Methoden einer empirischen Medienwissenschaft
- 170654 SE Seminar: Aesthetics and Poetics - Politik - Ästhetik - Geschichte: Jacques Rancière und die Medienwissenschaft
- 170660 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Ästhetik des Politischen - Politik des Ästhetischen. Von den Avantgarden zur Gegenwart
- 170662 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - Spurensicherung: Feuer und Asche in der Performancekunst
- 170663 SE Seminar: Circulations of the Political - What is critique?
- 170670 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Bildpolitik im Essayfilm
- 170671 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Hitchcock:Zizek=Lacan?
- 170674 SE Seminar: Negotiations of the Subject - Comedic Figurations
- 170700 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170701 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170702 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170703 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170704 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170705 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170706 SE Master-Thesis Presentation - Masterarbeitsübung
- 170800 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 170810 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 170820 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 170830 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 170840 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
17.03. Complementary Study Programme: Media Aesthetics in Everyday Life
Medienästhetik im Alltagseinsatz - Vorlesungen
- 170993 VO Image and Word Combinations in History and Theory
- 170994 VO Development of Media and Forms of Communication
Medienästhetik im Alltagseinsatz - Übungen
- 170995 UE media aesthetics in every day use
- 170996 UE media aesthetics in every day use
- 170997 UE media aesthetics in every day use
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39