Universität Wien

BAK9 to BAK16 - Alternative Required Modules: Specialisation Modules

Jede Spezialisierungsvorlesung wird nur einmal im Studienjahr (entweder im SoSe oder im WiSe) angeboten.

210055 VO BAK 9 VO Theories of Society - Rechtsextremismus als Feld politikwissenschaftlicher Forschung
210056 SE BAK9 SE Social movements and social media - Soziale Bewegungen und Demokratie: Zur Rolle von neuen Technologien in aktuellen politischen Protesten
210057 SE BAK9 SE Political Theories and Research on Theories - Introduction to Postcolonial Studies and Exhibition Practies
210058 SE BAK9 SE Political Theories and Research on Theories - Gramsci at the Margins
210059 SE BAK9 SE Political Theories and Research on Theories - Failes States - Causes and Consequences
210060 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - International Political Ecology of Land
210061 VO BAK 10: VO Introduction to International Politics - Theories of International Relations
210062 SE BAK10: SE International Politics and Development - Populism and neo-populism in Latin America
210063 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - International Political Economy of Cities
210064 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - International Political Economy of Trade. TTIP in the Context of the Economic Crisis
210164 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development - Einführung in die Internationale Politische Ökonomie
210065 SE [en] BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - Minority issue in the EU(engl.)
210066 SE [en] BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - Understanding EU Enlargements
210067 SE [en] BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - The EU and Global Governance
210068 SE BAK11 SE European Union and Europeanisation - Hybrid Forms of Governance in the Multi-Level System of the EU: Effective and Democratic?
210069 SE BAK12 SE Austrian Politics - Austrian Security and Defence Policy in a Changing International Environment
210070 SE BAK12 SE Austrian Politics - Denazifiction in Austria
210071 SE BAK12 SE Austrian Politics - Das österreichische Parteiensystem: Seminar aus österreichischer Politik
210072 SE BAK12 SE Austrian Politics - Politics of Religion in Austria
210073 VO BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Policy Analysis (Government and Governance)
210074 SE [en] BAK13 SE State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Research and Innovation Policies (engl.)
210075 SE [en] BAK13 SE State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Political Economy of European Integration: Current lessons from past crises
210076 SE BAK13 SE State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Coming to Terms with the Past: The Politics of Historic Justice and Memory in Europe.
210171 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses - Comparative analysis of democratic systems
210077 SE BAK14 Gender and Politics - critical - feminist - queer
210078 SE BAK14 SE Gender and Politics - Gender in the Media: construction of meaning & lines of discourses
210079 VO BAK15 East European Studies - Introduction to transition research
210080 SE BAK15 SE: East European Studies - Democracy and democratic innovation in post-socialist Eastern Europe
210081 SE BAK15 SE: East European Studies - Protests in Flux - Social Movements in Transition Countries of East and Southeast Europe
210082 SE BAK15 SE: East European Studies - Forms of post-Soviet rule in the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia
210083 VO BAK16 VO: Culture and Politics - Political culture in the late Habsburg monarchy and the roads to World War I
210084 SE BAK16 SE: Culture and Politics - Nation and Nationalism
210085 SE BAK16 SE: Culture and Politics - Politics and visual culture in popular music
210086 SE BAK16 SE: Culture and Politics - Measuring the territory between public and private sphere
210165 SE BAK16 SE: Culture and Politics - Political Photography

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39