3.2 Application-Oriented Fields of Research
Die Module werden alle drei Semester angeboten.
3.2.1 Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240034 VO Anthropological Concepts and Conflict Prevention for Intercultural Projects (3.2.1)
- 240035 VO Activist Research with Indigenous Peoples in Latin America (3.2.1)
- 240036 VS Diversity, Housing and Neighborhood (3.2.1) - Theoretical debates and possible fields of work for Anthropologists
- 240037 VS Anthropology of the asylum regime in Austria and EUrope (3.2.1, 3.2.2)
- 240038 VS Applied Anthropology in Intercultural Educational Settings - kultur- und sozialanthropologische Forschungsbereiche
3.2.2 Migration - Integration - Asylum
3.2.3 Anthropology and Development Cooperation
3.2.4 Museum and Educational Work
3.2.5 Medical Anthropology - Body Awareness - Transculturality
3.2.6 Visual Anthropology
- 240040 VO Indigenous Media and Visual Anthropology (3.2.6)
- 240041 VS Visual Representations of Orientalism and Exotism (3.2.6)
- 240042 VS Media and visual anthropology's perspectives on comic books, bande dessinée and manga (3.2.6) - Comics und andere Bildgeschichten aus der Perspektive der visuellen Anthropologie/Medienanthropologie betrachtet
- 240043 VS [ en ] Anthropological Perspectives on Film: Text, Context and Ethnographic Field (3.2.6)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39