1. Mandatory modules
Introduction to Astronomy II
- 280425 VO Introduction to Astronomy II (NPI)
- 280426 UE Introduction to Astronomy II (PI)
Introduction to astronomy III
Astronomical Laboratory Exercises for Beginners
Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers I
Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers II
- 280432 VO Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers II (NPI)
- 280433 UE Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers II (PI)
Numerical methods in astronomy
- 280434 VO Numerical methods in astronomy (NPI)
- 280435 UE Numerical methods in astronomy (PI)
Introduction to physics II
Introduction to physics III
Analysis for physicists I
Analysis for physicists II
Linear algebra for physicists
Astrophysics I
Astronomical instruments I
History of science/philosophy of science/philosophy
Practical observations
- 280451 PR Practical observations, part II (PI)
Seminar: topics of the current astronomical research
Astronomical bachelorseminar (incl. Bachelor thesis)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39