40 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Social Sciences
Das Doktoratsstudium ist mit Oktober 2009 in Kraft getreten: Curriculum für das Doktoratsstudium der Sozialwissenschaften
1. Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
1. Forschungskolloquium /DissertantInnenseminar
- 400012 FK [ en ] Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Environment, Mobility, Technology
- 400013 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Environment, Mobility, Technolgy
- 400015 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Internationale Politische Ökonomie: (Neo-) gramscianische Perspektiven
- 400016 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Demokratie als moderne Utopie? Aktuelle Debatten über gefährdete Demokratien und stabile autoritäre Regime in Osteuropa
- 400017 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
1.1. Forschungskolloquium: Empfohlene Lehrveranstaltungen anderer Studienprogrammleitungen
- 010050 FS Secular and Religious Human Rights Concepts between Universalismus und Particularism
- 040106 SE Conversatorium for Master Candidates
- 230152 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Doctoral Students in Social Studies of Science
- 230153 FK Nursing Science
- 350584 SE MA2I - Specialization Course Master Thesis
- 410005 SE Kolloquium Feminist Theories
2. Methoden
- 400001 SE [ en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Design and Analysis of Surveys
- 400002 SE [ en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Experimental Designs and Analysis of Experimental Data
- 400003 SE [ en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Applied Bayesian Statistics for Social Scientists
- 400004 SE [ de en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Qualitative Interviews
- 400005 SE SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Ethnographic Methods
- 400018 SE [ en ] SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Conceptualising and Analysing the Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand
2.1. Methoden: Empfohlene Lehrveranstaltungen anderer Studienprogrammleitungen
- 230097 SE Group dynamics
- 230161 SE Dissertation Seminar - Vulnerability in the Context of Research Ethics
- 240072 SE Introduction to network analysis (P1)
- 240073 SE Chances and limits of comparison (P1)
3. Theorie
- 400006 SE [ en ] SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - Theories of Politcal Representation and Empirical Application
- 400007 SE [ en ] SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - EU-Theorie
- 400008 SE [ en ] SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - New Developments in Modelling Party Competition
- 400009 SE [ de en ] SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - Migration and Social Theory
- 400010 SE SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - Aktuelle Gesellschaftstheorien und ihre politikwissenschaftliche Relevanz
- 400014 SE [ en ] SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - Epistemology and Ethics in Media and Cultural Governance
3.1. Theorie: Empfohlene Lehrveranstaltungen anderer Studienprogrammleitungen
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39