Universität Wien

Final Stage

480082 SE Standardization of Slavic languages - B.A. Seminar on Linguistics
480083 SE Language levels and their description - B.A. Seminar on Linguistics Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
480144 SE Slavia Orthodoxa - BA Seminar on Linguistics Russian and Ukrainian
480066 SE World War in the Polish and Ukrainian Literature - B.A. Seminar on Polish, Ukrainian Literature
480085 SE The reception of German works in Russia - Seminar on Russian Literature
480087 SE After Catastrophes: Literature and the Work of Mourning - B.A. Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
480089 SE Lyric Tendencies in Slovak an Czech Prose in the First Half of the 20th Century - B.A. Seminar on Czech and Slovak Literature
480091 SE Contemporary Literary Theories: Introduction and Application - B.A. Seminar on Slovene Literature
480130 SE Russian and Ukrainian Poetry (20th Century) - BA-Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39