B. Master Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
Module 1: Literary Cross-Currents
- 130124 SE MA seminar: Orders of Knowledge. The Epistemology of Comparative Literature - What does comparatism want, know and do?
- 130125 SE MA-Seminar: The Spanish theatre between el desastre (1898) and la guerra civil (1936) - (1936)
- 130136 SE Beatrice and Vergil: Postmodern holocaust literature and her pretexts
- 130129 KO KO: Contemporary drama II
- 100236 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 130139 SE MA seminar: Foreign bodies: Animal characters in literature - and the experience of cultural otherness
Module 2: Social History of Literature/Literature and Media
- 130126 SE Master Seminar: Literature and Society
- 130136 SE Beatrice and Vergil: Postmodern holocaust literature and her pretexts
- 130134 KO Digital Humanities. Key concepts, projects, perspectives
- 130132 KO KO: LANGUAGE Poetry and the work of Rosmarie Waldrop
- 100235 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 130017 SE Cultural Activities of Hungarian Migrants in Austria in the 20th Century
Module 3: In-Depth Studies Module
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
Module 4: Final Module
- 130127 MA Master Seminar
- 420008 SE Forms of artistic metareference
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:16