1.07. Master Degree Programme in Study of Religions
1. Required Modules
M01: Key Issues in the History of Religion
1. Judaism
- 010216 VO History of Israel in Old Testament times
- 060002 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Medieval Period 1
- 060007 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction in Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today
- 060013 VO Introduction to Kabbala and Jewish Magic
- 060024 VO The Jewish Wars - The Jewish Rebellions against the Roman Empire
2. Christianity
- 010006 VO Basic Course Church History I - The first christian millenium
- 010013 VO Church History - Part I - The Origins of the Church and its Growth in Antiquity
- 010027 VO Basic Course Patrology
3. Islam
- 140011 VO Introduction into Modern Islamic Religious Discussions
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
4. Religions of Indian Origin
- 140194 VO [ en ] Negation in the Philosophical Theories and Spiritual Methods of Buddhism
- 140263 VO Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism
5. East-Asian Religions
- 150014 VO Religion in Japan
6. Historical Religions
- 010216 VO History of Israel in Old Testament times
- 060053 VO ( STEOP ) Religion of Ancient Egypt I
- 140060 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Topgraphy and Archaeology of Ancient Sudan
7. Others
- 010063 VO Alternative Forms of Religion from the 19th Century to the Present
- 010324 VO African Religions
- 140219 VO Christianisation and Colonial Transformation in 19th- Century African Societies
M02: Special Courses in History of Religion
1. Judaism
- 060003 SE Moses in rabbinic tradition
- 060009 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Rabbinic Period 2 - Die Midraschim; Mischna und Talmud: Eine Einführung in die Literatur mit Textbeispielen (in Übersetzungen).
- 060031 VO History, Culture, Literature and Religion in the Antique Period 2
- 490117 SE M6: Interreligious and Intercultural Learning - Einführung in die jüdische Theologie
2. Christianity
- 010059 FS The Development of Papal Primacy
- 020036 SE Church History Seminar - The Cemetery
- 020038 SE Church History Seminar - The Confessions of Augustine
- 020039 SE Advanced Seminar Church History - New Perspectives in Patristics
3. Islam
- 020004 SE Oman- Religious Tolerance, Cultural Diversity and Economic Prosperity in the Golf Region - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 070266 SE Seminar (PM4) - Europe and the Islamic World in the first Millennium
- 140013 SE Modern Religious Discussions in Islam
- 140015 SE Islam in Europe
- 140042 UE Media Islam
4. Religions of Indian Origin
- 140153 PS Introduction to the Terminology of the Epistemological Tradition of Buddhism - (Sanskrit and Tibetan)
- 140176 UE Readings in Ritual Prescriptions: The Sandhya-Ritual
- 140345 PS The Old Indian Drama as a Synthesis of the Arts - Fundamental Notions from Bharata's Natyasastra
- 140371 UE The Doctrine of God in Classical Yoga
5. East-Asian Religions
6. Historical Religions
- 090049 SE Temples and Sanctuaries in Roman North Africa
- 090053 SE Images of Sacrifice in Antiquity and Early Christianity
7. Others
- 490112 SE M2: Everyday Life in Islam
M03: Comparative Systematic Study of Religions
- 010004 VO Religion, Transformation and Gender/Sex
- 010087 VO Dying, Death and Mourning in Religions
M04: Applied Systematics
- 010107 SE Otherworld Journeys
- 020005 SE [ en ] Religious Diversity as a new challenge for state, institutions, religious communities - and academic research in Europe - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
M05: Religion and Society
M06: Psychology of Religion
- 010055 VO Psychology of Religion
M07: Additional Subject Areas
1. Missiology, Theology of Religion
2. Political Dimensions of Religions
3. Didactics of Religions
4. Aesthetics of Religions
- 080063 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Iconography
5. Anthropology of Religion
- 010324 VO African Religions
6. Philosophy of Religion
7. Law of Religions
- 010019 VO Basic Course Canon Law I
M08: Reading Course: Sacred Texts
- 010018 PS Exegetical methods
- 010069 KO Ecclesiatical Latin II
- 060082 UE Hieroglyphic Texts I
- 140153 PS Introduction to the Terminology of the Epistemological Tradition of Buddhism - (Sanskrit and Tibetan)
- 140176 UE Readings in Ritual Prescriptions: The Sandhya-Ritual
- 140185 SE Shamanistic Speech in the Himalaya
M09: Recent Research Approaches
- 010100 SE Modern Yoga Research - The Historical Development and Typology of Modern Forms of Yoga
M10: Applied Study of Religions
- 010100 SE Modern Yoga Research - The Historical Development and Typology of Modern Forms of Yoga
- 010107 SE Otherworld Journeys
- 020003 EX [ en ] Excursion - Excursion to the Sulatanat of Oman
- 140211 EX The Tibetan New Year Festival in Kathmandu
- 010073 SE Current Challenges in the interreligious Dialogue: Jews Christians Muslims
2. Elective Modules
M12: Relevant Source Language
- 010069 KO Ecclesiatical Latin II
M13: Advanced Source Language
- 010069 KO Ecclesiatical Latin II
M14: Thesis Supervision
M15: Specialisation: History of Religion
- 490112 SE M2: Everyday Life in Islam
M16: Specialisation: Systematics
- 020023 SE Seminar: Ethics - Medizin, Ethik und Religion in Christentum und Islam
M17: Specialisation: Methods of Empirical Research
- 010100 SE Modern Yoga Research - The Historical Development and Typology of Modern Forms of Yoga
- 080024 PS B310 Ethnographic Research
M18: Advanced History of Religion
- 490112 SE M2: Everyday Life in Islam
M19: Advanced Methodology
M20: Advanced Systematics
M21: Advanced Subject Area
- 010035 VU Theory of Religious Education - General subject didactics
- 010051 FS Giorgio Agamben. Homo sacer
- 010072 FS Religious Diversity in Europe - Challenges for canon and ecclesiastical law
- 030072 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Austria
- 030090 SE Religion and Penal Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030112 SE Living together of Christians and Muslims in Past and Present - Political reorganisation of Europe, Diaspora, Human Rights-Orthodoxy in face of the Challanges of Modernity (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030263 KU [ de en ] From the protection of persecuted co-religionist to the protection of universal human rights - Theory and practice of humanitarian interventions in historcial perspective
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 090049 SE Temples and Sanctuaries in Roman North Africa
- 090053 SE Images of Sacrifice in Antiquity and Early Christianity
- 090054 PS Trees in Early Christian and Islamic Art
M22: Advanced Reading
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