B. Master Degree Programme in Art History
M 1: Specialisation I
- 080022 SE Seminar: The Baroque Oil Sketch
- 080027 SE Seminar: Austrian BIedermeier (1815-1848) - Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Art
- 080036 SE Seminar: How do Images tell Stories?
- 080038 SE Seminar: Andrea Pozzo (1652 Trento-1709 Vienna): Treaty and Works as Architect and Painter
- 080039 SE Seminar: Byzantine Art under the Komnenian Dynasty (1081-1185)
- 080049 SE Seminar: Artwork at the Monastery of Klosterneuburg
- 080051 SE [ en ] Seminar: Imaging Europe: The Aesthetics of a Continent
- 080052 SE Seminar: Painting in Naples from Caravaggio to Solimena
- 080062 SE Seminar: Garden and Water Architecture in West Asia and the Islamic Mediterranean - in the Early Modern Period
- 080065 SE Seminar: Arts of the Book in the Medieval Arab Periods
- 080067 SE Seminar: Between Romans and Carolingians: The Late Antique Period in the Rhine-Meuse-Region
- 080075 SE Seminar: Media and Forms of Rococo
- 080080 SE Seminar: New Deals and Great Depressions - The photographic Campaigns of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) between historic Document and Work of Art
- 080083 SE Seminar: Bruce Nauman
- 080086 SE Seminar: "Hardware" of Court Representation. A New Discovery in the Wien Museum (Vienna Museum)
- 080087 SE Seminar: Aesthetics of Everyday Culture
- 080093 SE Seminar: Portrait Painting 16th to 18th Century
- 080097 SE SE: The Buildings of the "Wiener Ringstraße" and their Decoration Programme in the Europ. Context
- 080159 SE Seminar: The Residences of the Princes and Aristocracy in the Early Modern Central Europe
M 2: Specialisation II
- 080022 SE Seminar: The Baroque Oil Sketch
- 080027 SE Seminar: Austrian BIedermeier (1815-1848) - Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Art
- 080036 SE Seminar: How do Images tell Stories?
- 080038 SE Seminar: Andrea Pozzo (1652 Trento-1709 Vienna): Treaty and Works as Architect and Painter
- 080039 SE Seminar: Byzantine Art under the Komnenian Dynasty (1081-1185)
- 080049 SE Seminar: Artwork at the Monastery of Klosterneuburg
- 080051 SE [ en ] Seminar: Imaging Europe: The Aesthetics of a Continent
- 080052 SE Seminar: Painting in Naples from Caravaggio to Solimena
- 080062 SE Seminar: Garden and Water Architecture in West Asia and the Islamic Mediterranean - in the Early Modern Period
- 080065 SE Seminar: Arts of the Book in the Medieval Arab Periods
- 080067 SE Seminar: Between Romans and Carolingians: The Late Antique Period in the Rhine-Meuse-Region
- 080075 SE Seminar: Media and Forms of Rococo
- 080080 SE Seminar: New Deals and Great Depressions - The photographic Campaigns of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) between historic Document and Work of Art
- 080083 SE Seminar: Bruce Nauman
- 080086 SE Seminar: "Hardware" of Court Representation. A New Discovery in the Wien Museum (Vienna Museum)
- 080087 SE Seminar: Aesthetics of Everyday Culture
- 080093 SE Seminar: Portrait Painting 16th to 18th Century
- 080097 SE SE: The Buildings of the "Wiener Ringstraße" and their Decoration Programme in the Europ. Context
- 080159 SE Seminar: The Residences of the Princes and Aristocracy in the Early Modern Central Europe
M 3: Excursion within Austria
- 080032 EX Excursion: Lower Austria
M 4: Excursion Abroad
- 080018 EX Field Trip: Florence
M 5: Master-Preparation-Tool
- 080037 SE Research Seminar
- 080040 SE Research Seminar
- 080045 SE Research Seminar
- 080046 SE Research Seminar
- 080048 SE Research Seminar
- 080053 SE Research Seminar
- 080056 SE Research Seminar
- 080059 SE Research Seminar
- 080064 SE Research Seminar
- 080066 SE Research Seminar
- 080068 SE Research Seminar
- 080076 SE Research Seminar
- 080082 SE Research Seminar
- 080084 SE Research Seminar
- 080095 SE Research Seminar
- 080099 SE Research Seminar
- 080103 SE Research Seminar
- 080122 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
M 6: Fields of Practice in Art History
- 080034 UE Exercises in Building Research and Building Archaeology
- 080071 UE Introduction into Historical Scholarship for Art Historians
- 080079 UE Fields of Practice in Art History - Ein praxisorientierter Einstieg in ein kunsthistorisches Berufsfeld
M 7: Method/Theory
M 8: Specialisation Art History
- 080007 VO Austrian Panel Painting of the 14th and 15th Century
- 080017 VO Mimesis/Symbolism/Representation - On Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting
- 080028 VO Sculpture in the Italian Renaissance
- 080050 VO The Myth of Michelangelo: 500 Years of Artistic Dialogue
- 080057 UE Disruptions Interactions Influences - Positions in Photography from 1880 to 1930
- 080058 VO [ en ] Corporal Entanglements: Theories, Discourses and Practices of the Body in Contemporary Art
- 080089 VO Ideology of Government and Style in Architecture - The Architecture of Emperor Frederick II. and King Louis IX. of France
- 080098 UE Representations of the Ruler in Medieval and Early Modern Islamic Art
M 9: Individual Focus
- 080007 VO Austrian Panel Painting of the 14th and 15th Century
- 080017 VO Mimesis/Symbolism/Representation - On Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting
- 080028 VO Sculpture in the Italian Renaissance
- 080050 VO The Myth of Michelangelo: 500 Years of Artistic Dialogue
- 080058 VO [ en ] Corporal Entanglements: Theories, Discourses and Practices of the Body in Contemporary Art
- 080089 VO Ideology of Government and Style in Architecture - The Architecture of Emperor Frederick II. and King Louis IX. of France
- 080098 UE Representations of the Ruler in Medieval and Early Modern Islamic Art
M 11: Research Seminar
- 080037 SE Research Seminar
- 080040 SE Research Seminar
- 080045 SE Research Seminar
- 080046 SE Research Seminar
- 080048 SE Research Seminar
- 080053 SE Research Seminar
- 080056 SE Research Seminar
- 080059 SE Research Seminar
- 080064 SE Research Seminar
- 080066 SE Research Seminar
- 080068 SE Research Seminar
- 080076 SE Research Seminar
- 080082 SE Research Seminar
- 080084 SE Research Seminar
- 080095 SE Research Seminar
- 080099 SE Research Seminar
- 080103 SE Research Seminar
- 080122 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
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