Universität Wien

8.02. European Ethnology

A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in European Ethnoloy (Version 2011)

Orientation Period - StEOP



Study Period

BM 2 Fields of Research

BM 3 Empirical Techniques

BM 4 Cultural Theories

BM 5 Culture and Habitat

BM 6 Culture and Society

BM 7 Occupational Field

Final Stage

BM 8 Bachelor

B. Master Degree Programme in European Ethnology

Modul 1: Representations I

Modul 2: Culture - History - Habitat

Modul 3: Culture - History - Society

Modul 4: Cultures of Knowledge - Ethnography - Disciplinarity

Modul 5: Representations II

Modul 6: Research

Modul 7: Master

D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)

CSP European Ethnology - Basics of European Ethnology

CSP European Ethnology - Cultural Analysis of everday life

E. Doctoral Degree Programme

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39