15.02. Korean Studies
Anmeldung zu prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen (ausgenommen VO):15.09.2015, 10:00 Uhr bis 01.10.2015, 10:00 UhrAbmeldefrist: bis 22.10.2015, 10:00 Uhr
A [2]. Bachelor's degree Korean studies (Version 2011)
Orientation Phase
BM01 - Introduction to Korean Studies
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung
- 150001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Geographical aspects of East Asia with an emphasis on Korea
- 150068 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Exercise Course I: Geographical aspects of East Asia with an emphasis on Korea
- 150073 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Survey of Korea
BM02 Introduction to Korean Language
- 150055 PUE [ de en ko ] ( STEOP ) Hanja 1
- 150101 PUE [ de ko ] ( STEOP ) Korean grammar and translation 1
BM1 - Korean Language Competence 1
- 150111 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 1
- 150222 UE [ de en ko ] Practical Korean 1
BM2 - Korean Language Competence 2
BM3 - Korean Language Competence 3
- 150054 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 3
- 150070 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation 3
- 150110 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 3
BM4 - Korean Language Competence 4
BM5 - Korean Language Competence 5
- 150066 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation 5
- 150112 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 5
- 150114 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 5
BM6 - Korean Language Competence 6
BM7 - Basics of Korean Studies
BM8 - History Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
- 150084 PS Basic training in research and paper writing I: - Contemporary Korean fiction a window to Korean reality? Literature as a mirror of social problems and issues in public debate
BM9 - Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
BM10 - Advanced Courses in History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
- 150069 UE Exercises to Seminar I: Urbanization and Regional Development in Korea
- 150115 SE Seminar on Varying Topics: Urbanization and Regional Development in Korea
BM 11 - Advanced Courses in Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen nach Wahl (z.B. für Modul Alternative Erweiterungen)
- 150077 UE Innovation and economic development in Korea
- 150085 UE Middle Power: Korea's role in cultural diplomacy and global governance
- 150087 VO Korean architecture as a polymorphic expression of Korean culture
- 150097 VO [ en ] Korea in the center of history wars and disputes in Northeast Asia
- 150100 VO [ en ] Korean rites of passage in past and present
- 150104 UE Education Fever in South Korea - The powers driving social development and economic growth
B. Master and Individual Master Programme in Korean Studies
MM1 - Premodern Korean
- 150076 UE [ de ko ] Premodern Korean I
MM2 - Scientific Work
- 150077 UE Innovation and economic development in Korea
- 150085 UE Middle Power: Korea's role in cultural diplomacy and global governance
- 150087 VO Korean architecture as a polymorphic expression of Korean culture
- 150104 UE Education Fever in South Korea - The powers driving social development and economic growth
MM3 - History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
- 150002 UE Exercises to Master's Seminar: Urbanization and Regional Development in Korea
- 150074 SE Seminar on Varying Topics: Urbanization and Regional Development in Korea
MM4 - Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
MM5 - Methods and Theories in Korean Studies
- 150065 UE Methods in Korean Studies I
MM6 - Master Thesis Colloquium
- 150061 UE Master Thesis Colloquium I
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39