Directorate of Studies 28 - Earth Science - Meteorology-Geophysics - Astronomy
28.01. Astronomy, BACHELOR & MASTER
StEOP: STEOP-Astro Introduction to Astronomy
- 280420 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP-Astro Introduction in Astronomy (NPI)
STEOP: Practical exercises in Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists
- 260400 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 2 Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists
- 260401 PUE [ de en ] ( STEOP ) STEOP 2: Practical exercises in Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists
StEOP: STEOP-Ph1 Introduction to Physics I
- 260089 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Introduction to Physics I - Geom. Optics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics
- 260162 PUE [ de en ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Exercise course in Introductory Physics I
- 260163 PPR ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Experimental exercises for Introduction to Physics I
PM-AnaPh1 Analysis for Physicists I
PM-LinAlg Linear Algebra for Physicists
PM-AP1 Astrophysics I
PM-AnaPh2 Analysis for Physicists II
PM-Ph2 Introduction to physics II
PM-MethPh1 Mathematical methods of physics for astronomers I
PM-AP2 Astrophysics II
- 280422 VU PM-AP2 VU Astrophysics II (PI)
PM-Ph3 Introduction to physics III
PM-TP1 Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanics
Astronomisches Praktikum
PM-MethPh2 Mathematical methods of physics for astronomers II
PM-AstroPR Astronomical laboratory
PM-InfAst Informatic for Astronomy
PM-KonAst Physikalical Conceptes of Astronomy
PM-TP2 Theoretical Physics II: Quantum Mechanics
PM-NumMeth Numerical methodes of Astronomy
PM-AstInst1 Astronomical instrumentes I
PM-ObsPrak Practical observations
PM-AstSem Seminar to current astronomical research
PM-TAP1 Theoretical Astrophysics I
PM-BacSem Astronomical Bachelor Seminar (with bachelor thesis)
PM-Nawi Consolidation in Astrophysics and Related Natural Sciences
A. Bachelor programme Astronomy
1. StEOP - Compulsory Orientation Phase
StEOP: Introduction to Astronomy I
- 280420 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP-Astro Introduction in Astronomy (NPI)
StEOP: Einführung in die Physik I
- 260089 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Introduction to Physics I - Geom. Optics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics
- 260162 PUE [ de en ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Exercise course in Introductory Physics I
- 260163 PPR ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Experimental exercises for Introduction to Physics I
1. Mandatory modules
Introduction to Astronomy II
Introduction to astronomy III
Astronomical Laboratory Exercises for Beginners
Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers I
- 280430 VO Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers I (NPI)
- 280431 UE Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers I (PI)
Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers II
Numerical methods in astronomy
Introduction to physics II
Introduction to physics III
Analysis for physicists I
Analysis for physicists II
Linear algebra for physicists
Astrophysics I
- 280447 VO Theoretical Astrophysics I (NPI)
- 280448 UE Exercises in Astrophysics I (PI)
Astronomical instruments I
- 280449 VU Astronomical instruments I (PI)
History of science/philosophy of science/philosophy
Practical observations
- 280450 PR Practical observations, part I (PI)
Seminar: topics of the current astronomical research
Astronomical bachelorseminar (incl. Bachelor thesis)
- 280453 SE [ de en ] Astronomical bachelorseminar (PI)
2. Alternative mandatory module
Astronomical instruments II
Astrophysics II
3. Optional Modules
B. Master programme Astronomy
1. Mandatory modules
Astronomical mandatory module: cosmology and extragalactic Astronomy
Stars and Planets
Astronomical mandatory module: milky way and interstellar medium
Astronomical mandatory module: methods and instruments of astronomy
Astronomical mandatory module: Classical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, History
2. Alternative mandatory modules
Astronomical instruments II
Astrophysics II
Practical in observation orientated astronomy
Practical training in numerical astronomy
3. Astronomical Consolidation module group
3.1. Astronomical mandatory module
Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
Stars and Planets
Milky way and interstellar medium
Methods and instruments of astronomy
Classical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics and History of Astronomy
3.2. Astronomical consolidation module
Classical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics and History of Astronomy
Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
- 280503 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Kinematics of galaxies (PI)
Methods and instruments of astronomy
- 280495 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Photometrische All-Sky Surveys (PI)
- 280496 VO Consolidation module: Cosmic Plasmaphysics (NPI)
- 280504 VU Consolidation module: Techniques of observational astrophysics (PI)
- 280506 PR [ en ] Consolidation module: Scientific Computing mit Python (PI)
Milky way and interstellar medium
- 280497 SE [ en ] Consolidation module: Molecular Clouds and Star Formation (PI)
- 280507 SE [ en ] Consolidation module: Orion as a Paradigm of Multi-wavelength Star Formation Science (PI)
Stars and Planets
- 280498 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Astrophysics of Habitability (PI)
- 280500 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Planetary systems (PI)
- 280501 SE Consolidation module: Astrobiology: Looking for Earth 2.0 (PI)
- 280505 SE Consolidation module: Specific planetological questions (PI)
- 280509 SE [ en ] Consolidation module: Topics on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (PI)
4. Optional Module Group
- 280495 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Photometrische All-Sky Surveys (PI)
- 280496 VO Consolidation module: Cosmic Plasmaphysics (NPI)
- 280497 SE [ en ] Consolidation module: Molecular Clouds and Star Formation (PI)
- 280498 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Astrophysics of Habitability (PI)
- 280500 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Planetary systems (PI)
- 280501 SE Consolidation module: Astrobiology: Looking for Earth 2.0 (PI)
- 280503 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Kinematics of galaxies (PI)
- 280504 VU Consolidation module: Techniques of observational astrophysics (PI)
- 280506 PR [ en ] Consolidation module: Scientific Computing mit Python (PI)
- 280507 SE [ en ] Consolidation module: Orion as a Paradigm of Multi-wavelength Star Formation Science (PI)
- 280508 VO Optional Module Astronomy: History of Astronomy (NPI)
- 280509 SE [ en ] Consolidation module: Topics on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (PI)
28.02. Earthsciences, BACHELOR & MASTER
1. STEP - introduction phase
BA_ERD_1 STEOP The Earth System (BA01) STEP
- 280001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
BA_ERD_2 STEOP Chemistry I
- 280002 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: BA_ERD_2 Chemistry I (NPI)
- 280003 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP: BA_ERD_2 Chemistry I (PI)
BA_ERD_3 STEOP Mathematics I
- 280004 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (NPI)
- 280005 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP: BA_ERD_3 Mathematics I (PI)
2. Compulsory Modules
BA_ERD_4 Mineralogy and Crystallography (PI)
BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology
- 280007 VO BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology (NPI)
BA_ERD_6 Special mineralogy
BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II
BA_ER D_8 Chemistry II
BA_ERD_9 Makroskopische Gesteinsbestimmung
BA_ERD_10 Kartenkunde
BA_ERD_11 Palaeontology
BA_ERD_12 Chemical laboratory
- 280015 PR BA_ERD_12 Chemical Lab Practical (PI)
BA_ERD_13 Physics
- 280016 VU BA_ERD_13 Physics I (PI)
BA_ERD_14 Gesteinsmikroskopie
- 280018 VU BA_ERD_14 Rock optical microscopy (PI)
BA_ERD_15 Practical Course in Geological Mapping for mining
BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy
BA_ERD_17 Introduction in Hydrogeology und Environmental Pollutants
- 280022 VU [ de en ] BA_ERD_17 Introduction in Hydrology und Environmental Pollutants (PI)
BA_ERD_18 Petrology der kristallinen Gesteine
BA_ERD_19 Strukturgeologie und Tektonik
BA_ERD_20 Regionale Geologie
BA_ERD_21 Sedimente und Kohlenwasserstoffgeologie
BA28 Pedology, Quarternary Geology and Geomorphology
BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III
- 280029 VU BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III (PI)
BA_ERD_24 Micropalaeontology
- 280030 VU BA_ERD_24 Micropalaeontology (PI)
BA_ERD_25 Geochemische Entwicklung der Erde
BA_ERD_26 Einführung Hydrochemie und Umweltgeochemie
BA_ERD_27 Bachelor-Thesis
- 280033 SE BA_ERD_27 Bachelor-Thesis (PI)
BA_ERD_28 Individuelle Vertiefung
3. Elective Modules
BA30 Alternative Module I
BA30 Alternative Module I
- 280036 VU [ de en ] BA_ERD_29.2 Geological engineering (PI) - Engineering Geology II
BA31 Alternative Module II
- 280037 VU BA_ERD_29.3 Applied Mineralogy I (PI)
BA31 Alternative Module II
4. Für Bachelor ALT (2011) angebotene LVs
PM Biologie II
PM Petrologie
1. Compulsory module group
MA-ERD-1 Mathematische Methoden in den Erdwissenschaften
MA-ERD-2 Instrumentelle Analytik in den Geowissenschaften
1. Alternative compulsory module group (APMG)
a) Focus Geology
GP0_10 Isotope geology
GP0_09 Quantitative Structural Geology and Tectonics
- 280064 VO+PR [ de en ] MA-ERD-4 Structural Geology and Tectonics (PI)
GP0_07 Sedimentology
- 280065 VU MA-ERD-5 Sedimentology (PI)
GP0_08 Stratigraphy
GP0_11 Geochemistry
b) Focus Hydrogeology und Environmental Chemistry
AP0_03 Environmental Modelling
- 280068 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-8 Hydrogeology (PI)
AP0_02 Hydrochemistry
- 280070 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-9 Environmental Chemistry and Biogeochemistry (PI)
- 280071 PR [ en ] MA-ERD-9 Environmental Chemistry Modelling (PI)
AP0_04 Environmental Pollutants
- 280072 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-10 Inorganic and Organic Pollutants (PI)
c) Focus Mineralogy
MA-ERD-7 Thermodynamic of Geomaterials
MA-ERD-11 Kristallography and Methods of diffraction
- 280074 VU MA-ERD-11 Kristallography (PI)
MA-ERD-12 Structur and Spectroscopy of crystalline material
MA-ERD-13 Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology
d) Focus Paleontology und Geobiology
MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy
PP1_19 Palaeoceanography
- 300435 VO [ en ] Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
PP0_21 Palaeontological Labor Techniques
- 280081 VU MA-ERD-15 Morphology of Functions (PI)
- 280082 VU [ de en ] MA-ERD-15 Methods of Palaeobiology (PI)
PP0_22 Palaeontological Field Techniques
2. Alternative Modul-group
MA-ERD- 3 bis 16: Als Wahlmodule zu absolvieren sofern nicht als Pflichtmodul
MA-ERD-17.0 bis 17.32 Wahlmodule
- 280084 UE MA-ERD-17.1 Analytics of elements with electromicroprobe (PI)
- 280085 UE MA-ERD-17.2 Field emission scanning electron microscopy and ion beam applications (PI)
- 280086 VU MA-ERD-17.3 Kinetik von geologischen Materialien (PI)
- 280087 VU MA-ERD-17.4 Magmatic Processe and Earth Crust Formation (PI)
- 280089 VU MA-ERD-17.6 Microstructures in geomaterials (PI)
- 280093 VU MA-ERD-17.10 Applied Petrolium Geology and Seismicity Interpretation (PI)
- 280099 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-17.16 Environmental geochemistry of stable isotopes (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280106 UE MA-ERD-17.22 Applied Crystal Structure Determination (PI)
- 280107 VU MA-ERD-17.23 Applied Mineralspectroscopy (PI)
- 280109 VO+PR MA-ERD-17.25 Mineral Deposits and Economic Geology (PI)
- 280113 VU MA-ERD-17.29 Palaeobotany (PI)
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 280119 VU MA-ERD-17.0 Mineralogy of Mine Wastes: Characterization and Treatment
- 280220 VU Quantitative texture analysis (PI)
MA_ERD-17.18 Environmental Interfaces and Nanogeosciences
C. Additional teaching
- 280050 SE Mentoring Seminar for STEOP Earthsciences
- 450010 VO+SE [ en ] Gemstone identification and treatments (PI)
28.04. Meteorology, BACHELOR & MASTER
I. Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP)
StEOP PM-EinfMet Introduction to Meteorology und Climatology
- 280300 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP VO PM-EinfMet Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (NPI)
- 280301 PUE ( STEOP ) STEOP PUE PM-EinfMet Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (NPI)
StEOP PM-PhR Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists
- 260400 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 2 Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists
- 260401 PUE [ de en ] ( STEOP ) STEOP 2: Practical exercises in Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists
StEOP PM-Ph-1 Introduction to physics I
- 260089 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Introduction to Physics I - Geom. Optics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics
- 260162 PUE [ de en ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Exercise course in Introductory Physics I
- 260163 PPR ( STEOP ) STEOP: StEOP 1 Experimental exercises for Introduction to Physics I
II. Compulsory Modules
PM-Ph-2 Introduction to Physics II
PM-Ph-3 Introduction to Physik III
PM-Ph-4 Physical concepts of Meteorology
PM-TP1 Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanics
PM-Prakt Physikpraktikum
PM-Math-1 Analysis for Physicists I
PM-Math-2 Linear Algebra
PM-Math-3 Analysis for Physicists II
PM-Math-4 Mathematische Methoden der Physik für MeteorologInnen I
PM-Math-5 Mathematical Methods of Physics II for Meteorologists II
PM-Prog Informatic in Meteorology
PM-Num Numerical methods in meteorology
PM-Bach Bachelorthesis
PM-Met-1 Meteorology I
PM-Met-2 Meteorology II
PM-Met-3 Climate
PM-Met-4 Dynamics of the atmosphere
PM-Met-5 Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology 1
PM-Met-6 Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology 2
PM-Met-7 Meteorological measuring methods
PM-Met-8 Remote sensing
PM-Nawi Related Natural Sciences
A2. Bachelorstudium Meteorology 2011
PM-Math-1 Mathematics 1
PM-Math-2 Mathematics 2
PM-Met-2 Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology 2
PM-Prog Programming in Meteorology
PM-Math-3 Mathematics 3
PM-Ph-2 Introduction to Physics 2
PM-Met-3 Atmospheric Radiation and Chemistry of the Atmosphere
- 280316 VO PM-Met-3 Atmospheric Radiation and Chemistry of the Atmosphere (NPI)
- 280317 VU PM-Met-3 Exercises in Atmospheric Radiation and Chemistry of the Atmosphere (NPI)
PM-Met-4 Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere
- 280318 VO [ de en ] PM-Met-4 Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere (NPI)
- 280319 UE PM-Met-4 Exercises in Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere (PI)
PM-Stat Statistical Methods of Meteorology
- 280321 VO PM-Stat Statistical Methods of Meteorology (NPI)
- 280322 UE PM-Stat: Exercise course in Statistical Methods of Meteorology (PI)
PM-Math-4 Mathematics 4
PM-Prakt Basic Lab in Meteorology
PM-Met-5 Hydrometeorology, atm. Electricity and Opt
PM-Met- 6 Dynamics of the Atmosphere 1
PM-Met-11 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 2
- 280337 VO PM-Met-11 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 2 (NPI)
- 280338 UE PM-Met-11 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 2 (PI)
PM-Met-8 Climate
PM-Met-9 Experimental Meteorology
- 280333 VO PM-Met-9 Meteorological Instruments (NPI) - Instrumentenkunde
PM-Met-10 Dynamics of the Atmosphere 2
- 280335 VO Dynamics of the Atmosphere 2 (NPI)
- 280336 UE PM-Met-10 Exercises in Dynamics of the Atmosphere 2 (PI)
PM-Met-7 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 1
PM-Met-12 Weather Analysis and Forecasting
- 280342 KO PM-Met-12 Weather Discussion (PI)
PM-Met-13 Remote Sensing
PM-BPrak Professional Practical Training
PM-Nawi Related Natural Sciences
PM-Bach Bachelor Thesis
- 280344 SE PM-Bach Bachelor Seminar
Required Modules
PM-MiMet Micrometeorology
PM-MDyn Mesoscale Dynamics
- 280352 VO PM-MDyn Mesoscale Dynamics (NPI)
- 280353 UE PM-MDyn Exercise course in Mesoscale Dynamics (PI)
PM-Num Numerical Modeling
- 280354 VO PM-Num Applied numerical methods of Meteorology (NPI)
- 280355 UE PM-Num Exercise course in Applied numerical methods of Meteorology (PI)
PM-WV Weather Analysis and Forecasting
- 280358 UE PM-WV Weather Discussion (PI)
- 280359 VO PM-WV Verification (NPI)
PM-Mess: Meteorological observing systems
PM-Kl1 Climate 1
PM-Kl2 Climate 2
PM-Alpin Alpine Meteorology
- 280374 VO PM-Alpin: Alpine Meteorology (NPI)
- 280375 UE PM-Alpin: Exercise course in Alpine Meteorology (PI)
PM-Exkur Meteorological-Climatological Excursion
PM-MetNawi Special Topics of Meteorology and Related Natural Sciences
- 280383 VO PM-MetNawi: Hydrology (NPI)
- 280379 SE PM-Master Meteorological-Geophysical colloquium (PI)
- 280380 SE PM-Master Meteorological seminar (PI)
28.04. Environmental Sciences, MASTER Study Program
Modul P1 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences
- 280210 VO [ en ] Introduction to Environmental Sciences (NPI)
- 280211 SE [ en ] Seminar Environmental Sciences (PI)
Modul PF1 - Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry
- 280212 VU [ en ] PF1 Environmental Geochemistry (PI)
Modul PF2 - Environmental Biology
- 280213 VO [ en ] PF2 Introduction in Environmental Biology (NPI)
- 280214 SE [ en ] PF2 Seminar Environmental Biology (PI)
Modul PF3 - Environmental Pollutants
- 280072 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-10 Inorganic and Organic Pollutants (PI)
Modul PF4 - Element Cycles
Modul PS1 - Marine Systems
- 300329 VO [ en ] Biogeochemistry of the Ocean
- 300442 SE [ en ] Keystone Papers in Biogeochemistry of the Ocean
Modul PS2 - Ground and Surface Water Systems
- 280215 VU [ en ] PS2 Groundwater Systems (PI)
Modul PS3 - Atmospheric Systems
Modul PS4 - Terrestrial Systems
Modul PIK1 - Legislation, Policy and Economies
Modul PIK2 - Models in Environmental Sciences
- 280071 PR [ en ] MA-ERD-9 Environmental Chemistry Modelling (PI)
- 280218 PR [ en ] Groundwater Modelling (PI)
Modul PIK3 - Seminar in Environmental Sciences
- 280217 SE [ en ] Master Seminar Environmental Sciences
Specialisation (WS)
28.05. Physics of the Earth (Geophysics), Joint MASTER study programme
MA PE 01 Mathematical and Numerical Methods
MA PE 02 Seismic Waves
MA PE 03 Physics of the Earth 1
MA PE 04 Physics of the Earth 2
- 280609 VO [ en ] MA PE 04 VO Tectonophysics (NPI)
- 280610 VO [ en ] MA PE 04 VO Anisotropy (NPI)
MA PE 05 Geophysical Measurements
MA PE 06 Compulsory Elective Courses 1
- 280620 VO [ en ] MA PE 06 Advanced Seismometry (NPI)
MA PE 07 Compulsory Elective Courses 2
- 280620 VO [ en ] MA PE 06 Advanced Seismometry (NPI)
MA PE 08 Master Module
28.06. Doctoral programme, Astronomy
- 280505 SE Consolidation module: Specific planetological questions (PI)
- 280509 SE [ en ] Consolidation module: Topics on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (PI)
- 450100 SE [ en ] Astrophysical PhD-Seminar
28.07. Doctoral programme, Earth Sciences
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students), III
- 450003 SE [ en ] Topics in Environmental Geosciences III
- 450004 SE [ de en ] Topics in Mineralogy, III - Advances in experimental, theoretical and applied Crystallography
- 450005 SE [ en ] Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, III - Debates in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 450006 SE [ en ] Topics in Palaeontology, III
- 450007 VO+UE [ de en ] Topics in lithospheric research, III
- 450010 VO+SE [ en ] Gemstone identification and treatments (PI)
28.08. Doctoral programme, Meteorology / Geophysics
- 450202 SE [ en ] Mesoscale Dynamics and Modeling
- 450203 SE [ en ] SE Advanced Topics in Seismology: Data Analysis (PI)
- 450204 SE [ en ] SE Topics in Geophysics: Literature Seminar 4 (PI)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
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