Directorate of Studies 25 - Mathematics
25.1 Bachelor programme
1.1. Introductory and orientation phase (StEOP)
- 250002 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology
- 250001 UE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to computer infrastructure
1.2. Compulsory courses for all students
- 250006 VO Introduction to analysis
- 250007 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250008 VO Introduction to linear algebra and geometry
- 250009 UE Tutorials "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
- 250012 VO Advanced analysis and elementary differential geometry
- 250013 UE Tutorials on advanced analysis and differential geometry
- 250014 VO Linear algebra and geometry 2
- 250015 VO Complex analysis
- 250019 VO VO Numerische Mathematik 1
- 250020 UE UE Numerische Mathematik 1
- 250025 SE Bachelor seminar 1
- 250026 SE Bachelor seminar 2
- 250016 UE Tutorials on complex analysis
- 250116 UE Tutorials for "Linear algebra 2" (only Curriculum 2011)
1.3. Alternative group of compulsory modules "Mathematische Berufsvorbereitung"
- 250030 VO An overview on algebra
- 250031 VO An overview on differential equations
- 250027 VO Financial mathematics
- 250028 UE Tutorials on financial mathematics
- 250029 VU Applied optimization
- 040712 VK KFK EU: Risk Management
1.4. Alternative group of compulsory modules "Vorbereitung auf wissenschaftliche Arbeit"
- 250021 VO Ordinary differential equations
- 250022 UE Tutorials on ordinary differential equations
- 250023 VO Functional analysis
- 250024 UE Tutorials on functional analysis
- 250017 VO Algebra
- 250018 UE Tutorials on algebra
1.5. Mathematik im Kontext/Umfeld
- 250032 UE Genderaspects and mathematics
- 250105 SE [ en ] Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250005 VO Aspects of mathematics
1.6. Mathematisches Wahlfach (Curriculum Version 2014)
- 250027 VO Financial mathematics
- 250028 UE Tutorials on financial mathematics
- 250029 VU Applied optimization
- 040712 VK KFK EU: Risk Management
25.3. Teacher training programme
First stage
- 250003 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to mathematics
- 250005 VO Aspects of mathematics
- 250039 VO Schulmathematik Geometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250040 UE Schulmathematik Geometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250052 PR Praktikum zum Computereinsatz im Mathematikunterricht
- 250037 VO Indroduction to didactics
- 250004 PUE Problem sessions and tutorial for introduction to mathematics
First stage
- 250010 VO Linear Algebra and analysis in several variables for SSTAP
- 250011 UE Linear Algebra and analysis in several variables for SSTAP
First stage
First stage
3.1 Introductory and orientation phase (StEOP)
- 250002 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology
3.2. Compulsory courses
- 250001 UE ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to computer infrastructure
- 250006 VO Introduction to analysis
- 250007 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250008 VO Introduction to linear algebra and geometry
- 250009 UE Tutorials "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
3.3. Elective courses
Second stage
3.4 Mathematics
- 250043 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250044 UE [ de en ] Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250045 VO Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250046 UE Tutorial: Differential equations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250047 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Algebra)
- 250048 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Analysis)
- 250049 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Applied mathematics)
- 250050 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Stochastics)
- 250051 UE Computer course for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250054 KO Gender aspects in teaching mathematics
- 250109 KO Logische Spiele, Rätsel und Paradoxa für die Schule
3.5. Didactics of mathematics
- 250033 VO School mathematics 1 (Arithmetic and Algebra)
- 250034 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 1 (Arithmetic and Algebra)
- 250035 VO School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250036 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250037 VO Indroduction to didactics
- 250038 SE Seminar (Work in schools)
- 250041 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 250042 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250053 PS Problem solving
- 250109 KO Logische Spiele, Rätsel und Paradoxa für die Schule
3.6. Elective courses (second stage)
25.3. Master Programme
4.1. Specialization "Algebra, number theory and dicrete mathematics"
Basic courses, specialization "Algebra"
- 250055 VO Algebraic number theory
- 250095 SE [ en ] Seminar (Algebra)
- 250097 SE [ en ] Research Seminar
- 250096 PJ+SE [ en ] Project seminar (Group Theory)
- 250108 SE [ en ] Seminar (Categorical Kaehler Geometry)
- 250111 SE [ en ] Seminar Higher category theory
Advanced courses, specialization "Algebra"
- 250091 VO [ en ] Representation Theory of Groups
- 250092 VO [ en ] Selcted topics in Number Theory and Algebra
- 442503 VO Selcted topics in Combinatorics
- 250096 PJ+SE [ en ] Project seminar (Group Theory)
- 250104 VO [ en ] Topological Quantum Field Theory
- 250108 SE [ en ] Seminar (Categorical Kaehler Geometry)
- 250107 VO [ en ] Selected topics in algebra
- 250117 PS Introductory seminar: "Schemata"
- 250119 VO [ en ] P-adische Lie Groups
4.2. Specialization "Analysis"
Basic courses, specialization "Analysis"
- 250057 VO Theory of partial differential equations
- 250058 PS Introductory seminar on the theory of partial differential equations
- 250059 VO Advanced complex analysis
- 250060 PS Introductory seminar on advanced complex analysis
- 250085 SE [ en ] Seminar (Analysis, Angewandte Mathematik): Applied PDEs
- 250100 SE Seminar (Analysis)
- 250101 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis): Generalized functions
- 250102 SE Seminar (Complex Analysis)
- 250106 PJ+SE Project seminar (Functional Analysis)
- 250110 SE [ en ] Seminar (Harmonic Analysis)
Advanced courses, specialization "Analysis"
- 250080 SE [ en ] DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- 250098 VO Selected topics in Complex Analysis
- 250099 VO Selected topics in Fourieranalysis
- 250103 VU [ en ] Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- 442501 VO Topics in Geometric Analysis
- 442502 PS Topics in Geometric Analysis
- 442504 VO [ en ] Nonsmooth Optimization
4.3. Specialization "Applied mathematics and scientific computing"
Basic courses, specialization "AMaSciCo"
- 250061 VO Applied analysis
- 250062 VO Optimization and variational calculus
- 250079 SE [ en ] Seminar Mathematical Imaging
- 250084 SE [ en ] Seminar (optimization)
- 250085 SE [ en ] Seminar (Analysis, Angewandte Mathematik): Applied PDEs
- 250110 SE [ en ] Seminar (Harmonic Analysis)
Advanced courses, specialization "AMaSciCo"
- 250103 VU [ en ] Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- 442504 VO [ en ] Nonsmooth Optimization
- 250080 SE [ en ] DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
4.4. Specialization "Biomathematics"
Basic courses, specialization "Biomathematics"
- 250065 VO [ en ] Mathematical ecology and pattern formation
- 250066 PS [ en ] Introductory seminar on mathematical ecology
- 250081 SE [ en ] Seminar (Mathematical population genetics)
- 250082 SE [ en ] Seminar (Biomathematics)
Advanced courses, specialization "Biomathematics"
- 250064 PR [ en ] Introductory seminar on Stochastic Processes
4.5. Specialization "Geometry and Topology"
Basic courses, specialization "Geometry"
- 250067 VO Riemannian geometry
- 250068 VO Lie groups
- 250069 PS Introductory seminar on Lie groups
- 250083 SE Seminar (Differential Geometry)
- 250115 SE Seminar (AG Differential Geometry)
Advanced courses, specialization "Geometry"
- 442501 VO Topics in Geometric Analysis
- 442502 PS Topics in Geometric Analysis
- 250108 SE [ en ] Seminar (Categorical Kaehler Geometry)
4.6. Specialization "Mathematical logic and theoretical informatics"
Basic courses, specialization "Logic"
- 250070 VO [ en ] Introduction to mathematical logic
- 250071 PS [ en ] Introductory seminar: "Introduction to mathematical logic"
- 250074 VO [ en ] Introduction to theoretical computer science
- 250075 SE [ en ] Seminar (mathematical logic)
- 250076 SE [ en ] Research Seminar (Mathematical logic)
Advancede courses, specialization "Logic"
- 250077 VO [ en ] Selected topics in set theory
- 250078 VO [ en ] Reading course set theory
4.7. Specialization "Stochastics and dynamical systems"
Basic courses, speicialization "Stochastics"
- 250063 VO Stochastic Processes
- 250072 VO Measure theory and integration
- 250073 PS Introductory seminar on measure theory and integration
- 250088 SE Seminar (Stochastics and Dynamical systems)
- 250089 SE Seminar (Ergodic Theory)
- 250090 SE [ en ] Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability
Advanced courses, specialization "Stochastics"
- 250064 PR [ en ] Introductory seminar on Stochastic Processes
- 250086 VO Stochastic Analysis
- 250087 VO Ergodic theory I
25.3. Teacher training programme
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39 and
of the "StudienServiceCenter" and faculty of mathematics.