Wahlmodulgruppe Kleine Ergänzung (eine ist zu absolvieren)
Kleines Interdisziplinäres Modul
Kleines Optionalmodul
- 020041 UE Cultural History and Monuments of Christianity: Early Building of Churches - Die dekorative und liturgische Ausstattung des frühchristlichen Kirchenraumes
Kleines Sprachmodul (alte und/oder moderne Sprachen)
Kleines Vertiefungsmodul
- 090021 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology: Vase Painting III - South Italian Vase Painting
- 090024 VO Seal Glyptic in the Aegean Bronze Age: a Picture-book without Text
- 090039 VO Introduction into Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090043 KU Excerpt and Summary. About the Necessity of grasping the Essence
- 090044 VO Minoan Architecture
- 090046 KU Greek Pottery from the Protogeometric to the Early Classical Period - Typology, Iconography and Function
- 090047 KU Survey in Ephesos
- 090051 VO Lycia - History and Archaeology of an Ancient Cultural Landscape
- 090052 VO Early Christian Glass in Context
- 090056 VO The Urban Experience: Design of and Performance in Public Spaces in Greek and Roman Cities
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39