26.03 Master Degree Programme in Computational Science (Curriculum 01.10.2013)
Choose A, B or C depending on the completed BSc degree:
A. For graduates with a BSc in the Natural Sciences
1. Core-Programme
. Compulsory modules: Computational Concepts in Natural Science Part 1 (PM-CCNW1)
. Alternative group of compulsory modules: Basic Courses in Mathematics and Computer Science (APMG 2a)
. CO-MAT1 Introductory Courses in Mathematics I
. CO-MAT2 Introductory Courses in Mathematics II
. CO-INF1 Introductory Courses in Computer Science
- 050022 PR Introduction to Programming - Practical Training in C++
. Block of Elective Modules: Mathematics, Computer Science, Computational Concepts in Natural Science Part 2 WMG MAT-INF-CCNW2)
. CO-MAT3 Advanced Courses in Mathematics
- 269011 VO [ en ] Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- 269012 VO [ en ] Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
. CO-INF2 Advanced Courses in Computer Science I
- 269013 VO [ de en ] Databases and Processing of Large Data Sets
- 269014 UE [ de en ] Databases and Processing of Large Data Sets - Exercises
. CO-INF3 Advanced Courses in Computer Science II
- 269015 VU [ en ] Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing
- 269016 VU [ en ] Algorithms and Data Structures
. CO-AST2 Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 269017 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
. CO-PHY2 Computational Concepts in Physics II
. CO-CHE2 Computational Concepts in Chemistry II
- 269019 VO Computational Concepts in Chemistry II
. CO-BIO2 Computational Concepts in Biology II
- 269020 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Biology II
2. Shell-Programme
. Compulsory modules: Shell-focus (PM S-SP)
. Focus Mathematics
. Focus Computer Science
. Focus Astronomy
. Focus Physics
. Focus Chemistry
. Focus Biology
. Compulsory shell supplement (PM S-E)
. Focus Mathematics
. Focus Computer Science
. Focus Astronomy
. Focus Physics
. Focus Chemistry
. Focus Biology
3. Master Thesis
4. Defense (Master's Examination)
B. For graduates with a BSc in Mathematics
1. Core-Programme
. Compulsory modules: Computational Concepts in Natural Science Part 1 (PM-CCNW1)
. Alternative group of compulsory modules: Advanced Courses in Mathematics and Computer Science (APMG 2b)
. CO-MAT3 Advanced Courses in Mathematics
- 269011 VO [ en ] Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- 269012 VO [ en ] Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
. CO-INF2 Advanced Courses in Computer Science I
- 269013 VO [ de en ] Databases and Processing of Large Data Sets
- 269014 UE [ de en ] Databases and Processing of Large Data Sets - Exercises
. CO-INF3 Advanced Courses in Computer Science II
- 269015 VU [ en ] Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing
- 269016 VU [ en ] Algorithms and Data Structures
. Group of compulsory modules: Computational Concepts in Natural Science Part 2 (PMG-CCNW2)
. CO-AST2 Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 269017 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
. CO-PHY2 Computational Concepts in Physics II
. CO-CHE2 Computational Concepts in Chemistry II
- 269019 VO Computational Concepts in Chemistry II
. CO-BIO2 Computational Concepts in Biology II
- 269020 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Biology II
2. Shell-Programme
. Compulsory modules: Shell-focus (PM S-SP)
. Focus Mathematics
. Focus Computer Science
. Focus Astronomy
. Focus Physics
. Focus Chemistry
. Focus Biology
. Compulsory shell supplement (PM S-E)
. Focus Mathematics
. Focus Computer Science
. Focus Astronomy
. Focus Physics
. Focus Chemistry
. Focus Biology
3. Master Thesis
4. Defense (Master's Examination)
C. For graduates with a BSc in Computer Science
1. Core-Programme
. Compulsory modules: Computational Concepts in Natural Science Part 1 (PM-CCNW1)
. Alternative group of compulsory modules: Basic and Advanced Courses in Mathematics (APMG 2c)
. CO-MAT1 Introductory Courses in Mathematics I
. CO-MAT2 Introductory Courses in Mathematics II
. CO-MAT3 Advanced Courses in Mathematics
- 269011 VO [ en ] Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- 269012 VO [ en ] Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
. Group of compulsory modules: Computational Concepts in Natural Science Part 2 (PMG-CCNW2)
. CO-AST2 Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 269017 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
. CO-PHY2 Computational Concepts in Physics II
. CO-CHE2 Computational Concepts in Chemistry II
- 269019 VO Computational Concepts in Chemistry II
. CO-BIO2 Computational Concepts in Biology II
- 269020 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Biology II
2. Shell-Programme
. Pflichtmodul Shell-Schwerpunkt (PM S-SP)
. Focus Mathematics
. Focus Computer Science
. Focus Astronomy
. Focus Physics
. Focus Chemistry
. Focus Biology
. Compulsory shell supplement (PM S-E)
. Focus Mathematics
. Focus Computer Science
. Focus Astronomy
. Focus Physics
. Focus Chemistry
. Focus Biology
3. Master Thesis
4. Defense (Master's Examination)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40