Universität Wien

1. Required Modules

Bitte beachten Sie bei den Grundmodulen die Anforderungen des Curriculums.
Es müssen NICHT alle aufgelisteten Lehrveranstaltungen besucht werden, sondern pro Modul 12 ECTS (B03), 7 ECTS (B04-B06) bzw. 4 ECTS (B07) erbracht werden.

B01 Module - Orientation Period

B01.1 StEOP: Principles of Music and musicological Research

B01.2 StEOP: Introduction to Musicology

B02 Module - Music Theory

B02.1 Module - Music Theory and Musical Structures I

160039 UE Harmony 1

B02.2 Module - Music Theory and Musical Structures II

160040 UE Harmony 2 - Strukturanalytische Verfahren im Überblick

B03 Basic Module - History of European Music before and after 1600

160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice - Singing from the Sources
160017 UE Principles of Notation and Composition III - Vocal Music (1400-1600)
160010 PS Hugo Wolf

B04 Basic Module - Ethnomusicology

160070 PS Music and Dance
160060 VO+UE TALA and TABLA

B05 Basic Module - Systematic Musicology

B06 Basic Module - Contemporary Music and Popular Music

160062 VO "Deutscher Schlager" Vol. 1 - History and development of german pop songs from the late 19th century till 1945

B07 Basic Module - Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism

160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice - Singing from the Sources
160017 UE Principles of Notation and Composition III - Vocal Music (1400-1600)
160060 VO+UE TALA and TABLA

B08 Final Module

160010 PS Hugo Wolf
160070 PS Music and Dance
160016 SE Church music in Vienna around 1800 - Stiles and Repertories, Spaces and Protagonists

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40