18.02 Bachelor UF Psychologie und Philosophie (060)
StEOP-Pflichtmodulgruppe UF
UF PP 01.1 Einführung in die Psychologie
- 180110 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Psychology
UF PP 01.2 Einführung in die Philosophie
- EXAM COMM Introduction to Philosophy
- 180167 TR ( STEOP ) STEOP module exam - Lernprogramm
Pflichtmodule Psychologie
UF PP 02 Grundlagen der Psychologie A
- 200169 VO EC General Psychology II
UF PP 03 Grundlagen der Psychologie B
- 180163 VO Differential Psychology
UF PP 04 Anwendungsgebiete der Psychologie
- 200173 VO EC Educational Psychology and Evaluation
UF PP 05 Vertiefung Psychologie
- 180111 SE Experiments in Psychology Lessons
- 180170 SE Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics
Pflichtmodule Philosophie
UF PP 06 Philosophieren Lernen
- 180005 LPS Doubt and discourse: Descartes' philosophy of the subject "
- 180006 LPS Social utopias since the Renaissance
- 180007 LPS From Descartes to Husserl
- 180008 LPS John Stuart Mill
- 180009 LPS Kant - Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
- 180012 LPS Schopenhauer - Fundamental Problems of Ethics
- 180072 VO Introduction to Academic Writing in Philosophy - für das LA PP
- 180074 LPS LPS Seneca - De ira (About the wrath)
- 180077 LPS Husserl - Logical Investigations
- 180126 UE Rhetoric and Argumentation Theory for Teachers
- 180140 LPS Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics
UF PP 07 Geschichte der Philosophie
- 010290 VO Modern Philosophy
- 180067 VO History of Philosophy III - For Teachers
- 180068 VO History of philosophy II : Middle Ages and early modern period - For Teachers
- 180127 VO History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) - für das LA PP
UF PP 08 Theoretische Philosophie
- 070104 VO Theory of Science and History - Philosophy of Science, Theories of the Historical Sciences
- 180021 SE Hegel, Science of Logic: The Hegelian Concept - Beginning logic of concept
- 180022 SE Schelling: Philosophy and Religion
- 180026 VO Contemporary Philosophy: The Emergence of Neo-Pragmatism - (From Peirce to Putnam)
- 180027 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- 180038 SE Technology and Politics
- 180049 SE [ en ] Emotions, Feelings and Moods
- 180093 PS Platon: Timaios
- 180137 SE [ en ] Money as Medium and Technology
- 180160 SE Leibniz - theodicy and anthropodicy
UF PP 09 Praktische Philosophie
- 010003 VO Intercultural Philosophy - Cross-cultural Philosophy: decolonization, cultural self-assertion, human rights
- 180031 SE What is religion?
- 180033 SE [ en ] Theories of Justice
- 180047 SE Applied Ethics
- 180048 SE What is Critique? Heidegger, Foucault, Butler
- 180051 SE Philosophical anthropology
- 180076 SE Theorizing the public - Defining a central concept of political philosophy
- 180085 SE [ en ] Postmodernism - Ethics After The Great Wars
- 180087 SE Figurations of the political being - Plato's and Aristotle's 'zoon politikon' in contemporary reception
- 180101 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180102 SE Power - Subject - Sex - Psychoanalysis and Philosophical Gender Studies
- 180104 SE [ en ] Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe - Philosophy, Politics, Art
- 180134 SE [ de en ] Analysis of social injustice
- 180164 SE Ethics , human dignity and human rights in psychoanalysis Part 2
UF PP 10 Pflichtmodul Fachdidaktik
- 180069 VO Introduction to Didactics of Philosophy and Psychology
- 180070 SE Didactics of Philosophy
- 180071 SE Didactics Psychology - Cognition, Learning, and Knowledge Creation
- 180112 SE Philosophical Didactics - Competence Model Teaching
- 180113 SE Philosophical Didactics - Competence Model Teaching
- 180114 SE Philosophical Didactics - Competence Model Teaching
- 180115 SE Philosophical Didactics
- 180116 SE Philosophical Didactics - Working with philosophical texts
- 180117 SE Psychology Didactics - Theory and practice of teaching and learning
- 180118 SE Psychology Didactics
- 180119 SE Psychology Didactics
- 180120 SE Psychology Didactics
- 180121 SE Psychology Didactics - Theorie und Praxis der Vermittlung psychologischer Inhalte in der Schule
- 180122 SE Psychology Didactics - Developmental psychology - Social psychology - Personality Psychology - Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
- 180173 SE Psychology Didactics
UF PP 11 Wahlbereich
- 180024 SE The phenomenological path of thinking's Maurice Merleau-Ponty
- 180032 VO-L Basic concepts of Social Philosophy
- 180035 VO Introduction to Applied Ethics
- 180039 VO-L Introduction to phenomenological research with intercultural and interdisciplinary connections
- 180042 VO-L Charm and emotion - Aesthetic Sentiments
- 180046 VO [ en ] Current Developments in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science
- 180066 PS [ en ] Ethics an Introduction
- 180088 VO Natural law, positive law and in/justices
- 180103 VO Introduction to Philosophical Gender Studies
- 180136 SE [ en ] The Moral Psychology of Evil
- 180143 SE History and Development - Geschichte und Entwicklung
- 180169 SE Fundam questions of existence analysis
- 200171 VO EC Health Psychology
UF PP 12 Fachbezogenes Schulpraktikum
- 180168 SE Seminar Interdisciplinary Fachdidaktik
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40