MRP 06a Extension Course in Catholic Religious Education
1. Pflichtlehrveranstaltungen
- 010016 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics I (Fundamental Moral Theology)
- 010017 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics II (Ethics of Gender Relationships)
2. Vertiefung in den Biblischen Fächern (Wahl)
- 010046 SE Bible and Philosophy II
- 010081 FS Themes in Old Testament research
- 010084 SE The Bible in Modern Literature - Interdisciplinary Seminar
3. Vertiefung in Christlicher Philosophie (Wahl)
- 010089 SE Biologism Naturalism Psychologism: Challenges for a contemporary "Philosophical Anthropology" - Herausforderungen für eine gegenwärtige "Philosophische Anthropologie"
- 010090 SE Unconditional moral claims in the context of postmetaphysical thinking - Albert Camus - Karl-Otto Apel / Jürgen Habermas - Charles Taylor
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39