MA Historical Research, Auxiliary Sciences and Archival Studies
MA Women's and Gender History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070211 KU [ en ] Practice of Scientific Communication
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070213 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Texts about the Conquest of the Americas (Spanish)
- 070214 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Spatial and Social Dimensions of Urban Communities: Central European Towns in the Middle Ages
- 070230 UE [ it ] Exercises in foreign language within the discipline of History
- 070283 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Discovering the World. Texts on Globalization (18th to 20th Centuries)
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Introduction to Women's and Gender History
- 070159 VO Women's and Gender History
APM Complementary Courses in the Context of the Discipline
3. Required Modules
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Women's and Gender History
- 070063 PS Proseminar - Media Events in the 20th and 21th century
- 070094 PS Proseminar - Film Noir - film exile - final girls
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Context
- 070079 EX Excursion - Exkursion Friedrichshof
- 070189 EX Excursion - History and Region: Women´s Archives and Women´s Museums in a Comparative Perspective
- 070206 EX Excursion - Berlin- excursion to a reunited city
4. Group of Required Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Women's and Gender History
- 070081 SE Seminar (PM4) - Alternative Lebensformen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren
- 070083 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Sciences and Pictorial Representation. On the Visualization and Popularization of Scholars and Research Topics in the Media
- 070101 AR Interviewmethoden der Zeitgeschichte, Dokumentation und Archivierung... - A contemporary history of love. The experience of love since 1945
- 070125 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - History of Sexuality from the Early Modern Times to the Present
- 070133 SE Seminar (PM4) - Kiew - Iasi - Konstantinopel: Kulturgeschichte der Orthodoxie zwischen Union und Reformation
- 070208 SE Seminar (PM4) - Migrations, wars, demographic change, modification of society, and the policy of Great Powers in the modern history of East Central and South East Europe
- 070234 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - The Medieval Knowledge Society: Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition
- 070328 VO Lecture (PM4) - Eastern Europe and the Americas during the 18th century: Comparative aspects
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Women's and Gender History
- 070081 SE Seminar (PM4) - Alternative Lebensformen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren
- 070083 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Sciences and Pictorial Representation. On the Visualization and Popularization of Scholars and Research Topics in the Media
- 070101 AR Interviewmethoden der Zeitgeschichte, Dokumentation und Archivierung... - A contemporary history of love. The experience of love since 1945
- 070125 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - History of Sexuality from the Early Modern Times to the Present
- 070133 SE Seminar (PM4) - Kiew - Iasi - Konstantinopel: Kulturgeschichte der Orthodoxie zwischen Union und Reformation
- 070208 SE Seminar (PM4) - Migrations, wars, demographic change, modification of society, and the policy of Great Powers in the modern history of East Central and South East Europe
- 070234 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - The Medieval Knowledge Society: Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition
- 070328 VO Lecture (PM4) - Eastern Europe and the Americas during the 18th century: Comparative aspects
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
PM Research Module Women's and Gender History
- 070183 SE Forschungsseminar - Diplomacy in Early Modern Self-Narratives (1500-1815)
- 070190 SE Forschungsseminar - Kulturhistorische Zugänge zu Identitäten in der Vormoderne
PM Applied Women's and Gender History
- 070267 KU Projektkurs (PM 3) - Marrige Litigations as sources for cultural history
5. Master-Module
- 070058 SE [ de en ] Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070064 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070065 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070066 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070068 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070069 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Historical Science Studies
- 070070 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070072 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070106 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070107 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070108 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070109 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070110 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070115 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070116 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070134 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070174 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070175 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Writing History: Writing skills for historians
- 070176 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Text and Context
- 070177 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070178 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070179 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070181 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070207 SE Masterseminar (PM 5) - From the first (1515) to the second Congrress of Vienna (1814/15)
- 070238 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070245 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070277 SE Master Seminar - Colloquium in East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
MA History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070211 KU [ en ] Practice of Scientific Communication
- 090025 KU Practice of Scientific Communication
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070213 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Texts about the Conquest of the Americas (Spanish)
- 070214 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Spatial and Social Dimensions of Urban Communities: Central European Towns in the Middle Ages
- 070230 UE [ it ] Exercises in foreign language within the discipline of History
- 070283 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Discovering the World. Texts on Globalization (18th to 20th Centuries)
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Complementary Courses
APM Preparation for Specialisation
- 070060 VO Austrian History II
- 070155 VO Lecture (PM4) - Europa und die Welt
- 070169 VO History of Science - Knowledge and Power - Political History of Universities since 1800
- 070170 GR Guided Reading - Knowledge and Power - Political History of Universities since 1800
3. Alternative Group of Required Modules - Specialisations in MA History
3.1. APMG Ancient History and Archaeology
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Ancient History and Archaeology
PM Specialisation 1: Greek History
- 090020 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090026 SE Seminar in Greek History - The diadochoi
PM Specialisation 2: Roman History
- 090003 SE Seminar in Roman History
PM Applied History of the Ancient World: Excursion(s)
PM Archaeology
PM Research Module Ancient History and Archaeology
3.2. APMG Medieval History
PM Theories, Sources and Methods: Analysis and Interpretation of Sources for Medieval History
- 070248 KU Source Studies: Objects
PM Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200)
- 070164 VO Lecture (PM4) - Die Geschichte des mittelalterlichen Frankenreichs und seiner Regionen
- 070167 KU Methodenkurs - Religious Education in Late Medieval Europe
- 070184 SE Seminar (PM4) - Katalogisierung von Büchersammlungen und Bibliotheksbeständen - Biobibliographien als Wissensspeicher
- 070191 VO Lecture (PM4) - Die Kronländer der Monarchie in der Ära Franz Joseph
PM Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500)
- 070164 VO Lecture (PM4) - Die Geschichte des mittelalterlichen Frankenreichs und seiner Regionen
- 070167 KU Methodenkurs - Religious Education in Late Medieval Europe
- 070184 SE Seminar (PM4) - Katalogisierung von Büchersammlungen und Bibliotheksbeständen - Biobibliographien als Wissensspeicher
- 070191 VO Lecture (PM4) - Die Kronländer der Monarchie in der Ära Franz Joseph
PM Research Module Medieval History
PM Applied Medieval History
PM Historical Ancillary Sciences of Medieval History with Excursions
- 070188 EX Excursion - Buda/Ofen-Pest-Alt Ofen: The History of Hungarian Capital from the Middle Ages till the Modern Times
- 070248 KU Source Studies: Objects
3.3. APMG Modern History
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Modern History
PM Specialisation 1: Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 070132 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Global History and Islam
- 070192 SE [ en ] Seminar (PM4) - The Early American Republic
- 070194 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - Irish History from early times to the present
- 070198 SE Seminar (PM4) - Religious Wars in the Early Modern Period
- 070208 SE Seminar (PM4) - Migrations, wars, demographic change, modification of society, and the policy of Great Powers in the modern history of East Central and South East Europe
- 070328 VO Lecture (PM4) - Eastern Europe and the Americas during the 18th century: Comparative aspects
PM Specialisation 2: Late Modern History (Contemporary History) (approx. 1800 to present)
- 070076 VO Lecture (PM4) - Austrian History: What remains from the Past?
- 070077 SE Seminar (PM4) - History of space exploration in the 20th century
- 070081 SE Seminar (PM4) - Alternative Lebensformen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren
- 070083 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Sciences and Pictorial Representation. On the Visualization and Popularization of Scholars and Research Topics in the Media
- 070093 SE Seminar (PM4) - Fascism. History and Historiography
- 070095 VO Lecture (PM4) - Religion, Confllict and Violence
- 070096 SE Seminar (PM4) - Threat by Islam?
- 070126 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Inequality on the table. Socio-economic disparities and food consumption in Vienna 1830-1925
- 070132 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Global History and Islam
- 070133 SE Seminar (PM4) - Kiew - Iasi - Konstantinopel: Kulturgeschichte der Orthodoxie zwischen Union und Reformation
- 070194 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - Irish History from early times to the present
- 070208 SE Seminar (PM4) - Migrations, wars, demographic change, modification of society, and the policy of Great Powers in the modern history of East Central and South East Europe
- 070232 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Asyl und Asylgesetzgebung in Österreich seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg"
- 070236 SE [ en ] Seminar (PM4) - U.S. Policy and Inter- American Relations: A Historical and Regional View from Late XIX Century to Present Times
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 030263 KU [ de en ] From the protection of persecuted co-religionist to the protection of universal human rights - Theory and practice of humanitarian interventions in historcial perspective
- 030316 VO [ en ] Law and Empire
- 030393 SE Seminar on history of international law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030621 KU Manuscripts and Sources
- 070078 EX Excursion - EX Poland: Germanization and extermination policy in Eastern Poland: Warszaw-Lublin-Zamosc-Belzec
- 070079 EX Excursion - Exkursion Friedrichshof
- 070188 EX Excursion - Buda/Ofen-Pest-Alt Ofen: The History of Hungarian Capital from the Middle Ages till the Modern Times
- 070189 EX Excursion - History and Region: Women´s Archives and Women´s Museums in a Comparative Perspective
- 070206 EX Excursion - Berlin- excursion to a reunited city
PM Applied Modern History
- 070267 KU Projektkurs (PM 3) - Marrige Litigations as sources for cultural history
PM Research Module Modern History
3.4. APMG Austrian History
- 070156 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - K&K Kolonialisierung
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Austrian History
PM Specialisation 1: Austrian History during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- 070101 AR Interviewmethoden der Zeitgeschichte, Dokumentation und Archivierung... - A contemporary history of love. The experience of love since 1945
- 070184 SE Seminar (PM4) - Katalogisierung von Büchersammlungen und Bibliotheksbeständen - Biobibliographien als Wissensspeicher
- 070185 SE [ de en ] Seminar (PM4) - Italien foreign policy 1861 - 1992, with special emphasis on the relations with the Habsburg Monarchy and the Republic of Austria.
- 070198 SE Seminar (PM4) - Religious Wars in the Early Modern Period
- 070255 SE Source Studies: Austrian History - Quellen zur Geschichte der Habsburgermonarchie als Fiscal-Military State im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert
- 070269 VO Source Studies: Austrian History
PM Specialisation 2: Austrian History since the 19th Century
- 070076 VO Lecture (PM4) - Austrian History: What remains from the Past?
- 070081 SE Seminar (PM4) - Alternative Lebensformen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren
- 070083 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Sciences and Pictorial Representation. On the Visualization and Popularization of Scholars and Research Topics in the Media
- 070101 AR Interviewmethoden der Zeitgeschichte, Dokumentation und Archivierung... - A contemporary history of love. The experience of love since 1945
- 070184 SE Seminar (PM4) - Katalogisierung von Büchersammlungen und Bibliotheksbeständen - Biobibliographien als Wissensspeicher
- 070185 SE [ de en ] Seminar (PM4) - Italien foreign policy 1861 - 1992, with special emphasis on the relations with the Habsburg Monarchy and the Republic of Austria.
- 070198 SE Seminar (PM4) - Religious Wars in the Early Modern Period
- 070232 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Asyl und Asylgesetzgebung in Österreich seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg"
PM Research Module Austrian History
- 070183 SE Forschungsseminar - Diplomacy in Early Modern Self-Narratives (1500-1815)
PM Applied Austrian History
- 070267 KU Projektkurs (PM 3) - Marrige Litigations as sources for cultural history
- 070273 KU KU Kurs (PM 3)
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 070078 EX Excursion - EX Poland: Germanization and extermination policy in Eastern Poland: Warszaw-Lublin-Zamosc-Belzec
- 070079 EX Excursion - Exkursion Friedrichshof
- 070189 EX Excursion - History and Region: Women´s Archives and Women´s Museums in a Comparative Perspective
- 070206 EX Excursion - Berlin- excursion to a reunited city
3.5. APMG History of Science
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of History of Science
PM Specialisation 1: Problems and Issues of History of Science
- 070083 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Sciences and Pictorial Representation. On the Visualization and Popularization of Scholars and Research Topics in the Media
PM Specialisation 2: Problems of History of Science and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 070083 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Sciences and Pictorial Representation. On the Visualization and Popularization of Scholars and Research Topics in the Media
PM Issues of History of Science with Excursions
PM Applied History of Science
PM Research Module History of Science
- 070196 SE Forschungsseminar - Naturwissenschaften im Nationalsozialismus. Das Beispiel der Universität Wien
4. Master-Module
- 070058 SE [ de en ] Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070064 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070065 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070066 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070068 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070069 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Historical Science Studies
- 070070 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070072 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070106 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070107 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070108 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070109 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070110 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070115 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070116 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070134 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070174 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070175 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Writing History: Writing skills for historians
- 070176 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Text and Context
- 070177 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070178 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070179 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070180 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070181 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070207 SE Masterseminar (PM 5) - From the first (1515) to the second Congrress of Vienna (1814/15)
- 070238 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070245 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070277 SE Master Seminar - Colloquium in East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070281 SE [ en ] Masterseminar - Graduate College 1
MA Historical-Cultural European Research
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070211 KU [ en ] Practice of Scientific Communication
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070213 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Texts about the Conquest of the Americas (Spanish)
- 070214 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Spatial and Social Dimensions of Urban Communities: Central European Towns in the Middle Ages
- 070230 UE [ it ] Exercises in foreign language within the discipline of History
- 070283 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Discovering the World. Texts on Globalization (18th to 20th Centuries)
2. Required Modules
PM Introduction to European History
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Historical-Cultural European Research
- 070094 PS Proseminar - Film Noir - film exile - final girls
- 070099 KU KU Methodenkurs - Interpretations of war and mass-violence during 20th century in various european countries
- 070172 KU Course - Methods in Cultural History
- 070173 PS MA-Proseminar - Stereotypes and prejudices in European history
- 070186 KU Methodenkurs - Relational Approaches in Historiography
- 070197 AR Methods in cultural history
3. Group of Required Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation 1: Historical-Cultural European Research in Regional Perspective
- 070099 KU KU Methodenkurs - Interpretations of war and mass-violence during 20th century in various european countries
- 070132 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Global History and Islam
- 070194 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - Irish History from early times to the present
- 070234 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - The Medieval Knowledge Society: Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition
- 070295 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Überblick über die historische Geographie Südosteuropas im Mittelalter (7.-15. Jh.)"
- 070328 VO Lecture (PM4) - Eastern Europe and the Americas during the 18th century: Comparative aspects
PM Specialisation 2: Historical-Cultural European Research in a Cross-Area Perspective
- 070095 VO Lecture (PM4) - Religion, Confllict and Violence
- 070096 SE Seminar (PM4) - Threat by Islam?
- 070099 KU KU Methodenkurs - Interpretations of war and mass-violence during 20th century in various european countries
- 070132 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Global History and Islam
- 070194 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - Irish History from early times to the present
- 070234 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - The Medieval Knowledge Society: Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition
- 070328 VO Lecture (PM4) - Eastern Europe and the Americas during the 18th century: Comparative aspects
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 030621 KU Manuscripts and Sources
- 070189 EX Excursion - History and Region: Women´s Archives and Women´s Museums in a Comparative Perspective
- 070206 EX Excursion - Berlin- excursion to a reunited city
PM Research Module Historical-Cultural European Research in Transnational Perspective
- 070183 SE Forschungsseminar - Diplomacy in Early Modern Self-Narratives (1500-1815)
- 070190 SE Forschungsseminar - Kulturhistorische Zugänge zu Identitäten in der Vormoderne
- 070210 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - Multiple Modernities in European and global comparison since 1945
PM Applied Historical-Cultural European Research
4. Master-Module
- 070058 SE [ de en ] Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070064 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070066 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070068 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070069 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Historical Science Studies
- 070070 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070072 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070106 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070107 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070108 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070109 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070110 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070115 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070116 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070134 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070174 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070175 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Writing History: Writing skills for historians
- 070176 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Text and Context
- 070177 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070178 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070179 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070181 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070207 SE Masterseminar (PM 5) - From the first (1515) to the second Congrress of Vienna (1814/15)
- 070238 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070245 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070277 SE Master Seminar - Colloquium in East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070281 SE [ en ] Masterseminar - Graduate College 1
MA Eastern European History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070211 KU [ en ] Practice of Scientific Communication
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070213 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Texts about the Conquest of the Americas (Spanish)
- 070214 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Spatial and Social Dimensions of Urban Communities: Central European Towns in the Middle Ages
- 070230 UE [ it ] Exercises in foreign language within the discipline of History
- 070283 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Discovering the World. Texts on Globalization (18th to 20th Centuries)
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Basics of Eastern European History
- 070404 VO Eastern European History
APM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 070078 EX Excursion - EX Poland: Germanization and extermination policy in Eastern Poland: Warszaw-Lublin-Zamosc-Belzec
- 070189 EX Excursion - History and Region: Women´s Archives and Women´s Museums in a Comparative Perspective
- 070206 EX Excursion - Berlin- excursion to a reunited city
3. Group of Modules - Key Issues, Sources and Methods of Eastern European History
PM Key Issues, Sources and Methods of Russian/East Slavic History
- 070209 AR AR Workshop 1: Interpretation und Analyse von Texten - Imageries of Eastern Europe
PM Key Issues, Sources and Methods of East-Central European History
PM Key Issues, Sources and Methods of South East European History
4. Group of Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation in Eastern European History I
- 070075 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - The Balkan Wars of the Nineties
- 070133 SE Seminar (PM4) - Kiew - Iasi - Konstantinopel: Kulturgeschichte der Orthodoxie zwischen Union und Reformation
- 070208 SE Seminar (PM4) - Migrations, wars, demographic change, modification of society, and the policy of Great Powers in the modern history of East Central and South East Europe
- 070209 AR AR Workshop 1: Interpretation und Analyse von Texten - Imageries of Eastern Europe
- 070234 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - The Medieval Knowledge Society: Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition
- 070295 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Überblick über die historische Geographie Südosteuropas im Mittelalter (7.-15. Jh.)"
- 070306 VO Lecture (PM4) - The Reception of Moscovia
- 070328 VO Lecture (PM4) - Eastern Europe and the Americas during the 18th century: Comparative aspects
PM Specialisation in Eastern European History II
- 070075 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - The Balkan Wars of the Nineties
- 070133 SE Seminar (PM4) - Kiew - Iasi - Konstantinopel: Kulturgeschichte der Orthodoxie zwischen Union und Reformation
- 070208 SE Seminar (PM4) - Migrations, wars, demographic change, modification of society, and the policy of Great Powers in the modern history of East Central and South East Europe
- 070209 AR AR Workshop 1: Interpretation und Analyse von Texten - Imageries of Eastern Europe
- 070234 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - The Medieval Knowledge Society: Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition
- 070295 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Überblick über die historische Geographie Südosteuropas im Mittelalter (7.-15. Jh.)"
- 070306 VO Lecture (PM4) - The Reception of Moscovia
- 070328 VO Lecture (PM4) - Eastern Europe and the Americas during the 18th century: Comparative aspects
PM Research in Eastern European History
- 070075 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - The Balkan Wars of the Nineties
- 070210 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - Multiple Modernities in European and global comparison since 1945
- 070249 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - The Migration of the Slavs and the Settlement History of the Balkan Peninsula in the Early Middle Ages: Linguistical and Historiographical Evidence, Primary Sources, and Methods
5. Master-Module
- 070058 SE [ de en ] Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070064 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070066 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070068 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070069 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Historical Science Studies
- 070072 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070106 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070107 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070108 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070109 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070110 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070115 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070116 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070134 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070174 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070175 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Writing History: Writing skills for historians
- 070176 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Text and Context
- 070177 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070178 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070179 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070181 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070207 SE Masterseminar (PM 5) - From the first (1515) to the second Congrress of Vienna (1814/15)
- 070235 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070238 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070245 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070277 SE Master Seminar - Colloquium in East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070281 SE [ en ] Masterseminar - Graduate College 1
MA Economic and Social History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070211 KU [ en ] Practice of Scientific Communication
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070213 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Texts about the Conquest of the Americas (Spanish)
- 070214 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Spatial and Social Dimensions of Urban Communities: Central European Towns in the Middle Ages
- 070230 UE [ it ] Exercises in foreign language within the discipline of History
- 070283 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Discovering the World. Texts on Globalization (18th to 20th Centuries)
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Basics of Economic and Social History
APM Economic and Social History in Transdisciplinary Context
- 041010 UK [ en ] Keynes for Beginners (BA)
3. Required Modules
PM Economic, Social and Cultural Theories
PM Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
4. Required Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History
- 070095 VO Lecture (PM4) - Religion, Confllict and Violence
- 070096 SE Seminar (PM4) - Threat by Islam?
- 070117 SE Seminar (PM4) - Population theories and policies in modern history
- 070120 KU KU Methodenkurs - Quantitative Verfahren der Sozialwissenschaften für Historiker
- 070121 SE [ en ] Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Drugs and Empires. A Global Historical Perspective.
- 070126 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Inequality on the table. Socio-economic disparities and food consumption in Vienna 1830-1925
- 070132 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Global History and Islam
- 070156 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - K&K Kolonialisierung
- 070236 SE [ en ] Seminar (PM4) - U.S. Policy and Inter- American Relations: A Historical and Regional View from Late XIX Century to Present Times
- 070258 SE Seminar (PM4) - Handel und Spektakel. Jahrmärkte und Messen im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit
- 080067 SE Seminar: From the Carolingian to the Staufian Dynasty: Byzantine Art in the Rhine-Meuse-Area
PM Specialisation 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History
- 070095 VO Lecture (PM4) - Religion, Confllict and Violence
- 070096 SE Seminar (PM4) - Threat by Islam?
- 070117 SE Seminar (PM4) - Population theories and policies in modern history
- 070120 KU KU Methodenkurs - Quantitative Verfahren der Sozialwissenschaften für Historiker
- 070121 SE [ en ] Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Drugs and Empires. A Global Historical Perspective.
- 070126 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Inequality on the table. Socio-economic disparities and food consumption in Vienna 1830-1925
- 070132 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Global History and Islam
- 070156 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - K&K Kolonialisierung
- 070236 SE [ en ] Seminar (PM4) - U.S. Policy and Inter- American Relations: A Historical and Regional View from Late XIX Century to Present Times
- 070258 SE Seminar (PM4) - Handel und Spektakel. Jahrmärkte und Messen im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit
- 080067 SE Seminar: From the Carolingian to the Staufian Dynasty: Byzantine Art in the Rhine-Meuse-Area
PM Research Module Economic and Social History
- 070140 EX [ en ] Excursion - Connecting Vienna (only together with 070141, registration for both courses obligatory)
PM Applied History
- 070058 SE [ de en ] Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070064 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070066 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070068 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070069 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Historical Science Studies
- 070070 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070072 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070106 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070107 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070108 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070109 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070110 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070115 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070116 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070134 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070174 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070175 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Writing History: Writing skills for historians
- 070176 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Text and Context
- 070177 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070178 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070179 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070181 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070207 SE Masterseminar (PM 5) - From the first (1515) to the second Congrress of Vienna (1814/15)
- 070235 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070238 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070245 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070277 SE Master Seminar - Colloquium in East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070281 SE [ en ] Masterseminar - Graduate College 1
MA Contemporary History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070129 VO [ en ] Theory of Science and History - Logic of Science - Logic of History
- 070211 KU [ en ] Practice of Scientific Communication
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070213 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Texts about the Conquest of the Americas (Spanish)
- 070214 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Spatial and Social Dimensions of Urban Communities: Central European Towns in the Middle Ages
- 070230 UE [ it ] Exercises in foreign language within the discipline of History
- 070283 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Discovering the World. Texts on Globalization (18th to 20th Centuries)
2. Required Module - Theories, Sources and Methods of Contemporary History
- 070063 PS Proseminar - Media Events in the 20th and 21th century
- 070094 PS Proseminar - Film Noir - film exile - final girls
- 070097 LK Lektürekurs - Grundlagen und Ansätze der Zeitgeschichtsforschung
- 070136 PS Proseminar - Advertising and propaganda - communication as manipulation?
3. Group of Required Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Contemporary History
- 070076 VO Lecture (PM4) - Austrian History: What remains from the Past?
- 070077 SE Seminar (PM4) - History of space exploration in the 20th century
- 070081 SE Seminar (PM4) - Alternative Lebensformen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren
- 070083 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Sciences and Pictorial Representation. On the Visualization and Popularization of Scholars and Research Topics in the Media
- 070093 SE Seminar (PM4) - Fascism. History and Historiography
- 070095 VO Lecture (PM4) - Religion, Confllict and Violence
- 070096 SE Seminar (PM4) - Threat by Islam?
- 070099 KU KU Methodenkurs - Interpretations of war and mass-violence during 20th century in various european countries
- 070101 AR Interviewmethoden der Zeitgeschichte, Dokumentation und Archivierung... - A contemporary history of love. The experience of love since 1945
- 070125 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - History of Sexuality from the Early Modern Times to the Present
- 070232 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Asyl und Asylgesetzgebung in Österreich seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg"
- 070295 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Überblick über die historische Geographie Südosteuropas im Mittelalter (7.-15. Jh.)"
PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Contemporary History
- 070076 VO Lecture (PM4) - Austrian History: What remains from the Past?
- 070077 SE Seminar (PM4) - History of space exploration in the 20th century
- 070081 SE Seminar (PM4) - Alternative Lebensformen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren
- 070083 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Sciences and Pictorial Representation. On the Visualization and Popularization of Scholars and Research Topics in the Media
- 070093 SE Seminar (PM4) - Fascism. History and Historiography
- 070095 VO Lecture (PM4) - Religion, Confllict and Violence
- 070096 SE Seminar (PM4) - Threat by Islam?
- 070099 KU KU Methodenkurs - Interpretations of war and mass-violence during 20th century in various european countries
- 070101 AR Interviewmethoden der Zeitgeschichte, Dokumentation und Archivierung... - A contemporary history of love. The experience of love since 1945
- 070125 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - History of Sexuality from the Early Modern Times to the Present
- 070232 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Asyl und Asylgesetzgebung in Österreich seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg"
- 070295 VO Lecture (PM4) - "Überblick über die historische Geographie Südosteuropas im Mittelalter (7.-15. Jh.)"
PM Research Module Contemporary History
- 070075 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - The Balkan Wars of the Nineties
PM Applied Contemporary History
- 070273 KU KU Kurs (PM 3)
PM Complementary Courses and Excursions
- 070078 EX Excursion - EX Poland: Germanization and extermination policy in Eastern Poland: Warszaw-Lublin-Zamosc-Belzec
- 070079 EX Excursion - Exkursion Friedrichshof
- 070081 SE Seminar (PM4) - Alternative Lebensformen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren
- 070189 EX Excursion - History and Region: Women´s Archives and Women´s Museums in a Comparative Perspective
- 070206 EX Excursion - Berlin- excursion to a reunited city
4. Required Module - Disciplinary and Transdisciplinary Contexts
- 030263 KU [ de en ] From the protection of persecuted co-religionist to the protection of universal human rights - Theory and practice of humanitarian interventions in historcial perspective
- 030316 VO [ en ] Law and Empire
5. Master-Module
- 070058 SE [ de en ] Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070064 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070065 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070066 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070068 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070069 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Historical Science Studies
- 070070 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070072 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070106 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070107 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070108 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070109 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070110 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070115 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070116 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070134 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070174 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070175 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Writing History: Writing skills for historians
- 070176 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar - Text and Context
- 070177 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070178 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070179 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070181 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070207 SE Masterseminar (PM 5) - From the first (1515) to the second Congrress of Vienna (1814/15)
- 070235 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070238 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070245 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070277 SE Master Seminar - Colloquium in East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070281 SE [ en ] Masterseminar - Graduate College 1
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40