Universität Wien

Advanced Knowledge and Competences

121130 UE [en] Language in Use 1
121191 UE [en] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills 1 - American English
121210 UE [en] English in a Professional Context - World of Work I
123043 PS [en] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - Contemporary US-American Fiction
123044 PS [en] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - Columbus No More! Reading Native American Literature in the 21st Century
123045 PS [en] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - 'A sylvan fringe of darkness': Forests in the Western Literary Imagination
123046 PS [en] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - Literary Strolls: Walking in British and Anglophone Literature
124260 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Lives on Screen. 20th- and 21st-Century Biopics
124261 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Foodstuff, Diets, Table Manners: Food Cultures and Cultural Studies
124262 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Mirror Mirror on the Screen. Approaching Film Studies and Film History through Metacinema
124263 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Epic Fails: Bad Culture, Cult, & Community
124264 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Terror, precarious masculinities & media (mal-)contents in the global mix: Tracing gender politics in (self)representations of extremist groups
124265 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Once Upon a Time Here and Now
123043 PS [en] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - Contemporary US-American Fiction
123044 PS [en] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - Columbus No More! Reading Native American Literature in the 21st Century
123045 PS [en] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - 'A sylvan fringe of darkness': Forests in the Western Literary Imagination
123046 PS [en] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - Literary Strolls: Walking in British and Anglophone Literature
124260 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Lives on Screen. 20th- and 21st-Century Biopics
124261 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Foodstuff, Diets, Table Manners: Food Cultures and Cultural Studies
124262 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Mirror Mirror on the Screen. Approaching Film Studies and Film History through Metacinema
124263 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Epic Fails: Bad Culture, Cult, & Community
124264 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Terror, precarious masculinities & media (mal-)contents in the global mix: Tracing gender politics in (self)representations of extremist groups
124265 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Once Upon a Time Here and Now
122049 PS [en] Proseminar Linguistics 2 / Linguistics - Second Language Acquisition
122051 PS [en] PS Linguistics - Variation and Change in Present Day English Syntax / BEd (046) 9.1

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40