Universität Wien

Bachelor Degree Programme in Sinology (Version 2011)

150038 PKU [en zhde zh] (STEOP) STEOP: Modern Chinese 1a
150039 KSTEOP [en zhde zh] (STEOP) STEOP: Speaking Lab 1a
150047 KSTEOP [en zhzhde zh] (STEOP) STEOP: Speaking Practice 1a
150038 PKU [en zhde zh] (STEOP) STEOP: Modern Chinese 1a
150039 KSTEOP [en zhde zh] (STEOP) STEOP: Speaking Lab 1a
150047 KSTEOP [en zhzhde zh] (STEOP) STEOP: Speaking Practice 1a
150072 KU [de zh] Modern Chinese 1b
150075 KU [zh] Written Chinese 1b
150120 KU [zh] Speaking Lab 1b (M1)
150082 UE [de zh] Speaking Tandem
150140 KU [de zh] Modern Chinese 2a
150146 KU [de zhzh] Spoken Chinese 2a
150149 KU [zh] Writing Practice 2a
150153 KU [de zh] Reading Practice 2a
140225 UE Introduction to Classical Chinese - The Lotus-Sutra
150187 KU [zh] Reading Press (M3)
290267 VO Economic Geography of China - Regional Economic Development and Regional Disparities
010072 VU [en] Confucianism
150082 UE [de zh] Speaking Tandem

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40