1. Master Degree Programme "Geography"
MG1. Specialisation Modules
MG1.1. Specialisation Module - Geomorphology and Risk Research
- 290058 VO [ en ] Geomorphology and River Management - (= Scientific Progress in Natural Hazards and Disaster Managment)
- 290032 RV Lecture Series: Globaler Wandel - Global Understanding
- 290136 KO [ en ] River Patterns at the Catchment Scale: Analysis of Landscape Connectivity
- 290043 PS [ en ] Remote Sensing in Physical Geography
- 290044 PS [ en ] Modelling in Physical Geography - (Fortsetzung - Teil 2)
- 290088 UE Introduction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography
- 290082 UE Statistics in physical geography
- 290030 UE Terrestrial Laserscanning in Geomorphology
- 290034 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 290094 PS Proseminar Special Climatology
- 290045 PS Geomorphology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- 290347 SE [ en ] Master Seminar in Physical Geography: Geographic Approaches to Analysis of River Health
MG1.2. Specialisation Module - Geoecology and Quaternary Research
- 290154 VO Scientific Progress in Geoecology
- 290032 RV Lecture Series: Globaler Wandel - Global Understanding
- 290043 PS [ en ] Remote Sensing in Physical Geography
- 290044 PS [ en ] Modelling in Physical Geography - (Fortsetzung - Teil 2)
- 290088 UE Introduction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography
- 290082 UE Statistics in physical geography
- 290030 UE Terrestrial Laserscanning in Geomorphology
- 290136 KO [ en ] River Patterns at the Catchment Scale: Analysis of Landscape Connectivity
- 290034 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 290094 PS Proseminar Special Climatology
- 290347 SE [ en ] Master Seminar in Physical Geography: Geographic Approaches to Analysis of River Health
MG1.3. Specialisation Module - Social and Economic Geography
- 290032 RV Lecture Series: Globaler Wandel - Global Understanding
- 290267 VO Economic Geography of China - Regional Economic Development and Regional Disparities
- 290065 VU Theories of Spatial Development
- 290146 VU Knowledge management and regional development
- 290141 PS Regional Structural Change in Austria in an International Comparative Perspective
- 290120 SE Seminar in Human/ Economic Geography: Theories and Conecepts of Development Geography - der Geographischen Entwicklungsforschung (auch für Studierende im Lehramt Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290139 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Geography of Innovatio - (auch für Diplom- und Masterstrudierende im Lehramt)
- 140533 SE ( SGU ) VM2 / VM6 - Dependent Development, Capitalism, and Crises - Processes of Integration and Disintegration in Europe
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 140061 VO ( NR ) Global Commodity Chains
- 140065 SE ( MOB ) VM3 / VM2 - Approaches to and perspectives on 'ethnic' economy and migrant entrepreneurship
- 140256 VO+UE [ en ] VM2 / VM5 - Financialization - A Global Perspective
- 140365 VO+UE ( NR ) VM1 / VM2 - Commodities and Development - Sustainable resource-based development : debates, conflicts, strategies
- 230212 UE Basics of Social Network Analysis I
MG1.4. Specialisation Module - Population and Urban Research
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy
- 290032 RV Lecture Series: Globaler Wandel - Global Understanding
- 290097 UE [ en ] Explorative Analysis of Demographic and Health Data with DHS Data Set
- 290133 PS [ en ] Sustainable Urban Transport and Mobility
- 290078 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Geography of Violence - The Spatial Dimension of Conflicts, Organised Crime and Wars
- 290120 SE Seminar in Human/ Economic Geography: Theories and Conecepts of Development Geography - der Geographischen Entwicklungsforschung (auch für Studierende im Lehramt Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 290056 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Resilient populations - Understanding Rural and Urban Livelihoods in Asia and Africa
- 140226 PS Africa's Involuntary Travellers - Migration, Flight, and Asylum in the 20th and 21st Century
MG1.5. Specialisation Module - Focus on Europe
- 290104 VO Regional and political geography of Ukraine and Southeast Europe
- 290105 VU Protected Area Policies and Ressource Management in Europe
- 290067 VU European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290146 VU Knowledge management and regional development
- 290096 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning: - Transformation of the border area along the former Iron Curtain: case studies
- 140533 SE ( SGU ) VM2 / VM6 - Dependent Development, Capitalism, and Crises - Processes of Integration and Disintegration in Europe
- 140217 SE [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM3 - Transnationalisation and Regionalisation - Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions in Europe
MG1.6. Specialisation Module - Focus on Asia
- 290267 VO Economic Geography of China - Regional Economic Development and Regional Disparities
- 290002 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia
- 290051 PS Transformations of Armed Conflicts in South and Southeast Asia
- 290056 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Resilient populations - Understanding Rural and Urban Livelihoods in Asia and Africa
- 290078 SE Seminar Human Geography/ Regional Geography: Geography of Violence - The Spatial Dimension of Conflicts, Organised Crime and Wars
- 290120 SE Seminar in Human/ Economic Geography: Theories and Conecepts of Development Geography - der Geographischen Entwicklungsforschung (auch für Studierende im Lehramt Diplom- und Masterstudium)
- 140394 VO+UE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM4 - Staging the pre-modern other in post-colonial tourist space - A critical exploration of ‘happy peasants’, ‘noble savages’ and imperial discourse in volunteering abroad
- 150033 SE [ en ] Strategic Gaming (M3)
MG2. Elective Modules
MG2.1. Elective Module - Methods and Functional Consolidation of Physical Geography
- 290154 VO Scientific Progress in Geoecology
- 290030 UE Terrestrial Laserscanning in Geomorphology
- 290034 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 290094 PS Proseminar Special Climatology
- 290045 PS Geomorphology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
MG2.2. Elective Module - Project Module Physical Geography
- 290058 VO [ en ] Geomorphology and River Management - (= Scientific Progress in Natural Hazards and Disaster Managment)
- 290240 VO Fundaments of Landscapes in Austria
MG2.3. Elective Module - Regionale Development
- 290059 VO Theory of Spatial Planning
- 290065 VU Theories of Spatial Development
- 290068 VU Planning Law, Land Law, and Building Law
- 290098 VU Partizipative Methods and Instruments of Spatial Planning and their Implementation
- 290105 VU Protected Area Policies and Ressource Management in Europe
- 290067 VU European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290096 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning: - Transformation of the border area along the former Iron Curtain: case studies
- 290133 PS [ en ] Sustainable Urban Transport and Mobility
- 290095 SE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning: - Elaborating a Local Development Scheme - Gerasdorf as an Example
- 290139 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Geography of Innovatio - (auch für Diplom- und Masterstrudierende im Lehramt)
- 290141 PS Regional Structural Change in Austria in an International Comparative Perspective
- 290146 VU Knowledge management and regional development
MG2.4. Elective Module - Regional Tourism and Leisure Research
- 140394 VO+UE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM6 / VM4 - Staging the pre-modern other in post-colonial tourist space - A critical exploration of ‘happy peasants’, ‘noble savages’ and imperial discourse in volunteering abroad
MG2.5. Elective Module - Methods of Human Geography
- 290097 UE [ en ] Explorative Analysis of Demographic and Health Data with DHS Data Set
- 290146 VU Knowledge management and regional development
MG2.6. Freies Wahlmodul (empfohlene Lehrveranstaltung)
- 290139 SE Seminar in Human/Economic Geography: Geography of Innovatio - (auch für Diplom- und Masterstrudierende im Lehramt)
MG3. Field Trips
- 290036 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290047 EX [ en ] Excursion in Physical Geography: Connectivity and Conservation in the Thayatal Region - The Thaya River and its Tributaries
- 290116 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Applied Climatology
- 290037 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Waste Management in Austria
- 290114 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mödlingbach
- 290191 EX Cartographic Field Excursion - Cartographic High Mountain Excursion
- 290246 EX Cartographic Field Trip: Cartography and GIS in Aeronautics
- 290021 EX [ en ] Field Trip: Waterfront Vienna - Excursion in Urban Planning and Development
- 290010 EX Cartographic Field Trip: From Development to High-end Solutions - WebGIS in Practical Use
- 290013 EX Field Trip: The Village of Tomorrow - Modern Strategies to Revitalize Village Centers in Lower Austria
- 290026 EX Field Trip: Housing in transition - Ideals and realities of urban planning and design. Examples from the city of Vienna
- 290138 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Austria's Grand Canyon - Geomorphology and geoecology of the "Ötschergräben"
- 290156 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Loess and crystalline landscapes of north-west Lower Austria
- 290124 PS [ en ] Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad - High Mountain Topographic Mapping in Slovenia and Austria
MG4. Master's Thesis
- 290093 KO Colloquium for Geomorphology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290107 KO Colloqium for Geoecology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit aus Physischer Geographie)
- 290119 PV Colloquium in Human Geography / Regional Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie / Regionalgeographie)
- 290122 PV Colloquium in Social and Economic Geography - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Humangeographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
- 290450 PV Colloquium in Regional Research and Regional Planning - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Master- und Diplomarbeit aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40