Universität Wien

Aspekte und Räume 1

070217 EX Exploring the world - space and knowledge in the Late middle ages and the Early modern period - Weltwissen - die Vermessung von Raum im späten Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit
070042 GR Guided Reading - Uprooting. An Austrian history of migration in the 20th century.
070043 GR Guided Reading - A comparative history of policing since 1848
070045 GR Guided Reading - China and the world, 1793-2008
070046 GR Guided Reading - Collective Memory and Politics of Memory
070047 GR Guided Reading - Basic questions of political history - Primary sources
070048 GR Guided Reading - Courts and Kingship: Politics, Religion and Dynastic Rule in the Middle Ages
070049 GR [en] Guided Reading - Slavery in the Americas
070050 GR [en] Guided Reading - Global History
070051 GR [en] Guided Reading - The history, the historians and the human rights
070052 GR Guided Reading - Friendship and Hostility in Early Modern International Relations
070053 GR Guided Reading - The early modern Habsburg monarchy: dynastic agglomeration - composite monarchy - fiscal-military state
070054 GR Guided Reading - Diets and Parliaments in early modern Europe
070055 GR Guided Reading - History of the Jews in Russia
070056 GR Guided Reading - Russian History and Global History
070057 GR Guided Reading - Revolutions and revolutionary movements in Eastern and Western Europe from the beginning of the 17th century until 1917
070058 GR Guided Reading
070059 GR Guided Reading [GR] - State - Administration - Citizens
070060 GR Guided Reading - Food in the City. Developments and Trends in the 19th and 20th Centuries
070061 GR Guided Reading - Gender and Migration
070062 GR Guided Reading
070063 GR Guided Reading - Crime and crime discourses in 20th century Central Europe
070065 GR Guided Reading - Ausgewählte Texte zu militärischen Auseinandersetzungen und Friedensvreträgen in der Geschichte Russlands
070066 GR Guided Reading
070067 GR Guided Reading - Geschichtsschreibung bei den Griechen und Römern
070068 GR Guided Reading
070069 GR Guided Reading
070070 GR Guided Reading
070071 GR Guided Reading - Affects, Emotions, Passions and Temperaments. A History of Emotions in the Early Modern Period
070074 GR Guided Reading - Die Gegenkultur der 68er
070075 GR Guided Reading - 1867-1914/18: Konstruktionen, Verschränkungen und Narrative
070127 GR [en] Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources, ca 200/300 -1500
070236 GR Guided Reading - Ehe Macht Geschlecht. Ehe als transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld
070107 VO Global History
070184 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
070235 VO Austrian History II - Franz Joseph und seine Zeit

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40