Universität Wien

30.02 Bachelor's Degree Programme Biology

Änderung des Curriculums für das Bachelorstudium Biologie lt. Mitteilungsblatt, Ausgegeben am 27.06.2011, 24. Stück, Nr. 168

Curriculum und Informationen zum Studium Bachelor Biologie

Eine persönliche online-Anmeldung für die Teilnahme an den Lehrveranstaltungen der Studienprogrammleitung 30 ist erfordelich. Genauere Informationen finden Sie unter http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/home/.

Zusätzlich zur online-Anmeldung ist die persönliche Anwesenheit in der Vorbesprechung bzw. ersten Einheit der Lehrveranstaltungen unbedingt erforderlich! Bei Verhinderung ist die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung rechtzeitig (d.h. vor dem Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung) zu informieren, andernfalls kann der Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung an andere Studierende vergeben werden.

Informationen betreffend die Anmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen anderer Studienprogrammleitungen (das sind jene, deren Nummer nicht mit 30 beginnt) finden sich im jeweiligen Kapitel bzw. bei der jeweiligen Lehrveranstaltung.

I. Introductory Phase (STEOP)

B-BIO 1 Basic module Biology 1

B-BIO 2 Basic module Biology 2

II. Block of Compulsory Modules

B-BIO 3 Chemistry 1

B-BIO 4 Physics and Statistics

B-BIO 5 Bioethics and Gender

B-BIO 6 Evolution

B-BIO 7 Organisms, Structures and Functions

B-BIO 8 Physiology and Ecology

B-BIO 9 Molecular Biology and Genetics

B-BIO 10 Chemistry 2

III. ABCM Disciplines of Specialization

1. Anthropology

B-BAN 1 Anatomy and Human Physiology

B-BAN 2 Hominid Evolution

B-BAN 3 Human Ecology and Social Anthropology

B-BAN 4 Behavior and Human Genetics

B-BAN 5 Statistics, Mathematics and Electronic Data Processing (EDP) in Anthropology

B-BAN 6 Methods of Anthropology

B-BAN 7 Anthropology and Society

B-BAN 8 Cognition and Morphometrics

B-BAN 9 Elective Biological Courses

B-BAN 10 Bachelor - Module

2. Microbiology and Genetics

B-BMG 1 Methods in Molecular Biology

B-BMG 2 Basics in Microbiology and Genetics

B-BMG 3 Biochemistry

B-BMG 4 Molecular Biology

B-BMG 5 Advanced Methods in Molecular Biology

B-BMG 6 Advanced Chemistry

A: Organic Chemistry
B: Analytical Chemistry
C: (Bio)physical Chemistry

B-BMG 7 Mathematics

B-BMG 8 Cell-, Immune- and Infectious Biology

B-BMG 9 Bioinformatics

B-BMG 10 Molecular Developmental Biology and Evolution

B-BMG 11 Elective Biological Courses

B-BMG 12 Bachelor - Module

B-BMG 12 A Bachelor - Module
B-BMG 12 B Bachelor - Module

3. Molecular Biology

B-BMB 1 Methods in Molecular Biology

B-BMB 2 Advanced Molecular Biology

B-BMB 3 Biochemistry

B-BMB 4 Cell Biology

B-BMB 5 Analytical and Physical Chemistry

B-BMB 6 Organic Chemistry

B-BMB 7 Mathematics

B-BMB 8 Quantitative Methods in Molecular Biology

B-BMB 9 Bioinformatics

B-BMB 10 Elective Biological Courses

B-BMB 11 Bachelor - Module

B-BMB 11 A Bachelor - Module A
B-BMB 11 B Bachelor - Module B

4. Ecology

B-BOE 1 General Ecology

B-BOE 2 Physiological Basics and Fundamentals of Ecology

B-BOE 3 Structure and Diversity of Plants

B-BOE 4 Biodiversity of Animals

B-BOE 5 Biodiversity of Microorganisms

B-BOE 6 Field Biology

B-BOE 7 Functional Ecology

B-BOE 8 Special Ecology 1

B-BOE 9 Special Ecology 2

B-BOE 10 Special Ecology 3

B-BOE 11 Elective Biological Courses

B-BOE 12 Project-related Research

B-BOE 13 Bachelor - Module

5. Palaeobiology

B-BPB 1 Palaeodiversity of Plants

B-BPB 2 Palaeodiversity of Vertebrates

B-BPB 3 Palaeodiversity of Invertebrates

B-BPB 4 Applied Micropalaeontology

B-BPB 5 Palaeontological Research Methods - Lab

B-BPB 6 Palaeontological Research Methods - Field

B-BPB 7 Research in Evolutionary Biology

B-BPB 8 Diversity of Plants and Animals

B-BPB 9 General Ecology

B-BPB 10 System Earth

B-BPB 11 Stratigraphy, History of the Earth and Phylogenesis

B-BPB 12 Elective Biological Courses

B-BPB 13 Project-related Research

B-BPB 13/A Fundamentals of Vertebrate Palaeontology
B-BPB 13/B Applied Palaeobotany
B-BPB 13/C Biology of Marine Invertebrates

B-BPB 14 Bachelor - Module

B-BPB 14/A Vertebrate Palaeontology
B-BPB 14/B Palaeobotany
B-BPB 14/C Marine Palaeoenvironments

6. Plant Sciences

B-BPF 1 Cell Biology of Plants

B-BPF 2 Basics of Plant Molecular Biology

B-BPF 3 Basics of Plant Physiology

B-BPF 4 Evolution and Diversity of Algae, Mosses, Ferns and Fungi

B-BPF 5 Evolution and Diversity of Seed Plants

B-BPF 6 Developmental Biology and Reproduction

B-BPF 7 Concepts and Methods in the Plant Sciences

B-BPF 8 Elective Biological Courses

B-BPF 9 Project-related Research

B-BPF 10 Bachelor - Module

7. Zoology

B-BZO 1 Anatomy and Morphology of Animals 1

B-BZO 2 Anatomy and Morphology of Animals 2

B-BZO 3 Animal Physiology 1

B-BZO 4 Animal Physiology 2

B-BZO 5 Behavioral Biology

B-BZO 6 Evolution and Development

B-BZO 7 Biodiversity of Animals

B-BZO 8 Field Biology

B-BZO 9 Animals in their Environments

B-BZO 10 Biology of Cognition

B-BZO 11 Elective Biological Courses

B-BZO 12 Project-related Research

B-BZO 13 Bachelor - Module

B-WZB Elective Module Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33