Universität Wien

Second stage of study

FTH 18 Christian Philosophy: Advanced Course

FTH 19 Practical Theology

FTH 20 Historical Theology

FTH 21 Canon Law: Advanced Course

FTH 22 Biblical Studies: Extension Course

FTH 23 Theological Ethics: Advanced Course

FTH 24 Systematic Theology: Extension Course

FTH 25 Theological Extension Course II

1. Ökumene

2. Seminar

a) Seminar Religionsphilosophie (Wahl)

b) Seminar Systematisch theologische Entwürfe (Wahl)

c) Seminar Interkulturelle Theologie (Wahl)

d) Ethik und Religion (Wahl)

FTH 26 Theological Extension Course III

b) Christian Philosophy

b) Social Ethics

c) Study of Religions

d) Old Testament

e) New Testament

f) Theology and History of the Christian East

g) Church History

h) Theology of Spirituality

i) Fundamental Theology

j) Liturgical Studies

k) Dogmatics

l) Theological Ethics

m) Canon Law

n) Pastoral Theology

o) Religious Pedagogics

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33