B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180062 SE Man and Machine, Cyborgs and Robots
- 180119 FS [ en ] Epistemic Relativism: Recent Proposals and Criticism
- 180140 SE Also Clio composes poetry - Historiography between science and art
- 180143 SE Logic of Science
- 180145 SE Science theory
- 180171 SE History and philosophy of the sciences - Methodological Debates and Historical Case Studies
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic: The Transition to the Subjective Logic
- 180063 SE [ en ] The Responsive Body - Bodily Self-Experience between Absence, Presence and Anonymity
- 180064 SE [ en ] Michael Tomasello: A Natural History of Human Thinking
- 180065 SE Via negationis: Anselm and Meister Eckhart
- 180120 FS [ en ] Hallucinations in Philosophy & Psychiatry
- 180162 SE Heidegger: Being and Time Part II
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180066 SE Theories of Testimony
- 180175 SE Rules and Rule-following
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 030125 SE Decisionism (Hobbes, Schmitt, Lübbe) - (auch für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen)
- 030349 SE [ en ] Why the Law is so Perverse - The Legal Theory of Leo Katz
- 180028 VO-L Morality in the context of the liberal constitutional state
- 180055 SE The use of pleasures - Foucault on ancient practices of the self
- 180067 SE Martha Nussbaum's ethical positions
- 180068 SE [ en ] Rationality, Intentionality and Planning Agency - The Work of Michael Bratman
- 180069 SE [ en ] Legal Philosophy and Conceptions of Agency
- 180074 SE [ en ] Robot Ethics
- 180082 SE [ en ] The First Person - Singular and Plural
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 010051 FS Gilles Deleuze - The Fold
- 010096 SE Discourse Ethics and Latin American Ethics of Liberation - (für Masterstudium Ethik: Masterseminar)
- 180040 VO-L The Philosophy of Tantrism
- 180051 VO-L Social implications of religion
- 180059 SE A book for everyone and no one - Nietzsches Zarathustra und die Folgen
- 180070 SE Theoder W. Adorno: Critical an aesthetic theory
- 180075 FS Unpublished philosophy - texts on media, art and culture philosophy of the estate from Günther Anders
- 180078 VO-L Elements of philosophical aesthetics
- 180126 SE Philosophy in Latin America 2 (Peru, Ekuador, Bolivien) - Identity, Comparison, Interaction between Latin American and European
- 180176 SE Philosophy of literature
- 180179 SE Philosophy of Human Rights in Intercultural Perspective
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33