Universität Wien

B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy

180055 SE [de en] Medicine and new biotechnologies - Philosophical Investigations
180056 SE [de en] Posthumanism
180050 VO-L Philosophy of Immanence - Baruch de Spinoza
180063 SE The beetle in the box - Wittgenstein on rule-following and private language
180046 VO-L Introduction to animal ethics - Theories, methods, approaches and problems
180071 FS Ethics of War
180001 SE The transparent subject - On the dream of transparency in modernity
180039 VO-L What is an image? - Theory and practice in an intercultural context
180073 SE Cultural philosophy and Anthropology - Centrism and Identity
180105 SE Mexico in consideriation of the Caribbean area - Identity, Comparison, and Interaction between Latin American and European

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40