2.5.6. Courses
- 030046 KU Equal Treatment Act - Diskriminierungsschutz und Rechtsdurchsetzung im Gleichbehandlungsrecht für die private Wirtschaft
- 030214 KU Protection against discrimination - implementation, awareness and arguments
- 030219 KU Aspects regarding consumerism of the anti-discrimination act
- 030226 KU Applied Social Psychology for Legal Experts
- 030257 KU Lawyering Skills in Labour Law
- 030344 KU Mediation of Employment Disputes
- 030348 KU Nondiscrimination - Current Problems
- 030445 KU [ en ] Collective Labour Law in Central-Eastern Europe - Problems and Evolution
- 030504 KU [ en ] The International Law of Work
Last modified: Sa 18.07.2020 02:28