Universität Wien

Directorate of Studies 8 - History of Art and Architecture - European Ethnology

8.01 Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Art History

A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Art History (Version 2011)

Orientation Period

BM 1 Introductory Course Art History
BM 2 Introduction to Art History I
BM 3 Introduction to Art History II

Study Period

BM 4 Medieval Age I (from Late Antiquity through the Romanesque Period)
BM 5 Medieval Age II (Gothic and Late Gothic Periods)
BM 6 Renaissance and Baroque Periods
BM 7 Modern and Contemporary Periods
BM 8 Case Study I
BM 9 Case Study II
BM 10 Case Study III
BM 11 Special Topics A
BM 12 Special Topics B
BM 13 Methods/Theories in Art History
BM 14 Fields of Practice in Art History
BM 15 Individual Specialisation

Final Stage

BM 16 Art in Vienna
BM 17 Seminar and Bachelor's Project I
BM 18 Seminar and Bachelor's Project II

B. Master Degree Programme in Art History

M 1: Specialisation I

M 2: Specialisation II

M 3: Excursion within Austria

M 4: Excursion Abroad

M 5: Master-Preparation-Tool

M 6: Fields of Practice in Art History

M 7: Method/Theory

M 8: Specialisation Art History

M 9: Individual Focus

M 11: Research Seminar

Information on Complementary Courses from Other Departments

C. Extension Curricula in Art History

1. EC Art History - Basics in Art History (084)

2. EC Art History - Focus in Art History (085)

D. Doktoratsstudium NEU

8.02. European Ethnology

A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in European Ethnoloy (Version 2011)

Orientation Period - StEOP


Study Period

BM 2 Fields of Research
BM 3 Empirical Techniques
BM 4 Cultural Theories
BM 5 Culture and Habitat
BM 6 Culture and Society
BM 7 Occupational Field

Final Stage

BM 8 Bachelor

B. Master Degree Programme in European Ethnology

Modul 1: Representations I

Modul 2: Culture - History - Habitat

Modul 3: Culture - History - Society

Modul 4: Cultures of Knowledge - Ethnography - Disciplinarity

Modul 5: Representations II

Modul 6: Research

Modul 7: Master

D. Extension Curricula

CSP European Ethnology - Basics of European Ethnology (082)

CSP European Ethnology - Cultural Analysis of everday life (083)

E. Doctoral Degree Programme

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33