Directorate of Studies 28 - Earth Science - Meteorology-Geophysics - Astronomy
28.01. Earthsciences Bachelor & Master
1. STEP - introduction phase
BA_ERD_1 STEOP The Earth System (BA01) STEP
BA_ERD_2 STEOP Chemistry I
BA_ERD_3 STEOP Mathematics I
2. Compulsory Modules
BA_ERD_4 Mineralogy and Crystallography (PI)
BA_ERD_5 Fundamentals of Biology
BA_ERD_6 Special mineralogy
BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II
- 280009 VU BA_ERD_7 Mathematics II (PI)
BA_ER D_8 Chemistry II
- 280010 VU BA_ERD_8 Chemistry II (PI)
BA_ERD_9 Makroskopische Gesteinsbestimmung
BA_ERD_10 Kartenkunde
- 280012 VU BA_ERD_10 Geological Chartography (PI)
BA_ERD_11 Palaeontology
- 280013 VO BA_ERD_11 Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography (NPI)
- 280014 VU BA_ERD_11 Palaeobiodiversity (PI)
BA_ERD_12 Chemical laboratory
BA_ERD_13 Physics
- 280017 VU BA_ERD_13 Physics II (PI)
BA_ERD_14 Gesteinsmikroskopie
BA_ERD_15 Practical Course in Geological Mapping for mining
- 280020 PR BA_ERD_15 Geological Field Mapping (PI)
BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy
BA_ERD_17 Introduction in Hydrogeology und Environmental Pollutants
BA_ERD_18 Petrology der kristallinen Gesteine
BA_ERD_19 Strukturgeologie und Tektonik
- 280024 VO+PR BA_ERD_19 Structural Geology and Tectonics (PI)
BA_ERD_20 Regionale Geologie
- 280025 VO+PR BA_ERD_20 Regional Geology (PI)
BA_ERD_21 Sedimente und Kohlenwasserstoffgeologie
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
BA28 Pedology, Quarternary Geology and Geomorphology
BA_ERD_23 Mathematics III
BA_ERD_24 Micropalaeontology
BA_ERD_25 Geochemische Entwicklung der Erde
BA_ERD_26 Einführung Hydrochemie und Umweltgeochemie
- 280032 VU [ de en ] BA_ERD_26 Introduction in Hydrochemistry and Environmental Chemistry (PI)
BA_ERD_27 Bachelor-Thesis
- 280033 SE BA_ERD_27 Bachelor-Thesis (PI)
BA_ERD_28 Individuelle Vertiefung
- 280224 VU [ en ] PF4 Biogeochemical element cycles (PI)
3. Elective Modules
BA30 Alternative Module I
- 280380 VO PM-Nawi/PM-MetNawi: Basics in Geophysics (NPI)
- 280381 UE PM-Nawi/PM-MetNawi: Exercises in Basics in Geophysics
BA30 Alternative Module I
BA31 Alternative Module II
BA31 Alternative Module II
4. Für Bachelor ALT (2011) angebotene LVs
PM Biologie II
- 280224 VU [ en ] PF4 Biogeochemical element cycles (PI)
PM Petrologie
1. Compulsory module group
MA-ERD-1 Mathematische Methoden in den Erdwissenschaften
MA-ERD-2 Instrumentelle Analytik in den Geowissenschaften
1. Alternative compulsory module group (APMG)
a) Focus Geology
GP0_10 Isotope geology
- 280062 VU MA-ERD-3 Geochronology (PI)
GP0_09 Quantitative Structural Geology and Tectonics
GP0_07 Sedimentology
GP0_08 Stratigraphy
GP0_11 Geochemistry
b) Focus Hydrogeology und Environmental Chemistry
AP0_03 Environmental Modelling
- 280069 PR [ en ] MA-ERD-8 Hydrogeologisches Geländepraktikum (PI)
AP0_02 Hydrochemistry
AP0_04 Environmental Pollutants
- 280073 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-10 Hydrochemistry (PI)
c) Focus Mineralogy
MA-ERD-7 Thermodynamic of Geomaterials
MA-ERD-11 Kristallography and Methods of diffraction
- 280075 VU MA-ERD-11 Methods of diffraction (PI)
MA-ERD-12 Structur and Spectroscopy of crystalline material
- 280077 VU MA-ERD-12 Spectroscopy of minerals (PI)
MA-ERD-13 Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology
d) Focus Paleontology und Geobiology
MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy
- 280066 VU MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (PI)
PP1_19 Palaeoceanography
- 280080 VU MA-ERD-14 Actuopaleontology (PI)
PP0_21 Palaeontological Labor Techniques
PP0_22 Palaeontological Field Techniques
2. Alternative Modul-group
- 280199 VO [ en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Surface reacitivity of nano particles (NPI)
- 280200 VU MA-ERD-17.0 Evolution of Vertebrates (PI)
MA-ERD-17.0 bis 17.32 Wahlmodule
- 280088 PR MA-ERD-17.5 Geological Field Mapping (pi)
- 280090 VU MA-ERD-17.7 Digital Maps and GIS (PI)
- 280091 VO+PR MA-ERD-17.8 Active Tektonics (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280094 VU MA-ERD-17.11 Planetary Geology (PI)
- 280095 VU MA-ERD-17.12 Quartärforschung (PI)
- 280097 VO+PR MA-ERD-17.14 Carst Hydrology, Carst Morphology and Water Exploitation (PI)
- 280098 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-17.15 Remediation of Contaminated Sites (PI)
- 280100 UE [ en ] MA-ERD-17.17 Advanced Modelling in Environmental Geochemistry (PI)
- 280101 VO [ en ] MA-ERD-17.18 Nanogeosciences (NPI)
- 280103 PR [ en ] MA-ERD-17.19 Biogeochemical Lab and Field course (PI)
- 280105 VU MA-ERD-17.21 Technical and Applied Mineralogy (PI)
- 280108 VU MA-ERD-17.24 Mineral Physics and Transformations (PI)
- 280110 VO MA-ERD-17.26 Petrolium, Coal and Molecular Fossils (NPI)
- 280111 VU MA-ERD-17.27 Evolution of Vertebrata (PI)
- 280112 VU MA-ERD-17.28 Microorganisms and Implementation (PI)
- 280114 UE MA-ERD-17.30 Environmental Paleontology (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 280120 UE [ en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Geological Interpretation of reflection seismic data
- 280189 VU [ en ] Synchrotron Methods in Environmental Sciences (PI)
- 280190 VU Environmental geochemistry of chronium (PI)
- 280191 VU [ en ] Marine geology and paleoceanography: methods, proxies and challenges (PI)
- 280192 SE Earth Sciences and Archivistic
- 280193 VO+UE MA-ERD-17.0 Role of chemical processes during shear zone (PI)
- 280194 VU MA-ERD-17.0 Ore deposits in reflected light microscopy (PI)
- 280195 VO [ en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Sorption of organic compounds (NPI)
- 280196 VO+UE [ en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Introduction to X-ray Imaging in Geosciences (PI)
- 280197 VO+UE [ en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Nucleation and growth of sedimentary minerals and implications for climate archvies (PI)
- 280198 VO [ de en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Transport phenomena and environmental modeling (NPI)
- 280199 VO [ en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Surface reacitivity of nano particles (NPI)
- 280200 VU MA-ERD-17.0 Evolution of Vertebrates (PI)
- 280201 VO+UE [ en ] Cyclostratigraphy (including excursion) (PI)
- 280202 VO+UE Geometric Morphometrics in Palaebiology (PI)
- 280203 VO [ en ] Geology and Palaebiology of important vertebrate localities (NPI)
C. Additional teaching
- 280192 SE Earth Sciences and Archivistic
- 280194 VU MA-ERD-17.0 Ore deposits in reflected light microscopy (PI)
- 280199 VO [ en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Surface reacitivity of nano particles (NPI)
28.02. Doctoral programme in Earth Sciences
28.04. Meteorology (Bachelor, Master)
Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (PM-Met-1) (BA01) STEP
Mathematics 1 (PM-Math-1) (BA02) STEP
Compulsory module (BA)
PM-Math-1 Mathematics 1
PM-Math-2 Mathematics 2
PM-Met-2 Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology 2
PM-Prog Programming in Meteorology
PM-Math-3 Mathematics 3
PM-Ph-2 Introduction to Physics 2
PM-Met-3 Atmospheric Radiation and Chemistry of the Atmosphere
PM-Met-4 Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere
PM-Stat Statistical Methods of Meteorology
PM-Math-4 Mathematics 4
PM-Prakt Basic Lab in Meteorology
PM-Met-5 Hydrometeorology, atm. Electricity and Optics
PM-Met-6 Dynamics of the Atmosphere 1
PM-Met-7 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 1
PM-Met-8 Climate
PM-Met-9 Experimental Meteorology
- 280336 PR PM-Met-9 Field Exercises (PI)
PM-Met-10 Dynamics of the Atmosphere 2
PM-Met-11 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 2
PM-Met-12 Weather Analysis and Forecasting
- 280341 VO PM-Met-12 Interpretation of forecast model output (NPI)
- 280342 KO PM-Met-12 Weather Discussion (PI)
PM-Met-13 Remote Sensing
PM-BPrak Professional Practical Training
PM-Bach Bachelor Thesis
- 280346 SE PM-Bach Bachelor Seminar
PM-Nawi Related Natural Sciences
- 280380 VO PM-Nawi/PM-MetNawi: Basics in Geophysics (NPI)
- 280381 UE PM-Nawi/PM-MetNawi: Exercises in Basics in Geophysics
PM-EinfMet Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology
PM-PhR Introduction to Mathematics for Physicists (StEOP)
PM-Ph-1 Introduction to Physics I (StEOP)
PM-Ph-2 Introduction in Physics II
PM-Ph-3 Introduction in Physics III
PM-Ph-4 Physically concepts of Meteorology
- 280447 VU VU Physical Concepts (PI)
PM-TP-1 Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanic
PM-Prakt Practical Course Physics
PM-Math-1 Analysis for Physicists I
PM-Math-2 Linear Algebra for Physicists
PM-Math-3 Analysis for Physicists II
PM-Math-4 Mathematical Methods of Physics for Meteorologists I
- 280318 UE [ en ] PM-Math-4 Exercises in Mathematical Methods of Meteorologists I (PI)
PM-Math-5 Exercises in Mathematical Methods of Physics for Meteorologists II
PM-Prog IT in Meteorology
- 280446 VU VU Informatics (PI)
PM-Num VU Numerical methods in meteorology (PI)
PM-Met-1 Meteorology I
- 280323 VU PM-Met-1 Meteorology I (PI)
PM-Met-2 Meteorology II
PM-Met-3 Climatology
- 280329 VO PM-Met-3 Climatology (NPI)
- 280330 SE PM-Met-3 Climatology (PI) - Regional Climatology
PM-Met-4 Dynamics of the Atmosphere
PM-Met-5 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 1
PM-Met-6 Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology 2
PM-Met-7 Meteorological Observational Methods
PM-Met-8 Remote Sensing
PM-Nawi Similar Natural Sciences
PM-Bach Bachelormodul
Required Modules
PM-MiMet Micrometeorology
PM-MDyn Mesoscale Dynamics
PM-Num Numerical Modeling
- 280354 VO [ de en ] PM-Num: Fundamentals of atmospheric modelling (NPI)
- 280355 UE PM-Num: Exercise course in Fundamentals of atmospheric modelling (PI)
PM-WV Weather Analysis and Forecasting
PM-Mess: Meteorological observing systems
PM-Kl1 Climate 1
- 280365 VO PM-Kl1 Climate Models (NPI)
- 280366 UE PM-Kl1 Exercise course in Climate Models (PI)
- 280367 SE PM-Kl1 Literature seminar IPCC (PI)
PM-Kl2 Climate 2
PM-Alpin Alpine Meteorology
PM-Exkur Meteorological-Climatological Excursion
PM-MetNawi Special Topics of Meteorology and Related Natural Sciences
- 280380 VO PM-Nawi/PM-MetNawi: Basics in Geophysics (NPI)
- 280381 UE PM-Nawi/PM-MetNawi: Exercises in Basics in Geophysics
- 280385 VO PM-MetNawi: Relevance of meteorological applications - for society and the International Community (NPI)
- 280386 VO PM-MetNawi: Meteorological applications using Matlab (NPI)
- 280387 UE PM-MetNawi: Exercises in meteorological applications using Matlab (PI)
- 280379 SE PM-Master Meteorological-Geophysical colloquium (PI)
- 280388 SE PM-Master Meteorological seminar (PI)
28.04. Physics of the Earth, Joint Masterstudium
MA PE 01 Mathematical and Numerical Methods
MA PE 02 Seismic Waves
MA PE 03 Physics of the Earth 1
MA PE 04 Physics of the Earth 2
- 280391 VO [ en ] MA PE 04 Structure of the Earth (NPI)
MA PE 05 Geophysical Measurements
- 280392 EX [ en ] MA PE 05 VO Excursion Geophysical Measurements (PI)
MA PE 06 Compulsory Elective Courses 1
- 280394 VO [ en ] MA PE 06/MA PE 07: Potential Field Methods - (NPI)
MA PE 07 Compulsory Elective Courses 2
- 280394 VO [ en ] MA PE 06/MA PE 07: Potential Field Methods - (NPI)
MA PE 08 Master Module
- 280395 SE [ en ] MA PE 08 SE Physics of the Earth Seminar 2 (PI)
28.05. Doctoral programme Meteorology
28.06. Astronomy BACHELOR & MASTER
A. Bachelor programme Astronomy
1. StEOP - Compulsory Orientation Phase
STEOP: Introduction to physics I
StEOP: Introduction to Astronomy I
1. Mandatory modules
Introduction to Astronomy II
Introduction to astronomy III
Astronomical Laboratory Exercises for Beginners
Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers I
Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers II
Numerical methods in astronomy
Introduction to physics II
Introduction to physics III
Analysis for physicists I
Analysis for physicists II
Linear algebra for physicists
Astrophysics I
Astronomical instruments I
History of science/philosophy of science/philosophy
Practical observations
Seminar: topics of the current astronomical research
- 280454 SE [ en ] PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
Astronomical bachelorseminar (incl. Bachelor thesis)
- 280453 SE [ de en ] Astronomical bachelorseminar (PI)
2. Alternative mandatory module
Astronomical instruments II
Astrophysics II
- 280456 VO Alternative mandatory module: Astrophysics II
- 280457 UE Alternative PM: Astrophysics II (PI)
3. Optional Modules
A.2. BACHELOR Astronomy VERSION 2015
STEOP-Astro Introduction in Astronomy
STEOP-PhRM Introduction to Computational Methods in Physics
STEOP-Ph1 Introduction to Physics I
PM-AnaPh1 Analysis for Physicists I
PM-LinAlg Linear Algebra for Physicists
PM-AP1 Astrophysics I
- 280430 VU PM-AP1 VU Astrophysics I (PI)
PM-AnaPh2 Analysis for Physicists II
PM-Ph-2 Introduction in Physics II
PM-MethPh1 Mathematical Methods of Physics for Meteorologists I
PM-AP2 Astrophysics II
PM-Ph-3 Introduction in Physics III
PM-TP-1 Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanic
PM-MethPh2 Mathematical Methods of Physics for Meteorologists II
PM-AstroPR Astronomical Laboratory
PM-InfAst Informatics for Astronomers
- 280446 VU VU Informatics (PI)
PM-KonAst Physically concepts in Astronomy
- 280447 VU VU Physical Concepts (PI)
PM-TP2 Theoretical Physics II: Quantum Mechanics
PM-NumMeth Numerical methods of Astronomy
PM-AstInst1 Astronomical instruments I
PM-ObsPrak Practical observations
PM-AstSem Seminar for actual astronomical topics
- 280454 SE [ en ] PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
PM-TAP1 Theoretically Astrophysics I
PM-BacSem Astronomical Bachelorseminar
PM-Nawi Special Topics of Astronomy and Related Natural Sciences
B. Master programme Astronomy
1. Mandatory modules
Astronomical mandatory module: cosmology and extragalactic Astronomy
Stars and Planets
Astronomical mandatory module: milky way and interstellar medium
Astronomical mandatory module: methods and instruments of astronomy
Astronomical mandatory module: Classical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, History
2. Alternative mandatory modules
Astronomical instruments II
Astrophysics II
Practical in observation orientated astronomy
Practical training in numerical astronomy
3. Astronomical Consolidation module group
3.1. Astronomical mandatory module
Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
Stars and Planets
Milky way and interstellar medium
Methods and instruments of astronomy
Classical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics and History of Astronomy
3.2. Astronomical consolidation module
Classical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics and History of Astronomy
Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
- 280512 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Current topics in galaxy evolution (PI)
- 280526 VU [ en ] Consolidation module: Dwarf Galaxies - their role for our understanding of astrophsical processes (PI)
Methods and instruments of astronomy
Milky way and interstellar medium
- 280525 SE Consolidation module: Star formation in the Milkyway (PI)
- 280530 VO Consolidation module: Peculiar Stars (NPI)
Stars and Planets
- 280494 VO Consolidation module: Chaos in planetary systems (NPI)
- 280495 UE Consolidation module: Exercises in Chaos in planetetary systems (PI)
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Planetary systems: dynamics of planets and planetesimals (PI)
- 280501 SE Consolidation module: Selected topics of planetary sciences (PI)
- 280508 VU Consolidation module: Modern Asteroseismology (PI)
- 280531 UE Consolidation module: Exercises in Peculiar Stars (PI)
- 450101 SE Habitability and Exoplanets (PI)
4. Optional Module Group
- 280480 VO Consolidation module: history of astronomy II (NPI)
- 280494 VO Consolidation module: Chaos in planetary systems (NPI)
- 280495 UE Consolidation module: Exercises in Chaos in planetetary systems (PI)
- 280496 VU Consolidation module: The European - Extremely Large Telescope (PI)
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Planetary systems: dynamics of planets and planetesimals (PI)
- 280501 SE Consolidation module: Selected topics of planetary sciences (PI)
- 280508 VU Consolidation module: Modern Asteroseismology (PI)
- 280512 SE [ de en ] Consolidation module: Current topics in galaxy evolution (PI)
- 280525 SE Consolidation module: Star formation in the Milkyway (PI)
- 280526 VU [ en ] Consolidation module: Dwarf Galaxies - their role for our understanding of astrophsical processes (PI)
- 280531 UE Consolidation module: Exercises in Peculiar Stars (PI)
- 280534 VO [ en ] Element Abundances & Chemical Evolution of the Cosmos (NPI)
- 450101 SE Habitability and Exoplanets (PI)
B.2. Master programme Astronomy VERSION 2016
PM-Sem Compulsory Module Research Seminar
WM Optional Module group
- 280534 VO [ en ] Element Abundances & Chemical Evolution of the Cosmos (NPI)
WM-a Optional Modules Galaxy and Universe
WM-a-Gal Extragalactic Astronomy
- 280519 VU [ en ] WM-a-Gal Extragalactic Astronomy (PI)
WM-a-Uni Early Universe
WM-b Optional Modules Stars and Planets
WM-b-ISM Star formation and the interstellar medium
WM-b-Planet Planets and exoplanets
WM-b-Stern Stellar structure and evolution
WM-c Optional Modules Astronomical Instruments and Methods
WM-c-Inst Astronomical instrumentation
WM-c-Num Practical in numerical Astronomy
APM-c-Beob Practical in observation orientated Astronomy
PM Compulsory Module Consolidation
PM-Astr Compulsory Module Consolidation Astronomy
- 280532 VO [ en ] Introduction to Cosmology, Part 2 (NPI)
- 280533 VO [ en ] Data Visualization in Theory and Practice (NPI)
PM-FnNawi Compulsory Module Specialized individual consolidation
28.07. Doctoral programme Astronomy
28.08. Environmental Sciences, MASTER Study Program
Modul P1 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Modul PF1 - Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry
- 280073 VU [ en ] MA-ERD-10 Hydrochemistry (PI)
- 280214 VU [ en ] PF1 Environmental Interface geochemistry (PI)
Modul PF2 - Environmental Biology
Modul PF3 - Environmental Pollutants
Modul PF4 - Element Cycles
- 280224 VU [ en ] PF4 Biogeochemical element cycles (PI)
- 300175 VO [ en ] Microbial Oceanography
Modul PS1 - Marine Systems
Modul PS2 - Ground and Surface Water Systems
Modul PS3 - Atmospheric Systems
- 280230 VO [ en ] PS3 Atmospheric Systems (NPI)
- 280231 UE [ en ] PS3 Atmospheric Systems (PI)
Modul PS4 - Terrestrial Systems
- 280232 VU [ en ] PS4 Terrestrial Systems (VU)
Modul PIK1 - Legislation, Policy and Economies
- 280234 VO [ en ] PIK1 Legislation, Policy and Economics (NPI)
Modul PIK2 - Models in Environmental Sciences
- 280100 UE [ en ] MA-ERD-17.17 Advanced Modelling in Environmental Geochemistry (PI)
- 300169 SE [ en ] Applied Machine Learning for biological problems
Modul PIK3 - Seminar in Environmental Sciences
- 280239 SE [ en ] PIK3 Master Seminar Environmental Sciences
Specialisation (WS)
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33
------------------------------------------------------------Ab SoSe 2015 übernimmt die Studienprogrammleitung SPL 28 als Anmeldesystem das PRÄFERENZSYSTEM
(Mitteilungsblatt vom 30.09.2014)!
An- und Abmeldefristen für SoSe 2015 über UNIVIS:PI-LVs: Beginn Anmeldefrist: 10.02. 00:00
Ende Anmeldefrist: 24.02. 23:59
Ende Abmeldefrist: 20.03. 23:59NPI-LVs: An- und Abmeldung vom 10.02. 00.00 bis 30.06. 23:59