13.01. Finno-Ugric Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Fennistics
Group of Modules I - Orientation Period
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Literaturwissenschaft
Module 1: Language Acquisition
- 130497 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language II
Module 2: Introduction to Philology
- 130478 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 130479 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
- 130481 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
Group of Modules II - Advanced Level
Module 3: Language Acquisition
- 130477 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language IV
Module 4: Linguistics
Module 5: Cultural Studies
- 130059 UE Practical Exercises in Cultural Studies - Theory of the other
- 130131 VO [ en ] Lecture Literary Studies: Stylistic tools and genres of Finnish - National realism in historic changing process from the 1870s to contemporary literature
- 130467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
Group of Modules III - In-Depth Studies
Module 6: Language Acquisition
- 130476 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language VI
Module 7: Baltic Sea Region Context & Estonian Studies
- 130500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Alternative Required Module 8a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics
- 130010 UE Project - In conversation with Agnes Heller - Transcription and Edition
- 130023 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics II
Alternative Required Module 8b: In-Depth Studies in Literature
- 130010 UE Project - In conversation with Agnes Heller - Transcription and Edition
- 130029 UE Practical Exercises in Literature Studies II - Finnish Young-adult fiction
- 130097 VO Constructing the Literary Self and Other
B. Master Degree Programme in Finno-Ugric Studies
Module 1: Structural Course Finnish/Hungarian
- 130362 VO Structure of Finnish II
- 130465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
Module 2: Comparative Uralistics
- 130012 VO Comparative Uralic Forms
Module 3: Small Finno-Ugric Languages
- 130007 UE Nganasen
- 130014 UE Mari I
- 130498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
- 130500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Module 4: Thematic Seminar
Module 5: Supplementary Studies
- 130007 UE Nganasen
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
- 130500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
- 480139 VO Austriacisms - Common Loanwords in German, Hungarian and Slavic Languages
Module 6: In-Depth Studies
- 130007 UE Nganasen
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
Module 7: Master Seminar
- 130466 SE Graduate Seminar
C. Bachelor Degree Programme in Hungarian Studies
Group of Modules I - Orientation Period
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Literaturwissenschaft
Required Module 1: Language Acquisition
- 130489 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language II
Required Module 2: Introduction to Philology
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Group of Modules II - Advanced Level
Required Module 3: Language Acquisition
- 130490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
Alternative Required Module 4a: Introduction to Hungarian Linguistics
- 130059 UE Practical Exercises in Cultural Studies - Theory of the other
- 130461 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics I
- 130467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
Alternative Required Module 4b: Introduction to Hungarian Literature Studies
- 130009 KO Conversation Course Literary Studies - Manifests of Modernity in Vienna and Budapest
- 130024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies I - Contemporary Hungarian Children's Literature - in print on screen and on disc
- 130059 UE Practical Exercises in Cultural Studies - Theory of the other
- 130467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
Group of Modules III - In-Depth Studies
Required Module 5: Language Acquisition
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
Alternative Required Module 6a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics
- 130009 KO Conversation Course Literary Studies - Manifests of Modernity in Vienna and Budapest
- 130010 UE Project - In conversation with Agnes Heller - Transcription and Edition
- 130025 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics II
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 480139 VO Austriacisms - Common Loanwords in German, Hungarian and Slavic Languages
Alternative Required Module 6b: In-Depth Studies in Literature
- 130005 VO [ hu ] "Split Literature": - Overview of Hungarian Literature from the Middle of the 20th Century to Today
- 130010 UE Project - In conversation with Agnes Heller - Transcription and Edition
- 130066 VO Images of Central Europe and New European Identity Stories: - Encounters with the Other through Narrativity
- 130458 UE [ de en hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies II - Post-war European Documentary Films with special Attention to the Development in Hungary
D. Master Degree Programme in Hungarian Studies
Module 1: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns of Literary and Cultural Studies
- 130005 VO [ hu ] "Split Literature": - Overview of Hungarian Literature from the Middle of the 20th Century to Today
- 130011 SE [ de hu ] The Hungarian Film of the Post-war Era
- 130066 VO Images of Central Europe and New European Identity Stories: - Encounters with the Other through Narrativity
- 130067 UE [ hu ] Text Interpretations: - Literary Canons in the Second Half of the 20th Century
- 130361 UE Methods of Analysis for Micronarratives and "Hidden Stories"
Module 2: Interdisciplinarity: Hungarian Studies in the Context of Neighbouring Disciplines - Comparative Literature, History, Art History, Theatre and Film
- 130005 VO [ hu ] "Split Literature": - Overview of Hungarian Literature from the Middle of the 20th Century to Today
- 130011 SE [ de hu ] The Hungarian Film of the Post-war Era
- 130066 VO Images of Central Europe and New European Identity Stories: - Encounters with the Other through Narrativity
- 130067 UE [ hu ] Text Interpretations: - Literary Canons in the Second Half of the 20th Century
- 130361 UE Methods of Analysis for Micronarratives and "Hidden Stories"
Module 3: Hungarian Literary and Cultural Studies as Mass Media and Communication Science
- 130005 VO [ hu ] "Split Literature": - Overview of Hungarian Literature from the Middle of the 20th Century to Today
- 130011 SE [ de hu ] The Hungarian Film of the Post-war Era
- 130066 VO Images of Central Europe and New European Identity Stories: - Encounters with the Other through Narrativity
- 130067 UE [ hu ] Text Interpretations: - Literary Canons in the Second Half of the 20th Century
- 130361 UE Methods of Analysis for Micronarratives and "Hidden Stories"
Module 4: Master Module
- 130195 SE Graduate Seminar
- 130470 SE [ hu ] Graduate Seminar
E. Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): First Stage
- 130024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies I - Contemporary Hungarian Children's Literature - in print on screen and on disc
- 130025 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics II
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130461 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics I
- 130462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 130490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Subject Didactics
- 130004 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Teaching Methodology I
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Second Stage
- 130003 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Teaching
- 130005 VO [ hu ] "Split Literature": - Overview of Hungarian Literature from the Middle of the 20th Century to Today
- 130009 KO Conversation Course Literary Studies - Manifests of Modernity in Vienna and Budapest
- 130011 SE [ de hu ] The Hungarian Film of the Post-war Era
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130059 UE Practical Exercises in Cultural Studies - Theory of the other
- 130066 VO Images of Central Europe and New European Identity Stories: - Encounters with the Other through Narrativity
- 130195 SE Graduate Seminar
- 130466 SE Graduate Seminar
- 130470 SE [ hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
F. Extension Curricula/Minor Finno-Ugric Studies
EC Finnish Culture and Language (132)
- 130362 VO Structure of Finnish II
- 130467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 130478 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 130479 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
CSP Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture (136)
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
G. Master Degree Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian
Abschlussphase Master Lehramt UF Ungarisch
UF MA UN 01 Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung (Pflichtmodulgruppe)
UF MA UN 02 Fachdidaktik (Pflichtmodul)
UF MA UN 03 Fachdidaktische Begleitung der Praxisphase
UF MA UN 04 Masterseminar (Pflichtmodul)
H. Bachelor Degree Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian
UF UN 01 StEOP Unterrichtsfach Ungarisch
Introduction to Linguistics
Einführung in die ungarische Literaurgeschichte I
UF UN 02 Spracherwerb Ungarisch IV
- 130490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
UF UN 03 Spracherwerb Ungarisch V
Spracherwerb Ungarisch V
UF UN 04 Spracherwerb Ungarisch VI
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
Spracherwerb Ungarisch VI
UF UN 05 Grundlagen der ungarischen Sprachwissenschaft
- 130462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
Deskriptive Grammatik de des Ungarischen II
UF UN 06 Grundlagen der ungarischen Literaturwissenschaft und des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft
UF UN 07 Grundlagen der ungarischen Landeswissenschaft
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Hungary: History and Culture I
UF UN 08 Fachdidaktik
- 130004 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Teaching Methodology I
Hungarian Teaching Methodology II
Interdisciplinary Teaching Methodology
UF UN 09 Vertiefung: Sprach- oder Literaturwissenschaft
UF UN 10 Wahlbereich für Studierende des Lehramts
- 130005 VO [ hu ] "Split Literature": - Overview of Hungarian Literature from the Middle of the 20th Century to Today
- 130009 KO Conversation Course Literary Studies - Manifests of Modernity in Vienna and Budapest
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130059 UE Practical Exercises in Cultural Studies - Theory of the other
- 130066 VO Images of Central Europe and New European Identity Stories: - Encounters with the Other through Narrativity
- 130067 UE [ hu ] Text Interpretations: - Literary Canons in the Second Half of the 20th Century
- 130361 UE Methods of Analysis for Micronarratives and "Hidden Stories"
UF UN 11 Fachbezogenes Schulpraktikum Ungarisch
- 130003 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Teaching
UF UN 12 Bachelormodul
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:17
Bachelorstudium Unterrichtsfach Ungarischam Mittwoch, 01.03.2017 um 09:00 bis 10:30 Uhr, HS 1, 1. Stock, Spitalgasse 2-4/Hof 7, Eingang 7.2., AAKH, 1090 Wien.Anwesenheit unbedingt erforderlich!WICHTIG: Informationen zur Zulassung und zur Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP) finden Sie hier: http://finno-ugristik.univie.ac.at/studium-spl/neu-steop-und-die-neuerungen-bei-der-zulassung/Die Online Anmeldung über das U:SPACE zu den Lehrveranstaltungen der Finno-Ugristik ist von 13.02. bis 15.03.2017, die Abmeldung der prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen bis 31.03.2017 und die Abmeldung der nicht prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen ist bis 30.04.2017 möglich.