Universität Wien

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Oriental Studies

Weiterführende Informationen zu den Studien (z.B. Curricula (Studienpläne) für BA (Informationen zur STEOP für ERSTSEMESTRIGE), MA und EC und vieles Mehr siehe http://orientalistik.univie.ac.at/studium/

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140270 VO (STEOP) STEOP: Arabic Language I
140304 VO (STEOP) STEOP: Turkish Grammar I
140002 PS Mesopotamian Literature: Reading - Akkadian Literary Texts - Reading of extracts from the Erra Epos
140003 PS Sumerian Literary Texts - Sumerian Hymns to Gods
140032 SE Akkadian Seminar - Political Institutions and forms of domination from the Early Bronze to the Iron Age
140032 SE Akkadian Seminar - Political Institutions and forms of domination from the Early Bronze to the Iron Age
140032 SE Akkadian Seminar - Political Institutions and forms of domination from the Early Bronze to the Iron Age
140426 VO+UE Arabic Language B
140478 VO+UE Arabic Language B
140066 VO+UE Arabic Language F
140019 UE Arabic L - Readings in Arabic Literature - Moderne ägyptische Prosaliteratur
140121 VO [de en] (SGU) VM1 / VM7 - Coloniality under De_Construction - Decolonial Perspectives and Activisms
140030 UE Ottoman II
140163 VO Lecture on Selected Aspects of Modern Turkey - Die Türkei im Spannungsfeld von Nationalismus, Autoritarismus und Demokratie

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33