A. Doctoral Degree Programme in Catholic Theology
- 010108 UE Academic German for Theologians
1. Introductory phase
a) Seminar in the subject area of the thesis
b) research proposal
c) Interdisciplinary Courses
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010098 SE The Bible Inspiring Art
d) Presentation at the faculty
2. Doctoral thesis agreement
a) Promotion of skills in the field of the doctoral thesis or specialized fields of theology and general language competences
b) Module: Area of concentration
c) Module University Didactics
- 360013 SE Teaching in a scientific context
d) Module Theology in context of Church, Science and Society
e) Module Involvement in an academic event
3. Courses especially forn doctoral students
- 010052 FS Walter Benjamin's History and Religion - Wahrnehmung von Geschichte und Religion bei Walter Benjamin
- 010056 FS Research Seminar for Graduands: Transformation of Religion - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010057 FS Thomas von Aquinas: On Religion (Sth II II qq. 80-100)
- 010064 FS One truth - but many faces? - On tensions between christology and a pluralistic theology of religion
- 010071 FS Luther and Ignatius
- 010075 FS "Near - yet hard to seize" - Between Literature and Religion - Im Zwischenraum von Literatur und Religion (Lektüreseminar zur Poetikdozentur)
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 010320 FS Was ist liturgische Theologie
- 360009 PV Privatissimum
- 360010 PV Privatissimum
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 360012 PV Privatissimum
- 360015 DR Doctoral Seminar
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33
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