PM1 Courses in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (25 ECTS)
- 080029 VO Reading Traces - Architecture as "Medium": Material and Information
- 090047 UE Reading Modern Greek Texts
- 090065 UE Modern Greek Studies (UE)
- 090067 UE Reading Byzantine Texts
- 090070 VO Economic, Social and Cultural History (Byz.) - (13.-15.Jh.)
- 090072 UE Byz. History
- 090074 UE [ en ] Modern Greek Studies (UE)
- 090075 UE Modern Greek Studies (UE) - Intertextuelle Verortung der 'Chronik einer Stadt' (1938) von Pandelís Prevelákis im Horizont der europäischen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte
- 090076 UE Modern Greek Literature and Comic
- 090077 VO Forgery, Deception, Mystification in Modern Greek Literature
- 090078 VO History (Byz.)
- 090121 UE Modern Greek Studies (UE)
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33