Advanced Phase (53 ECTS)
3.1 Methods of Social and Cultural Anthropology (24 ECTS)
- 240013 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240014 PS [ en de ] Qualitative Research Methods
- 240015 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
3.2 Application-Oriented Fields of Research (10 ECTS)
3.2.1 Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects (10 ECTS)
- 240016 VO We & the Others (3.2.1) - Intercultural Communication, Competence and Organizational Development
- 240017 VO Applied Peace Studies - Anthropological Approaches of Conflict Analysis (3.2.1)
- 240018 VS Environmental conflicts and intercul. dialogue with indig. peoples in tropical South America (3.2.1)
- 240019 VS From calls for integration to the (re)production of hierarchical relations (3.2.1) - Critical perspectives on intercultural project management for Roma and Sinti
- 240020 VS The mountain and the desert - Designing an intercultural project in Iran (3.2.1) - An anthropological simulation game
3.2.2 Migration - Integration - Asylum (10 ECTS)
3.2.3 Anthropology and Development Cooperation (10 ECTS)
3.2.4 Museum and Educational Work (10 ECTS)
3.2.5 Medical Anthropology - Body Awareness - Transculturality (10 ECTS)
3.2.6 Visual Anthropology (10 ECTS)
- 240021 VO [ de en ] Black Nationalism and African American Experiences in the USA and the Carribean (3.2.6)
- 240022 VS Pictures in the head and on film - Photography in social research (3.2.6)
- 240023 VS Visual Representations of Orientalism and Exotism (3.2.6)
- 240024 VS [ de en ] Practical Approach to Filmmaking in Asia (3.2.6)
3.3 Current Issues in Social and Cultural Anthropology (10 ECTS)
3.3.1 Politics - Globalisation (10 ECTS)
3.3.2 Law - Peace - Conflict (10 ECTS)
3.3.3 Town - Space - Environment (10 ECTS)
3.3.4 Economy - Tourism (10 ECTS)
- 240025 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional (3.3.4)
- 240026 VO Multidimensional Consumption - Introduction to the Anthropology of Consumption (3.3.4)
- 240027 VS Economic anthropology: current debates (3.3.4)
- 240029 VS Tourism and Indigenous Peoples (3.3.4)
- 240030 VS [ en ] Materializing the Class: Rethinking Middle Classes through Consumption (3.3.4)
3.3.5 Religion - World View - Ritual (10 ECTS)
3.3.6 Art - Media - Narration (10 ECTS)
- 240031 VO [ en ] The Social Life of Stories: Narrative Theories and Methods (3.3.6)
- 240032 VO More than metadata? (3.3.6) - Analog or digital Ethnographic Datarepositories as problem for collectors and collections
- 240033 VS Mythology and Storytelling (3.3.6)
- 240034 VS Indigenous Art: Case Studies from Australia (3.3.6)
- 240035 VS [ en ] The politics of cultural production in the Middle East (3.3.6)
- 240051 VS [ de en ] Ethnography of the Archive - Narration, History and Power (3.3.6)
3.4 Regional Specialisations (9 ECTS)
- 240036 VO Introduction to the Caribbean Studies
- 240037 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Oceania
- 240038 VO Ethnology of Central Asia: An Introduction
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29