Communicative and Interpersonal Skills (5 ECTS)
BA KSK - Communicative and Interpersonal Skills (5 ECTS)
- 230051 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
- 230052 TR Information Literacy and Writing for Academic Purpose
- 230053 TR Conflict Management in teams
- 230054 TR Body Language
- 230055 TR To Operate With(in) Groups Leading Teams
- 230056 TR Write a paper and I will tell you what you think - Academic texts as an expression of our world of thought
- 230057 TR Getting to the point - Writing good (term)papers with joy, structure and conception - Mit Freude, Struktur und Konzept gute wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben
BA KSK - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:34