Master Classical Philology (683)
Greek Language and Literature (17 ECTS)
- 090066 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose) - Thukydides und die Folgen
- 090074 SE Seminar Greek - Chariton, Kallirhoe
Latin Language and Literature (17 ECTS)
- 090048 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose) - "So many types of awful men": an informal and anecdotal introduction to character-types, personal pathology, and its remedies in Latin Literature
- 090058 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry)
- 090072 VO Area of Latin Literature (Poetry) - Lateinische historisch-panegyrische Epik in Spätantike und Mittelalter
- 090073 SE Seminar Latin - Firmicus Maternus: De errore profanarum religionum
- 090078 SE Seminar Latin - Fortsetzungen und Transformationen von Vergils Didogeschichte in Antike und Früher Neuzeit
- 090080 SE Seminar Latin - De avaritia
Literature in Theorie and Practice (18 ECTS)
- 090081 UE Research-Colloquium
Master-Module (9 ECTS)
- 090075 UE Stylistics of Greek
- 090077 SE Master's Seminar
- 090081 UE Research-Colloquium
Specialisation (12 ECTS)
- 090048 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose) - "So many types of awful men": an informal and anecdotal introduction to character-types, personal pathology, and its remedies in Latin Literature
- 090058 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry)
- 090072 VO Area of Latin Literature (Poetry) - Lateinische historisch-panegyrische Epik in Spätantike und Mittelalter
- 090108 UE UE aus dem Bereich Mittel- oder Neulatein
Textual Transmission and Reception (16 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29