MA F - Area of Research (26 ECTS)
Für die Anmeldung und Teilnahme an prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen (SE, FOSE, VOSE, UE...) dieses Moduls ist es erforderlich, dass Sie am Ende der Anmeldephase das gesamte Methodenmodul vollständig absolviert haben und eine Modulnote berechnet wurde. Sie werden ansonsten nicht zugeteilt und können an diesen Lehrveranstaltungen nicht teilnehmen.Lehrveranstaltungen aus den Forschungsspezialisierungen können auch in HInblick auf das Modul MA SE Soziologische Erweiterung besucht werden, sofern dies zu Ihrem Masterarbeitsvorhaben passt. Jedoch ist bei prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen eine Anmeldung und Teilnahme grundsätzlich erst dann möglich, wenn Sie das Modul MA M vollständig absolviert haben! Aus diesem Grund ist Ihnen eine Zuordnung Ihrer Anmeldungen nur zum Modul MA F möglich, nicht aber zu MA SE.Nachträgliche Verschiebungen in Ihrem Prüfungspass von MA F nach MA SE können nach Erhalt einer positiven Benotung von den MitarbeiterInnen der Studienservicestelle außerhalb von aktiven Anmeldephasen für teilnahmebeschränkte Lehrveranstaltungen vorgenommen werden. Wenden Sie sich an studienservicestelle.soziologie[at]
MA F - Area of Research: Social Structure, Social Integration ((Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230026 VO [ en ] Introduction to urban sociology
- 230027 VO Families, Demographic Structure and Demographic Developments
- 230047 SE Educational inequalities
- 230074 SE Children, Society and Risk
- 230076 SE The organisation and regulation of Work in a Globalised Capitalism
- 230078 SE Labor Market and Employment - Justice and Redistribution in the Labor Market
- 230080 FS Research lab 1: Applied urban research
- 230088 FS Research lab 2: "Voices of transition" Adolescents' life realities after Neue Mittelschule - Second wave of the qualitative panel study "Pathways to the future"
- 230089 FS Research Lab 2: Solidarity in times of crisis
- 230093 SE Enlightment between Reform of State and Sociology
- 230114 VO+UE Measurement and structural equation models in the 1st wave of the project "Pathways to the Future" - Using the R-program lavaan
- 230130 SE [ en ] Electoral Sociology
MA F - Area of Research: Social Structure and Social Integration: Recommended Lectures of other Departments:
- 030510 SE Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
MA F - Area of Specialization: Family Research, Generations, Lifespan (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230027 VO Families, Demographic Structure and Demographic Developments
- 230047 SE Educational inequalities
- 230074 SE Children, Society and Risk
- 230076 SE The organisation and regulation of Work in a Globalised Capitalism
- 230078 SE Labor Market and Employment - Justice and Redistribution in the Labor Market
- 230088 FS Research lab 2: "Voices of transition" Adolescents' life realities after Neue Mittelschule - Second wave of the qualitative panel study "Pathways to the future"
- 230114 VO+UE Measurement and structural equation models in the 1st wave of the project "Pathways to the Future" - Using the R-program lavaan
MA F - Area of Research: Family, Generations, Lifespan - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
MA F - Area of Specialization: Work, Organization, Health (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230029 VO Health and Ailments in the Society - What is the contribution from sociology to health, ailments and diseases?
- 230049 VO Digitisation, Labour and Organisation
- 230074 SE Children, Society and Risk
- 230075 SE Participation in and health - Sociological perspectives on practices of patient involvement in Austria
- 230076 SE The organisation and regulation of Work in a Globalised Capitalism
- 230077 SE Group Dynamics - systemic learning in training groups
- 230078 SE Labor Market and Employment - Justice and Redistribution in the Labor Market
- 230088 FS Research lab 2: "Voices of transition" Adolescents' life realities after Neue Mittelschule - Second wave of the qualitative panel study "Pathways to the future"
- 230089 FS Research Lab 2: Solidarity in times of crisis
- 230114 VO+UE Measurement and structural equation models in the 1st wave of the project "Pathways to the Future" - Using the R-program lavaan
B. Recommended Lectures of other Departments: MA F Work, Organization, Health
MA F - Area of Research: Culture and Society (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230028 VO Sociology of the Arts
- 230048 VO+SE Digital Displays Pictorial Self-Presentation in Everyday Life
- 230049 VO Digitisation, Labour and Organisation
- 230093 SE Enlightment between Reform of State and Sociology
- 230107 UE Interpreting Pictures based on Segment Analysis
MA F - Area of research: Culture and Society - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 230220 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
MA F- Area of Research: Visual Sociology (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230048 VO+SE Digital Displays Pictorial Self-Presentation in Everyday Life
- 230107 UE Interpreting Pictures based on Segment Analysis
MA F - Area of Research: Visual Sociology - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 210132 VO M10: Culture and Politics - SpezialVO: Visual Politics
- 210133 SE M10: SE Culture and Politics - Political Icongraphy
- 240505 SE [ en ] Visual anthropology: Methods (P2)
- 240519 SE [ en ] Visual Culture: Art markets (P4)
- 240521 SE [ en ] New Identities, Cultural Performance and Media (P4)
MA F - Area of Research: Science Studies (Alternative Compulsory Module)
- 230153 VO [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230155 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions
- 230206 VO [ en ] Knowledge and Technology Cultures: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230207 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Knowledge and Technology Cultures
- 230208 VO [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting - Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230209 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting
- 230210 SE [ en ] Making Security - Science, Technology, and the Governance of Threats
- 230211 SE [ en ] Energy and Big Data - Transition and the Informational Turn in Energy
- 230212 SE [ en ] Information Infrastructures - designing communities, technologies and knowledge
- 230213 SE [ en ] Postcolonial entanglements in global health - an STS perspective
- 230214 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and 'the Law' - Studying Expert Instiutions at the Intersections of Science and Democracy
- 230220 UE [ de en ] Science in Society Laboratories
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29