Directorate of Studies 14 - Near Eastern Studies - African Studies - Tibetan Studies and Indology
Studierende von Studien, die von der Studienprogrammleitung Orientalistik betreut werden, erhalten pro Semester zusätzlich zu den 1000 Basispunkten, die allen Studierenden zur Verfügung stehen, 1000 Bonuspunkte. Die Plätze für die Lehrveranstaltung werden im Anmeldesystem auf Basis der Summe individuell gesetzter Basispunkte und errechneter Bonuspunkte vergeben.ACHTUNG: Der Master Internationale Entwicklung und die beiden ECs Internationale Entwicklung finden Sie ab dem WS2018/19 unter der Studienprogrammleitung 24 - KSA.
African Studies
Bachelor’s programme in African Studies (697 [3] - Version 2018)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
EAS Basics of African Studies - Linguistics (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Sprachwissenschaft
- 140002 VO+UE ( OV STEOP ) Introduction into African Linguistics
EAL Basics of African Studies - Literatures (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Literaturwissenschaft
- 140123 VO+UE ( OV STEOP ) Introduction into African Literature
EAG Basics of African Studies - History (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Geschichtswissenschaft
- 140133 VO+UE ( OV STEOP ) Introduction into African History
Emphasis Phase (15 ECTS)
WG/VAS/VAL/VAG Emphasis Module (15 ECTS)
Linguistics Alternative 1: Basis and Perfection of one African Language (44 ECTS)
SB1A Hausa (22 ECTS)
- 140207 VU Hausa: Grammar 1 / Hausa: Nahawu 1
- 140278 VU Hausa: Tutorial 1 / Hausa: Ayyukan motsa k’wak‘walwa 1
SB1B Hausa (22 ECTS)
- 140208 SK Hausa: Grammar 3 / Hausa: Nahawu 3
- 140146 SK [ en ] Hausa: Texts 1
- 140177 SK [ en ] Hausa: Conversation 1
SB2A Swahili (22 ECTS)
- 140205 VU Swahili: Grammar 1
- 140204 VU Swahili: Tutorial 1
SB2B Swahili (22 ECTS)
- 140212 SK Swahili: Grammar 3 / Kiswahili Sarufi 3
- 140206 SK Swahili: Texts 1
- 140279 SK Swahili: Conversation 1 / Kiswahili cha mazungumzo 1
Linguistics Alternative 2: Basis of two African Languages (44 ECTS)
SB1A Hausa (22 ECTS)
- 140207 VU Hausa: Grammar 1 / Hausa: Nahawu 1
- 140278 VU Hausa: Tutorial 1 / Hausa: Ayyukan motsa k’wak‘walwa 1
SB2A Swahili (22 ECTS)
- 140205 VU Swahili: Grammar 1
- 140204 VU Swahili: Tutorial 1
SB3A Bambara (22 ECTS)
- 140209 VU Bambara: Grammar 1
- 140114 VU Bambara: Tutorial 1
Specialisation African Linguistics (46 ECTS)
AWL/ÜAS/PAS Overview 1 (14 ECTS)
- 140014 VO Introduction to the Phonology of African Languages
- 140117 PS Language and Society in Urban Africa
ÜAS/PAS Overview 2 (10 ECTS)
- 140014 VO Introduction to the Phonology of African Languages
- 140117 PS Language and Society in Urban Africa
SAS Focus Module (6 ECTS)
- 140067 VO Introduction to a Cushitic Language I: Somali
- 140198 VO Ritual patterns in verbal and nonverbal expressions: the self-conception of communication
- 140242 VO [ en ] The Chinese Diaspora in Africa: Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics and Beyond
BAS Bachelor’s Module (16 ECTS)
Specialisation African Literatures (46 ECTS)
AWL/ÜAL/PAL Overview 1 (14 ECTS)
- 140015 VO Power relations and inequality in African Studies: Perspectives on African literatures - Perspektiven auf afrikanische Literaturen
- 140137 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 140147 PS Marginality, Power, countervailing Power and Powerlessness: Strategies of Survival in Africa
ÜAL/PAL Overview 2 (10 ECTS)
- 140015 VO Power relations and inequality in African Studies: Perspectives on African literatures - Perspektiven auf afrikanische Literaturen
- 140137 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
SAL Focus Module (6 ECTS)
- 140248 VO From Praise to Protest: Reflections of Social Change in Southern African Performance Poetry - Performance Poetry als Spiegel gesellschaftlichen Wandels im südlichen Afrika
BAL Bachelor’s Module (16 ECTS)
Specialisation African History (46 ECTS)
AWL/ÜAG/PAG Overview 1 (14 ECTS)
- 140178 VO African Societies until the 16th Century
- 140224 PS Introductory Seminar: Methodological Approaches and Current Debates
ÜAG/PAG Overview 2 (10 ECTS)
- 140117 PS Language and Society in Urban Africa
- 140219 PS "Freedom is coming tomorrow!" Music and Liberation. Vignettes from Ghana and South Africa
SAG Focus Module (6 ECTS)
- 140132 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140218 VO History of Southern Africa 1
BAG Bachelor’s Module (16 ECTS)
- 140148 SE Bachelor Seminar: African History
Bachelor African Studies (697 [2] - Version 2011) - discontinued
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Basics of African Studies (15 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Geschichtswissenschaft
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Sprachwissenschaft
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Einführung in die afrikanische Literaturwissenschaft
- 140002 VO+UE ( OV STEOP ) Introduction into African Linguistics
- 140123 VO+UE ( OV STEOP ) Introduction into African Literature
- 140133 VO+UE ( OV STEOP ) Introduction into African History
Advanced Module (15 ECTS)
Advanced African Studies (15 ECTS)
Basic Level African Language - Alternative Compulsory Modules (22 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Module Bambara (22 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Module Hausa (22 ECTS)
- 140207 VU Hausa: Grammar 1 / Hausa: Nahawu 1
- 140278 VU Hausa: Tutorial 1 / Hausa: Ayyukan motsa k’wak‘walwa 1
Alternative Compulsory Module Swahili (22 ECTS)
- 140204 VU Swahili: Tutorial 1
- 140205 VU Swahili: Grammar 1
Advanced Level African Language - Alternative Compulsory Modules (22 ECTS)
Alternative Compusory Module Perfection Bambara (22 ECTS)
- 140108 SK Bambara: Conversation 1
- 140210 SK Bambara: Texts 1
- 140216 SK Bambara: Grammar 3
Alternative Compulsory Module Perfection Hausa (22 ECTS)
- 140146 SK [ en ] Hausa: Texts 1
- 140177 SK [ en ] Hausa: Conversation 1
- 140208 SK Hausa: Grammar 3 / Hausa: Nahawu 3
Alternative Compulsory Module Perfection Swahili (22 ECTS)
- 140206 SK Swahili: Texts 1
- 140212 SK Swahili: Grammar 3 / Kiswahili Sarufi 3
- 140279 SK Swahili: Conversation 1 / Kiswahili cha mazungumzo 1
Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Compulsory Modules (46 ECTS)
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules African Linguistics (46 ECTS)
- 140014 VO Introduction to the Phonology of African Languages
- 140067 VO Introduction to a Cushitic Language I: Somali
- 140117 PS Language and Society in Urban Africa
- 140198 VO Ritual patterns in verbal and nonverbal expressions: the self-conception of communication
- 140202 SE Bachelor Seminar: African Linguistics and Literature
- 140242 VO [ en ] The Chinese Diaspora in Africa: Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics and Beyond
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules African Literature (46 ECTS)
- 140015 VO Power relations and inequality in African Studies: Perspectives on African literatures - Perspektiven auf afrikanische Literaturen
- 140137 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 140147 PS Marginality, Power, countervailing Power and Powerlessness: Strategies of Survival in Africa
- 140202 SE Bachelor Seminar: African Linguistics and Literature
- 140248 VO From Praise to Protest: Reflections of Social Change in Southern African Performance Poetry - Performance Poetry als Spiegel gesellschaftlichen Wandels im südlichen Afrika
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules African History (46 ECTS)
- 140117 PS Language and Society in Urban Africa
- 140132 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140148 SE Bachelor Seminar: African History
- 140178 VO African Societies until the 16th Century
- 140218 VO History of Southern Africa 1
- 140219 PS "Freedom is coming tomorrow!" Music and Liberation. Vignettes from Ghana and South Africa
- 140224 PS Introductory Seminar: Methodological Approaches and Current Debates
Master African Studies (897 [2] - Version 2016)
Basic Module (28 ECTS)
GM Basic Module (28 ECTS)
- 140179 KU [ de en ] Methodological Foundations
- 140227 KU Scientific Texts: Writing and Editing
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Specialisation: African Studies (58 ECTS)
SAS A Intermediate Module: Topics and Approaches (30 ECTS)
- 140027 VO Language and History in Africa III: Bantu Languages and Sudan Languages
- 140184 KU Structure of a L 2/1 (Fulfulde)
- 140232 VO Amharic II
- 140247 VO Early Historic Languages and Populations in North Africa
- 140255 KU [ en ] Dagaare and the Mabia Languages
- 140317 VO [ en ] Interrogative Structures and Implicational Universals across African Languages
SAS B Advanced Module: In-Depth Study and Research (28 ECTS)
- 140018 SE Master Coaching Seminar
- 140027 VO Language and History in Africa III: Bantu Languages and Sudan Languages
- 140086 KU [ en ] Guided Reading: Advances in African Linguistic and Literary Theory
- 140232 VO Amharic II
- 140247 VO Early Historic Languages and Populations in North Africa
- 140317 VO [ en ] Interrogative Structures and Implicational Universals across African Languages
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Specialisation: African Literatures (58 ECTS)
SAL A Intermediate Module: Topics and Approaches (30 ECTS)
- 140239 VO Reading Toni Morrison in the context of African Studies
- 140058 KU Feminisms and Masculinities in African Literary Texts
- 140359 SE Mobility, Mediality and Imagination in Contemporary African Literatures
- 140356 KU Oral African Literature: Forms, Content and stylistic-rhetorical Aspects
- 240040 SE Individual Focus Modul - Zwischen Wahrheit und Imagination: Autobiographie und Gender in der zeitgenössischen afrikanischen und afrikanisch-diasporischen Literatur und Kunst
SAL B Advanced Module: In-Depth Study and Research (28 ECTS)
- 140018 SE Master Coaching Seminar
- 140086 KU [ en ] Guided Reading: Advances in African Linguistic and Literary Theory
- 140239 VO Reading Toni Morrison in the context of African Studies
- 140359 SE Mobility, Mediality and Imagination in Contemporary African Literatures
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Specialisation: African History and Societies (58 ECTS)
SAG A Intermediate Module: Topics and Approaches (30 ECTS)
- 140038 VO History of Panafricanism
- 140076 SE Aspects of Nationalism: Africa in Global Comparison
- 140119 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Gods and Temples of the Meroites
- 140169 KU "I am a broken bridge between two worlds!" - Selected Examples of Life Writing
- 140213 KU African History in Documentary Film
- 140239 VO Reading Toni Morrison in the context of African Studies
- 140254 SE Mobilities to/within/from Africa
- 240087 VO+UE ( SGU ) VM5 / VM6 - Bridgehead Okinawa - A periphery`s centrality in past and present times
SAB B Advanced Module: In-Depth Study and Research (28 ECTS)
- 140018 SE Master Coaching Seminar
- 140038 VO History of Panafricanism
- 140076 SE Aspects of Nationalism: Africa in Global Comparison
- 140077 KU Guided Reading: "Black Star - A View of the Life and Times of Kwame Nkrumah"
- 140119 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Gods and Temples of the Meroites
- 140239 VO Reading Toni Morrison in the context of African Studies
- 140254 SE Mobilities to/within/from Africa
Extension Curriculum African Languages and Literatures (...)
African Languages and Literatures (15 ECTS)
- 140014 VO Introduction to the Phonology of African Languages
- 140015 VO Power relations and inequality in African Studies: Perspectives on African literatures - Perspektiven auf afrikanische Literaturen
- 140067 VO Introduction to a Cushitic Language I: Somali
- 140137 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 140198 VO Ritual patterns in verbal and nonverbal expressions: the self-conception of communication
- 140242 VO [ en ] The Chinese Diaspora in Africa: Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics and Beyond
- 140248 VO From Praise to Protest: Reflections of Social Change in Southern African Performance Poetry - Performance Poetry als Spiegel gesellschaftlichen Wandels im südlichen Afrika
Extension Curriculum Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa (148)
Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa (15 ECTS)
- 140015 VO Power relations and inequality in African Studies: Perspectives on African literatures - Perspektiven auf afrikanische Literaturen
- 140132 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140137 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 140178 VO African Societies until the 16th Century
- 140218 VO History of Southern Africa 1
- 140248 VO From Praise to Protest: Reflections of Social Change in Southern African Performance Poetry - Performance Poetry als Spiegel gesellschaftlichen Wandels im südlichen Afrika
Oriental Studies
Bachelor Oriental Studies (600 [3] - Version 2017)
Introductory and Orientation Phase (16 ECTS)
OR-1 Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies (2 ECTS)
- EXAM OR-1 STEOP-Introduction Middle Eastern Studies
- 140001 VO ( OV STEOP ) OR-1 VO Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies
OR-2a/AO-1 Elective Module Introduction to Akkadian I (7 ECTS)
- EXAM OR2/AO1 Introduction to Akkadian I
- 140049 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Akkadian I
OR-2b/AR-1 Elective Module Introduction to Arabic I (7 ECTS)
- EXAM OR2/AR1 Introduction to Arabic I
- 140270 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Arabic Language I
OR-2c/TU-1 Elective Module Introduction to Turkish I (7 ECTS)
- EXAM OR2/TU1 Introduction to Turkish I
- 140304 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Turkish Grammar I
Middle Eastern Studies (45 ECTS)
PM OR-3 Cultural and Economic History of the Middle East (5 ECTS)
PM OR-4 Religious History of the Middle East (6 ECTS)
PM OR-5 Ancient Near Eastern History (8 ECTS)
PM OR-6 History of the Middle East and North Africa after the Rise of Islam (8 ECTS)
- 140008 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East - from the beginnings of Islam to the present
- 140336 VO Cultural history of Egypt from Late Antiquity to the present
PM OR-7 History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (8 ECTS)
PM OR-8 Cultural and Historical Continuities (6 ECTS)
- 140004 VO Socio-economic and cultural longue-durée phenomena in the Middle East and North Africa
- 140113 VO Culture and History of South Arabia
PM OR-9 Middle Eastern Philology: Basics and Methods (4 ECTS)
Alternative groups of compulsory modules: Ancient Near Eastern Philology and Archaeology (89 ECTS)
AO-2 Akkadian II (8 ECTS)
AO-3 Akkadian III (10 ECTS)
AO-4 Sumerian I (8 ECTS)
AO-5 Sumerian II (5 ECTS)
AO-6 Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology I (5 ECTS)
AO-7 Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology II (4 ECTS)
AO-8 Ancient Near Eastern Cultural History (8 ECTS)
AO-9 Ancient Near Eastern Literature: Reading of Literary Texts (5 ECTS)
AO-10-1 Alternative compulsory module: Languages of Mesopotamia’s Neighbouring Regions (10 ECTS)
AO-10-2 Alternative compulsory module: Ancient Near Eastern Material Culture (10 ECTS)
- 140064 SE Archaeological Seminar - Historical, archaeological and scientific chronologies in the ancient Near East: Basic principles and state of research
- 140124 EX Archaeological Excursion: Field Trip - Excavation in Quarayyah
AO-11-1 Alternative compulsory module: Philology Seminars (10 ECTS)
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
AO-11-2 Alternative compulsory module: Seminars on History, Material Culture and Cultural History (10 ECTS)
- 140064 SE Archaeological Seminar - Historical, archaeological and scientific chronologies in the ancient Near East: Basic principles and state of research
AO-12-1 Group of elective modules: Seminar on Akkadian (including BA Thesis) (8 ECTS)
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
AO-12-2 Group of elective modules: Seminar on Sumerology (including BA Thesis) (8 ECTS)
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
AO-12-3 Group of elective modules: Seminar on Archaeology (including BA Thesis) (8 ECTS)
- 140064 SE Archaeological Seminar - Historical, archaeological and scientific chronologies in the ancient Near East: Basic principles and state of research
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Arabic and Islamic Studies (89 ECTS)
AR-2 Arabic II (12 ECTS)
AR-3 Arabic III (12 ECTS)
- 140043 UE Arabic Language E / Practical Training
- 140055 UE Arabic Language E / Practical Training
- 140294 VO+UE Arabic Language D incl. Tutorial
AR-4 Arabic IV (12 ECTS)
AR-5 Arabic V (6 ECTS)
- 140039 UE Arabic Language I - Media
- 140118 UE Arabic H: Conversations and Translations
AR-6 Arabic VI (6 ECTS)
AR-7 Arabic Dialect (Basic Level) (6 ECTS)
- 140024 UE Arabic Dialect B: Tunisian - Arabic
- 140292 VO Arabic Dialect A: Tunisian Arabic
AR-8 Arabic Dialect (Intermediate Level) (6 ECTS)
- 140028 VO Arabic Dialect - Course C: Egyptian Arabic
- 140290 UE Arabic Dialect D: Egyptian Arabic
AR-9 Arabic Dialect (Advanced Level) (4 ECTS)
- 140041 UE Arabic Dialect F: Conversations / Texts 2: Syrian Arabic
- 140057 UE Arabic Dialect - Course E: Moroccan Arabic
AR-10 Introduction to Selected Fields of Arabic and Islamic Studies (3 ECTS)
AR-11 Selected Fields of Modern Middle Eastern Studies (6 ECTS)
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140183 VO Modern Arabic Politics and Society (Modern Arab History 1)
AR-12 Seminar on Philology (including BA Thesis) (8 ECTS)
- 140120 SE Philological Seminar (with BA-Thesis)
AR-13 Seminar on Islamic Studies (including BA Thesis) (8 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Turkish Studies (89 ECTS)
TU-2 Turkish, Basic Level II (8 ECTS)
TU-3 Turkish, Intermediate Level I (6 ECTS)
- 140164 VO Turkish Grammar III
- 140168 UE Turkish Conversation Class III
TU-4 Turkish, Intermediate Level II (10 ECTS)
TU-5 Turkish, Advanced Level I (7 ECTS)
- 140150 UE Conversations, Advanced Level I
- 140151 UE Reading Subject-Specific Texts I
TU-6 Turkish, Advanced Level II (7 ECTS)
TU-7 Persian, Basic Level (8 ECTS)
- 140037 UE Persian Grammar I
TU-8 Persian, Intermediate Level (6 ECTS)
- 140036 UE Reading and Discussing Persian Texts I
TU-9 Ottoman Studies (12 ECTS)
- 140166 UE Ottoman I
TU-10 Seminar on Linguistics or Literature (including BA Thesis) (8 ECTS)
TU-11 Seminar on Turkish History and Cultural History (including BA Thesis) (8 ECTS)
TU-12 Society and Culture of Modern Turkey (9 ECTS)
- 140053 VO History of the Republic of Turkey - Politische Strömungen in der Republik Türkei
Bachelor Oriental Studies (600 [2] - Version 2011) - discontinued
1. Orientation Period
OR-1: Introduction to Oriental Studies - Required Module
- EXAM OR-1 STEOP-Introduction Middle Eastern Studies
- 140001 VO ( OV STEOP ) OR-1 VO Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies
OR-2: Introduction to Oriental Languages - Group of Elective Modules
OR-2/AO-1: Introduction to Akkadian I
- EXAM OR2/AO1 Introduction to Akkadian I
- 140049 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Akkadian I
OR-2/AR-1: Introduction to Arabic I
- EXAM OR2/AR1 Introduction to Arabic I
- 140270 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Arabic Language I
OR-2/TU-1: Introduction to Turkish I
- EXAM OR2/TU1 Introduction to Turkish I
- 140304 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Turkish Grammar I
2. Oriental Studies - Group of Required Modules
OR-3: Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
OR-4: Religions and Institutions of the Near East
OR-5: Ancient Near East
- 140112 VO Ancient Near Eastern History and Culture I: Early Periods
- 140113 VO Culture and History of South Arabia
OR-6: History of the Arabs in the Near East and North Africa in Islamic Times
- 140008 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East - from the beginnings of Islam to the present
- 140336 VO Cultural history of Egypt from Late Antiquity to the present
OR-7: History of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey
3. Alternative Groups of Required Modules (APMG)
3.1. APMG Ancient Oriental Philology and Oriental Archaeology
AO-2: Akkadian II
AO-3: Akkadian III
AO-4: Sumerian I
AO-5: Sumerian II
AO-6: Near Eastern Archaeology I
AO-7: Near Eastern Archaeology II
AO-8: Mesopotamian Cultural History
AO-9: Mesopotamian Literature: Reading
AO-10: Alternative Required Module
- 140064 SE Archaeological Seminar - Historical, archaeological and scientific chronologies in the ancient Near East: Basic principles and state of research
- 140124 EX Archaeological Excursion: Field Trip - Excavation in Quarayyah
AO-11: Alternative Required Module
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
- 140064 SE Archaeological Seminar - Historical, archaeological and scientific chronologies in the ancient Near East: Basic principles and state of research
AO-12: Group of Elective Modules
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
- 140064 SE Archaeological Seminar - Historical, archaeological and scientific chronologies in the ancient Near East: Basic principles and state of research
3.2. APMG Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
AR-2: Language Module Arabic II
AR-3: Language Module Arabic III
- 140043 UE Arabic Language E / Practical Training
- 140055 UE Arabic Language E / Practical Training
- 140294 VO+UE Arabic Language D incl. Tutorial
AR-4: Language Module Arabic IV
AR-5: Language Module Arabic V
- 140039 UE Arabic Language I - Media
- 140118 UE Arabic H: Conversations and Translations
AR-6: Language Moduel Arabic VI
AR-7: Arabic Dialect: Basic Level
- 140024 UE Arabic Dialect B: Tunisian - Arabic
- 140292 VO Arabic Dialect A: Tunisian Arabic
AR-8: Arabic Dialect: Intermediate Level
- 140028 VO Arabic Dialect - Course C: Egyptian Arabic
- 140290 UE Arabic Dialect D: Egyptian Arabic
AR-9: Arabic Dialect: Advanced Level
- 140041 UE Arabic Dialect F: Conversations / Texts 2: Syrian Arabic
- 140057 UE Arabic Dialect - Course E: Moroccan Arabic
AR-10: Introduction to Selected Fields of Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
AR-11: Selected Issues of Modern Oriental Research
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140183 VO Modern Arabic Politics and Society (Modern Arab History 1)
AR-12: Seminar on Philology (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
- 140120 SE Philological Seminar (with BA-Thesis)
AR-13: Seminar on Islamic Studies (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
3.3. APMG Turkish Studies
TU-2: Turkish, Basic Level II
TU-3: Turkish, Intermediate Level I
- 140164 VO Turkish Grammar III
- 140168 UE Turkish Conversation Class III
TU-4: Turkish, Intermediate Level II
TU-5: Turkish, Advanced Level I
- 140150 UE Conversations, Advanced Level I
- 140151 UE Reading Subject-Specific Texts I
TU-6: Tukish, Advanced Level II
TU-7: Persian, Basic Level
- 140037 UE Persian Grammar I
TU-8: Persian, Intermediate Level
- 140036 UE Reading and Discussing Persian Texts I
TU-9: Ottoman Studies
- 140166 UE Ottoman I
TU-10: Linguistic or Literary Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-11: Historical-Cultural Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-12: Society and Culture of Modern Turkey
- 140053 VO History of the Republic of Turkey - Politische Strömungen in der Republik Türkei
Ancient Oriental Philology and Oriental Archaeology (672)
Compulsory Modules (56 ECTS)
Akkadian Seminars incl. Seminar Paper (16 ECTS)
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
Archaeological Seminar I incl. Seminar Paper (8 ECTS)
- 140064 SE Archaeological Seminar - Historical, archaeological and scientific chronologies in the ancient Near East: Basic principles and state of research
History and Cultural History of Mesopotamia (8 ECTS)
Advanced Module on Philology I (8 ECTS)
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
Sumerological Seminars incl. Seminar Paper (16 ECTS)
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
Alternative Copulsory Modules (8 ECTS)
APM Semitisitcs (8 ECTS)
APM Archaeology (8 ECTS)
- 140124 EX Archaeological Excursion: Field Trip - Excavation in Quarayyah
- 140389 VO Glyptics and Minor Arts of the Ancient Near East
Group of Elective Modules(16 ECTS)
WM Archaeological Seminar II incl. Seminar Paper (8 ECTS)
- 140064 SE Archaeological Seminar - Historical, archaeological and scientific chronologies in the ancient Near East: Basic principles and state of research
WM Advanced Module on Philology II (8 ECTS)
- 140193 SE Philological seminar: Before the Muses: structural elements of sumerian and akkadian poetry
WM South Arabia, Past and Present (8 ECTS)
WM Sabean Studies (8 ECTS)
Master-Module (8 ECTS)
Master-Seminar (8 ECTS)
Master Turkish Studies (675)
Ottoman Literature I (8 ECTS)
- 140007 VO History of Ottoman Literature
- 140173 UE Reading Ottoman Poetry I
Ottoman Literature II (14 ECTS)
Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatics (16 ECTS)
- 140162 UE Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatics I
Ottoman-Historical Module I (10 ECTS)
- 140165 SE Ottoman-Historical Seminar
Ottoman-Historical Module II (10 ECTS)
Turkish and Turkic Languages, Past and Present (6 ECTS)
Modern Turkish, Literature and Languag (12 ECTS)
- 140044 UE Reading difficult Texts
- 140416 SE Seminar on Turkish Linguistics
Theoretical and Methodological Advanced Studies (10 ECTS)
Mastercoaching-Module (10 ECTS)
- 140402 SE Master Coaching Seminar
Master The Arab World: Language and Society (676)
Group of Compulsory Modules Basics (16 ECTS)
GK-1 Methods of Cultural and Linguistic Research (8 ECTS)
- 140188 VU Cultural Research: Methods and Approaches
- 140190 VU Linguistic Research: Methods and Approaches
GK-2 Politics & Society in the modern Arab World (8 ECTS)
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules - Religion and Politics (32 ECTS)
RP-1 Islam in the Arab World and beyond (8 ECTS)
- 140192 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses I
- 140195 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses II
RP-2 Arabic-Islamic Tradition (8 ECTS)
- 140196 SE Texts from Arab-Islamic Tradition
RP-3 Islamic and other Political and Social Movements in the Arab World (8 ECTS)
RP-4 The Arab World Online (8 ECTS)
- 140197 SE The Arab World Online
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules - Arabic Language (32 ECTS)
AS-1 Arabic Dialectology (8 ECTS)
- 140199 VU Arabic Dialects in Southwest Asia
AS-2 Modern Arabic as a written Language (8 ECTS)
AS-3 Arabic Philology in a diachronic perspective (8 ECTS)
AS-4 The Arab World Online (8 ECTS)
- 140197 SE The Arab World Online
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules - Language and Culture of Southern Arabia (32 ECTS)
KS-1 Ancient South Arabic (8 ECTS)
- 140047 VO [ en ] Introduction into Epigraphic South Arabic I
KS-2 Sabean Studies (8 ECTS)
KS-3 History and Present Age of South Arabia (8 ECTS)
KS-4 Modern South Arabia (8 ECTS)
- 140054 SE [ en ] Modern South Arabian Seminar
Group of Elective Modules (32 ECTS)
WM-1 Arabian Popular Culture (8 ECTS)
WM-2 Media and Language of Media in the Arab World (8 ECTS)
WM-3 Cultural History of the Arab World (8 ECTS)
WM-4 The Arab World and other Regional Powers (8 ECTS)
WM-5 The Arab World: Security and Political Perspectives (8 ECTS)
WM-6 The Arab World Transnationally (8 ECTS)
- 140176 SE The Arab World Transnationally
WM-7 The Arab World from an Economic Perspective (8 ECTS)
WM-8 Conversation and Translation (8 ECTS)
- 140235 UE Translation from and into Arabic
WM-9 Listening Comprehension and Analysis of Media (8 ECTS)
WM-10 Epigraphy, Palaeography and Calligraphy (8 ECTS)
- 140070 UE Calligraphy
WM-11 Classical Arabian Language (8 ECTS)
WM-12 Afroasiatic Languages (Amharic, Aramaic, Sabaean...) (8 ECTS)
- 140067 VO Introduction to a Cushitic Language I: Somali
- 140232 VO Amharic II
WM-13 Regional or thematic Focus: Workshop or Exkursion (16 ECTS)
WM-14 Minorities in the Arab World (8 ECTS)
WM-15 Arts and Architecture in the Arab World (8 ECTS)
- 140045 SE Art and Architecture in the Arab World - Media Art and transnational Spaces of Art
WM-16 Recent Discourses in the Arab World (8 ECTS)
- 140046 SE The Arab World: Contemporary Discussions - Sufism: Historical Developments and Present-day Dynamics
WM-17 Arabic Dialect (16 ECTS)
- EXAM WM-17: Written module exam
- 140024 UE Arabic Dialect B: Tunisian - Arabic
- 140028 VO Arabic Dialect - Course C: Egyptian Arabic
- 140290 UE Arabic Dialect D: Egyptian Arabic
- 140292 VO Arabic Dialect A: Tunisian Arabic
WM-18 Islam in the Arab World and beyond (8 ECTS)
- 140192 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses I
- 140195 VU Islam: Phenomena, Developments and Analyses II
WM-19 Arabic-Islamic Tradition (8 ECTS)
- 140196 SE Texts from Arab-Islamic Tradition
WM-20 Islamic and other Political and Social Movements in the Arab World (8 ECTS)
WM-21 Arabic Dialectology (8 ECTS)
- 140199 VU Arabic Dialects in Southwest Asia
WM-22 Modern Arabic as a written Language (8 ECTS)
WM-23 Arabic Philology in a diachronic perspective (8 ECTS)
WM-24 Ancient South Arabic (8 ECTS)
- 140047 VO [ en ] Introduction into Epigraphic South Arabic I
WM-25 Sabean Studies (8 ECTS)
WM-26 History and Present Age of South Arabia (8 ECTS)
WM-27 Modern South Arabia (8 ECTS)
- 140054 SE [ en ] Modern South Arabian Seminar
Master-Degree Phase (10 ECTS)
MM-1 MA-Coaching (10 ECTS)
- 140029 SE Master Coaching Seminar
Extension Curriculum Religion and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa (642)
Compulsory modules RPAR (15 ECTS)
RPAR-1 Selected Topics of Modern Oriental Studies (6 ECTS)
- 140022 VO Gender Studies / Muslim World
- 140183 VO Modern Arabic Politics and Society (Modern Arab History 1)
RPAR-2 Study of Religions
RPAR-3-1 Politics and History: Iran (5 ECTS)
RPAR-3-2 Politics and History: Turkey (6 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Language and Culture of the Arab World (643)
Compulsory modules SKAR (15 ECTS)
- 140008 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East - from the beginnings of Islam to the present
- 140336 VO Cultural history of Egypt from Late Antiquity to the present
- 140050 VO Basic Course in Arabic 1
Extension Curriculum Ancient Near Eastern History and Culture (644)
Compulsory modules AOGK (15 ECTS)
AOGK-1 Ancient Near Eastern History (8 ECTS)
AOGK-2 Ancient Near Eastern Cultural History and Archaeology (7 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Ancient Near Eastern Philology (645)
Compulsory modules AOP (15 ECTS)
AOP-1 Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern philology (7 ECTS)
- 140049 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Akkadian I
AOP-2 Ancient Near Eastern philology: Advanced Module (8 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Iranian History and Culture (646)
Compulsory modules IRGK (15 ECTS)
IRGK-1 History of Iran (7 ECTS)
IRGK-2 Cultural History of Iran (8 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Turkish History, Literature and Cultural History (640 [2] - Version 2017)
Compulsory modules TU (15 ECTS)
EC-TU-1 Turkish cultural history within the framework of Middle Eastern cultures (5 ECTS)
- 140001 VO ( OV STEOP ) OR-1 VO Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies
- 140312 VO Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
EC-TU-2 Aspects of Turkish culture, history and literature in past and present (11 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Turkish History, Literature and Culture History (640 [1] - Version 2012) - discontinued
South Asian, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
Bachelor Languages and Cultures of South Asia and Tibet (629 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
PM1A Introduction to Indology (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Module Examination Introduction to Indology
- 140091 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Indology
PM1B Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
- 140136 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies
PM1C Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
- 140344 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
Group of Compulsory Modules Fields of Work (15 ECTS)
PM3 Introduction to Selected Fields of Indology (5 ECTS)
PM4 Introduction to Selected Fields of Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (5 ECTS)
PM5 Introduction to Selected Fields of Modern South Asian Studies (5 ECTS)
Alternative Groups of Compulsory Modules First Language (55 ECTS)
A1 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Sanskrit as First Language (55 ECTS)
PM2a Classical Sanskrit as First Language I (15 ECTS)
- 140095 UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I - Additional Practice
- 140376 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
PM6a Classical Sanskrit as First Language II (15 ECTS)
PM8a Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as First Language (10 ECTS)
- 140094 VO+UE Classical Sanskrit for Advanced Students
PM12a Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Sanskrit I (10 ECTS)
PM17a Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Sanskrit II (5 ECTS)
- 140130 UE Introduction to Scholastic Sanskrit Literature: - origin and foundations of Ayurveda from the perspective of the oldest sources
B1 Alternative Groups of Compulsory Modules Classical Tibetan as First Language (55 ECTS)
PM2b Classical Tibetan as First Language I (15 ECTS)
- 140089 UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I - Additional Practice
- 140329 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
PM6b Classical Tibetan as First Language II (15 ECTS)
PM8b Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as First Language (10 ECTS)
- 140158 UE The Vimalakirtinirdesasutra in Tibetan - selected texts
- 140284 UE Historiographical accounts of eminent Buddhist scholars
PM12b Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Tibetan I (10 ECTS)
PM17b Literary Genres and Forms of Language in Tibetan II (5 ECTS)
C1 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Modern Indian Language as First Language (55 ECTS)
PM2c Modern Indian Language as First Language I (15 ECTS)
- 140059 VO+UE Introduction to Hindi I
- 140257 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice
PM6c Modern Indian Language as First Language II (15 ECTS)
PM8c Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as First Language (10 ECTS)
- 140079 UE [ de ne ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
- 140171 UE [ de ne ] Easy Nepali Readings
PM12c Modern Literary Genres and Forms of Language I (10 ECTS)
PM17c Modern Literary Genres and Forms of Language II (5 ECTS)
- 140062 UE Urdu II
- 140103 UE [ de hi ] Hindi Literature of the Indian Diaspora
Alternative Groups of Compulsory Modules Second Language (30 ECTS)
A2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Sanskrit as Second Language (30 ECTS)
PM7a Classical Sanskrit as Second Language I (15 ECTS)
- 140095 UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I - Additional Practice
- 140376 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Sanskrit I
PM11a Classical Sanskrit as Second Language II (15 ECTS)
B2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Classical Tibetan as Second Language (30 ECTS)
PM7b Classical Tibetan as Second Language I (15 ECTS)
- 140089 UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I - Additional Practice
- 140329 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan I
PM11b Classical Tibetan as Second Language II (15 ECTS)
C2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Modern Indian Language as Second Language (30 ECTS)
PM7c Modern Indian Language as Second Language I (15 ECTS)
- 140059 VO+UE Introduction to Hindi I
- 140257 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice
PM11c Modern Indian Language as Second Language II (15 ECTS)
D2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Modern Tibetan as Second Language (30 ECTS)
PM7d Modern Tibetan as Second Language I (15 ECTS)
- 140078 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I
- 140140 UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I - Additional Practice
PM11d Modern Tibetan as Second Language II (15 ECTS)
Group of Elective Modules Cultural History (10 ECTS)
WM9 Basics of Cultural History A (5 ECTS)
- 140155 VO Passages to Bollywood: Introduction to the Hindi film
- 140194 VO The Tibetan Transmission of the Indian Mahamudra Teachings
- 140201 VO Inscriptions as witness for the history of culture and religion of premodern South Asia
- 140263 VO [ en ] Buddhism and Society in Bhutan
- 160130 VO Historical Grammar of Old Indic - Diachronic (Morpho-)Syntax of the Sanskrit Language
WM10 Basics of Cultural History B (5 ECTS)
- 140153 PS Clans and Cloisters: Visions of Community in Tibetan Historical Literature
- 140246 PS Epic Wilderness: the meaning of uncultivated nature in the Indian epics
- 140345 PS Qualitative methods of research
WM13 Culture - Language - Society A (5 ECTS)
WM14 Culture - Language - Society B (5 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Modules - Applied Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
APM15a Field Trip (10 ECTS)
APM15b Regional Cultures (10 ECTS)
- 140093 UE [ en ] Pakistan: Islam, Islamism and Counter-Currents
- 140115 UE Dance in South India
APM16a Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as Second Language (10 ECTS)
- 140094 VO+UE Classical Sanskrit for Advanced Students
APM16b Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as Second Language (10 ECTS)
- 140158 UE The Vimalakirtinirdesasutra in Tibetan - selected texts
- 140284 UE Historiographical accounts of eminent Buddhist scholars
APM16c Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as Second Language (10 ECTS)
- 140079 UE [ de ne ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
- 140171 UE [ de ne ] Easy Nepali Readings
APM16d Advanced Module on Modern Tibetan as Second Language (10 ECTS)
- 140156 UE [ bo ] Modern Tibetan for Advanced Students
- 140182 UE [ bo ] Modern Tibetan Texts
Compulsory Module incl. Bachelor's Papers (15 ECTS)
PM18 Advanced Module on Philology and Culture Studies of South Asia and Tibet (15 ECTS)
Master Culture and Society in Modern South Asia (interdisciplinary) (685)
PM1 Modern South Asian Society (10 ECTS)
- 140061 SE Science in South Asia
- 010100 SE Modern Yoga
PM2 Basics of Modern South Asian Cultural and Intellectual History (10 ECTS)
- 140234 UE Postcolonial literature: India and the construction of the "other"
- 140155 VO Passages to Bollywood: Introduction to the Hindi film
- 010087 VO The Religious Assessment of Other Religions
APM 3A Cultural Science of Modern South Asia in Practice (10 ECTS)
- 140083 UE Political economy in Modern South Asia
- 140093 UE [ en ] Pakistan: Islam, Islamism and Counter-Currents
APM 3B Indian Language (10 ECTS)
- 140079 UE [ de ne ] Advanced Nepali Grammar
- 140171 UE [ de ne ] Easy Nepali Readings
PM 4 History of Modern South Asia (10 ECTS)
APM 5A Basics of Contemporary South Asian Culture (10 ECTS)
APM 5B South Asia in Global Context (10 ECTS)
PM 6 Languages of Modern South Asia in Practice (10 ECTS)
PM 7 Linguistic Traditions of Modern South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 140185 SE Language traditions of Modern South Asia
PM 8 Master´s Conservatorium (10 ECTS)
Master Languages and Cultures of South Asia (697)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M1 SLRV Language, Literature, and Religion of the Vedic Cultural Period (10 ECTS)
M2 ASLRP Aspects of the History of Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy in South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 140107 UE [ en ] The Essence of Poetry. Readings from Anandavardhana's Dhvanyaloka and Abhinavagupta's Locana
- 140241 VO Vedanta: authors, texts, development, state of research
Alternative Compulsory Modules Philology and Textual Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
APM3a PT1 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia I (10 ECTS)
APM3b PT2 Ancient Indian Language Varieties and Literary Genres (10 ECTS)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M4 SLRPV Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the non-Brahmanical Traditions of Premedieval South Asia (10 ECTS)
M5 SLRPKM Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the Classical and Medieval Cultural Periods of South Asia (10 ECTS)
Elective Module Groups (10 ECTS)
M6 PR Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus Philosophies and Religions of South Asia (10 ECTS)
M6a PTK1 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia II (10 ECTS)
M6c PTK3 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Modern Indian Texts (10 ECTS)
M6d PTK4 Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of South Asia in their Historical Development (10 ECTS)
M6 SL Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus Languages and Literatures of South Asia (10 ECTS)
M6b PTK2 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Middle Indic and Hybrid/Classical Texts (10 ECTS)
M6c PTK3 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Modern Indian Texts (10 ECTS)
M6d PTK4 Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of South Asia in their Historical Development (10 ECTS)
Compulsory Module (10 ECTS)
M7 SLRPN Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of Modern South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 140185 SE Language traditions of Modern South Asia
Alternative Compusory Modules Master's Colloquium (10 ECTS)
M8a MKPR Master's Colloquium on Philosophy and Religion of South Asia (10 ECTS)
M8b MKSL Master’s Colloquium on Language and Literature of South Asia (10 ECTS)
Master Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (698)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M1 PM Philology and Methods (10 ECTS)
- 140104 UE [ en ] Comparative Studies of Bonpo and Buddhist Abhidharma
- 140245 UE Dharmakirti on the import of words: selected passages
M2 TH Textual Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
- 140128 UE [ de en ] Candrakirti's Madhyamakavatarabhasya
Alternative Compulsory Modules (15 ECTS)
M3a EWS Alternative Compulsory Module: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area of Buddhism (15 ECTS)
- 140059 VO+UE Introduction to Hindi I
- 140078 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I
- 140140 UE Introduction to Modern Tibetan I - Additional Practice
- 140257 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice
M3b SV Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Philology (15 ECTS)
- 140081 UE Selected Passages on the Nirvikalpajnana - Was ist vorstellungsfreie Erkenntnis, und ist sie überhaupt möglich?
- 140082 UE Maitripa's Collection of Texts on Non-conceptual Realization
- 140107 UE [ en ] The Essence of Poetry. Readings from Anandavardhana's Dhvanyaloka and Abhinavagupta's Locana
- 140130 UE Introduction to Scholastic Sanskrit Literature: - origin and foundations of Ayurveda from the perspective of the oldest sources
- 140225 UE Introduction to Classical Chinese
- 140371 UE Indian Philosophy of Nature: readings in the Vaisesikasutra with Candrananda's commentary
Compulsory Modules (35 ECTS)
M4 FV Special Lecture on Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (5 ECTS)
M5 PRT1 Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism I (10 ECTS)
M6 LGK Literature, History, and Culture of Tibet and Buddhism (10 ECTS)
M7 PRT2 Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism II (10 ECTS)
Master-Module (10 ECTS)
M8 MK Master's Colloquium in Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (10 ECTS)
- 140085 SE PhD Seminar in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
- 140259 KO [ en ] Colloquium in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies for Advanced Students
Extension Curriculum South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (145)
M1 Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures (5 ECTS)
M2 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet (5 ECTS)
M3 Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism (5 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum South Asian Studies (146)
South Asian Studies (15 ECTS)
M1 Introduction to South Asian Studies (10 ECTS)
- 140091 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Indology
- 140344 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Modern South Asian Studies
M2 Basics of Cultural History (5 ECTS)
- 140155 VO Passages to Bollywood: Introduction to the Hindi film
- 140201 VO Inscriptions as witness for the history of culture and religion of premodern South Asia
Extension Curriculum Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (147)
Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (15 ECTS)
M1 Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Module examination Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
- 140136 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Buddhist and Tibetan Studies
M2 Basics of Cultural History (10 ECTS)
- 140194 VO The Tibetan Transmission of the Indian Mahamudra Teachings
- 140263 VO [ en ] Buddhism and Society in Bhutan
Extension Curriculum Modern Indian Language (641)
Modern Indian Language (30 ECTS)
M1 Modern Indian Language I (15 ECTS)
- 140059 VO+UE Introduction to Hindi I
- 140257 UE Introduction to Hindi I - additional practice
M2 Modern Indian Language II (15 ECTS)
Islamic Theology
Bachelor Islamic Theology (196)
Introductory and Orientation Phase (16 ECTS)
M01.1 STEOP-1: Plurality of Islam (8 ECTS)
- EXAM Written Module Exam STEOP-Modul1: Plurality of Islam
- 140012 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP 1: Introduction to Islamic-Theological Studies
- 140087 VO ( STEOP ) Diversity in Islam
M01.2 STEOP-2: Introduction to Academic Research and Writing (8 ECTS)
- EXAM Written Module Exam STEOP-Modul 2: Basic Methods of Academic Writing
- 140088 VO ( STEOP ) Basic Methods of Academic Writing
- 140097 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP-2: Theories and Methods of Islamic-Theological Studies
Language Competence (32 ECTS)
M02.1 Language Competence I (16 ECTS)
- 140003 VO Arabic I
M02.2A Alternative compulsory module: Language Competence IIa (16 ECTS)
- 140011 VU Arabic III
M02.2B Alternative compulsory module: Language Competence IIb (16 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules 3A: Introduction to and Specialisation in Islamic Theological Studies (42 ECTS)
M03.1A Introduction to Islamic Theological Studies I (12 ECTS)
- 140110 VO Biography of the Prophet
M03.2A Introduction to Islamic Theological Studies II (11 ECTS)
- 140013 VO Discursive Theology (kalam)
- 140020 VO Sufism I (tasawwuf)
- 140021 SE Islamic Ethics (ahlaq)
M03.3A Specialisation in Islamic Theological Studies (19 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules 3B: Introduction to and Specialisation in Alevi Theological Studies (42 ECTS)
M03.1B Introduction to Alevi Theological Studies I (12 ECTS)
M03.2B Introduction to Alevi Theological Studies II (11 ECTS)
M03.3B Specialisation in Alevi Theological Studies (19 ECTS)
Further Compulsory Modules (90 ECTS)
M04.1A Alternative compulsory module: Islamic History and Muslim Life-Worlds (10 ECTS)
- 140102 VO Islamic History I
M04.1B Alternative compulsory module: History of Alevi Islam (10 ECTS)
- 140122 VO Basics for research work in alevism
M04.2 Muslim Life-Worlds in Europe - Society, Politics, History and the Present (8/12 ECTS)
M05 Religious Education (13 ECTS)
M06 Religious Practice and Aesthetics (15 ECTS)
- 140023 VO An Introduction to Islamic Chaplaincy
- 140031 VU Islamic Theological Studies in Practice
M07 Diversity and Plurality of Islamic Thought (13/17 ECTS)
M08 Religions and Societies in Dialogue (11 ECTS)
M09 Alternative compulsory module: Islamic Chaplaincy for Muslims in Europe (16/20 ECTS)
M10 Alternative compulsory module: Muslim Community Work (16/20 ECTS)
M11 Alternative compulsory module: Specialisation in Islamic Religious Education (16/20 ECTS)
M12 Alternative compulsory module: Specialisation in Islamic Theology (16/20 ECTS)
M13 Alternative compulsory module: Alevi Theological Studies (16/20 ECTS)
Master Islamic Religious Education (874)
Islamic professional sciences (30 ECTS)
M01 Quran, thinking and practice of the Prophet (10 ECTS)
- 140072 SE M1: Quran
- 140127 SE Der zeitgenössische Korankommentar von Süleyman Ates
M02 Faith and Everyday Life in Islam (10 ECTS)
- 140066 SE M2: Islam in Everyday Life
- 140129 SE Auf der Suche nach Gott: Mystische Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse im Kontext der islamischen Theologie
M03 Islamic ethics, anthropology and Muslim life (10 ECTS)
- 140065 SE M3: Islamic Ethics
Educational-didactic-scientific training (35 ECTS)
M04 Islamic Religious Education (advanced course) and School Development (10 ECTS)
- 140073 SE M4: School Development
M05 Islamic teaching methodology and practical training (10 ECTS)
- 140069 SE+UE M5: Islamic Didactics for Secondary Schools
M06 Interreligious and Intercultural Learning (7 ECTS)
M10 Muslim community work (8 ECTS)
- 140068 SE M10: Consultation and Pastoral Work
Principles of Islamic Education (25 ECTS)
M07 European Cultural History and Islamic education in the European context (10 ECTS)
- 140071 UE M7: European Cultural History
M08 Theory of science and epistemology in religious education (5 ECTS)
M09 Empirical Research Methods in Religious Education (10 ECTS)
Master thesis (25 ECTS)
Master seminar (5 ECTS)
- 140075 SE Evaluation Seminar Master Thesis
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31