Bachelor Teacher Training Programme (193 040, 198 400)
- 350126 OL ( OV ) Orientation Course
UF BuS 01 Introductory and Orientation Period (6 ECTS)
- 350032 VO STEOP Modul 1 - Fundamentals of Exercise Science - (= Bakk. BD1II + Lehramt)
- 350504 VO STEOP Modul 1 - Fundamentals of Sports and Exercise Didactics - (= Bakk. Modul BP2I und Dipl. LA Bewegung und Sport unterrichten 1 + 2)
UF BuS 02 Training of Motor Skills and their Application in Exercise and Teaching in Sports (7 ECTS)
- 350037 UE Coordination Skills - Developing, Practicing, Training: Didactic Concepts - (= Grundlagen koordinativer Fähigkeiten)
- 350078 UE Coordination Skills - Developing, Practicing, Training: Didactic Concepts - (= Grundlagen koordinativer Fähigkeiten)
- 350079 VU Swimming, Diving, Rescuing 2: Didactic Concepts and Aspects of Kinesiology - Vermittlungskonzepte und bewegungswissenschaftliche Aspekte (= KÖLEI schwimmorienterter BWH)
- 350088 VU Swimming, Diving, Rescuing 2: Didactic Concepts and Aspects of Kinesiology - Vermittlungskonzepte und bewegungswissenschaftliche Aspekte (= KÖLEI schwimmorienterter BWH)
- 350090 UE Swimming and Diving 1
- 350104 VU Swimming, Diving, Rescuing 2: Didactic Concepts and Aspects of Kinesiology - Vermittlungskonzepte und bewegungswissenschaftliche Aspekte (= KÖLEI schwimmorienterter BWH)
- 350145 UE Swimming and Diving 1
- 350208 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Coordination Skills - Developing, Practicing, Training: Didactic Concepts - (= Grundlagen koordinativer Fähigkeiten)
- 350223 UE Swimming and Diving 1
- 350302 VO STEOP Modul 3 - Fundamentals of Training Science - Part 1 - (= Bakk. BP1I + Lehramt)
UF BuS 03 Fundamentals of Anatomical Structures, Physiological Processes and Actions in Case of Emergency and of Injuries, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching (12 ECTS)
- 350087 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Conditioning Skills - Developing, Practicing, Training: Didactic Concepts - (= Grundlagen konditioneller Fähigkeiten)
- 350185 UE ( PH-NÖ ) Conditioning Skills - Developing, Practicing, Training: Didactic Concepts - (= Grundlagen konditioneller Fähigkeiten)
- 350186 UE ( PH-NÖ ) Conditioning Skills - Developing, Practicing, Training: Didactic Concepts - (= Grundlagen konditioneller Fähigkeiten)
- 350294 VO BB1I - Fundamentals of Anatomy
- 350295 VO BB1II - Fundamentals of Physiology
- 350296 VO First Aid and Acute Care of Sports Injuries
- 350298 VO BB2I - Physiology in Consideration of Physical Activity
UF BuS 04 Mechanical Principles of Human Movement and Technologies of Computer Science in Sports, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching (12 ECTS)
- 350038 VU Fundamentals of Computer Science in Sports - Technologies for Physical Education
- 350041 VU Fundamentals of Computer Science in Sports - Technologies for Physical Education
- 350065 UE Athletics - Running, Jumping, Throwing 1 - (= LÜV leichtathletischer BWH)
- 350075 UE Gymnastics and Movement Art 1 - (= LÜV turnerischer BWH)
- 350081 VU Gymnastics and Movement Art 2: Didactic Concepts and Biomechanical Aspects - (= KÖLEI turnerischer BWH)
- 350120 UE Gymnastics and Movement Art 1 - (= LÜV turnerischer BWH)
- 350121 UE Gymnastics and Movement Art 1 - (= LÜV turnerischer BWH)
- 350128 VU Athletics - Running, Jumping, Throwing 2 - Vermittlungskonzepte, biomechanische Aspekte und sportinformatische Anwendungen (= KÖLEI leichtathletischer BWH)
- 350130 VU Gymnastics and Movement Art 2: Didactic Concepts and Biomechanical Aspects - (= KÖLEI turnerischer BWH)
- 350173 UE Athletics - Running, Jumping, Throwing 1 - (= LÜV leichtathletischer BWH)
- 350174 UE Gymnastics and Movement Art 1 - (= LÜV turnerischer BWH)
- 350190 VU Gymnastics and Movement Art 2: Didactic Concepts and Biomechanical Aspects - (= KÖLEI turnerischer BWH)
- 350222 VU Athletics - Running, Jumping, Throwing 2 - Vermittlungskonzepte, biomechanische Aspekte und sportinformatische Anwendungen (= KÖLEI leichtathletischer BWH)
- 350224 VU Fundamentals of Computer Science in Sports - Technologies for Physical Education
- 350231 VU Gymnastics and Movement Art 2: Didactic Concepts and Biomechanical Aspects - (= KÖLEI turnerischer BWH)
UF BuS 05 Processes of Education in Exercise, Play and Sports, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching (13 ECTS)
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350089 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350091 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350099 UE Goal-Scoring Games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH: Fußball)
- 350125 UE Check games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH Volleyball)
- 350127 UE Target-Throwing Games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH Basketball)
- 350132 UE ( PH-NÖ ) Other Sports - Schlagballspiele, Endzonenspiele, Präzisionsspiele, Veränderung von Ballspielen (=Erkennen, Gestalten und Vermitteln-Lernen "neuer" Spiele)
- 350160 UE Other Sports - Schlagballspiele, Endzonenspiele, Präzisionsspiele, Veränderung von Ballspielen (=Erkennen, Gestalten und Vermitteln-Lernen "neuer" Spiele)
- 350164 VU Self-Defence and Martial Arts - Sich-Verteidigen, Fallen, Ringen, Kämpfen: Vermittlungskonzepte (= Grundlagen des Selbstverteidigens und Zweikämpfens)
- 350166 VU Self-Defence and Martial Arts - Sich-Verteidigen, Fallen, Ringen, Kämpfen: Vermittlungskonzepte (= Grundlagen des Selbstverteidigens und Zweikämpfens)
- 350176 UE Target-Throwing Games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH Handball)
- 350178 VU Self-Defence and Martial Arts - Sich-Verteidigen, Fallen, Ringen, Kämpfen: Vermittlungskonzepte (= Grundlagen des Selbstverteidigens und Zweikämpfens)
- 350181 UE ( PH-NÖ ) Check games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH)
- 350184 UE ( PH-NÖ ) Other Sports - Schlagballspiele, Endzonenspiele, Präzisionsspiele, Veränderung von Ballspielen (=Erkennen, Gestalten und Vermitteln-Lernen "neuer" Spiele)
- 350193 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Check games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH Volleyball)
- 350204 VU Self-Defence and Martial Arts - Sich-Verteidigen, Fallen, Ringen, Kämpfen: Vermittlungskonzepte (= Grundlagen des Selbstverteidigens und Zweikämpfens)
- 350219 VU Self-Defence and Martial Arts - Sich-Verteidigen, Fallen, Ringen, Kämpfen: Vermittlungskonzepte (= Grundlagen des Selbstverteidigens und Zweikämpfens)
UF BuS 06 Individuals, Development, Actions and Groups in Sports and Exercise, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching (13 ECTS)
- 350039 UE Ice Sports: Didactic Concepts
- 350040 UE Ice Sports: Didactic Concepts
- 350043 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Gymnastics and Dance - Rhythmic Movement, Shaping, Performing 1 - (= LÜV gestaltend-darstellender BWH)
- 350085 VU Gymnastics and Dance - Rhythmic Movement, Shaping, Performing 2: Didactic Concepts - Vertiefung und Vermittlungskonzepte (= KÖLEI gestaltend-darstellender BWH)
- 350096 UE Cross-Country Skiing and Snowshoeing: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV natur- und erlebnisorientierter BWH Wintersport alternativ)
- 350100 UE Climbing: Didactic Concepts - (= Natur- und Erlebnis thematisieren Sportklettern)
- 350110 UE Integrative Outdoor Activities: Didactic Concepts - Schwerpunkt soziales Lernen (= Natur- und Erlebnis thematisieren)
- 350122 UE Gymnastics and Dance - Rhythmic Movement, Shaping, Performing 1 - (= LÜV gestaltend-darstellender BWH)
- 350123 UE Climbing: Didactic Concepts - (= Natur- und Erlebnis thematisieren Sportklettern)
- 350141 UE Cross-Country Skiing and Snowshoeing: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV natur- und erlebnisorientierter BWH Skilanglauf)
- 350143 VU Gymnastics and Dance - Rhythmic Movement, Shaping, Performing 2: Didactic Concepts - Vertiefung und Vermittlungskonzepte (= KÖLEI gestaltend-darstellender BWH)
- 350156 UE BP3II - Outdoor
- 350161 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Gymnastics and Dance - Rhythmic Movement, Shaping, Performing 1 - (= LÜV gestaltend-darstellender BWH)
- 350191 VU Gymnastics and Dance - Rhythmic Movement, Shaping, Performing 2: Didactic Concepts - Vertiefung und Vermittlungskonzepte (= KÖLEI gestaltend-darstellender BWH)
- 350217 VU Gymnastics and Dance - Rhythmic Movement, Shaping, Performing 2: Didactic Concepts - Vertiefung und Vermittlungskonzepte (= KÖLEI gestaltend-darstellender BWH)
- 350226 VU Gymnastics and Dance - Rhythmic Movement, Shaping, Performing 2: Didactic Concepts - Vertiefung und Vermittlungskonzepte (= KÖLEI gestaltend-darstellender BWH)
- 350260 VO BC1II - Fundamentals of Psychology of Sport
- 350516 UE BP3II - Outdoor
- 350517 UE BP3II - Outdoor
UF BuS 07 Sports and Exercise in Society, History and Culture, Addressing Heterogeneity and Disabilities, Health Promotion, and their Application in Exercise and Teaching (11 ECTS)
- 350048 VO [ de sgn ] BE1II - Fundamentals of Social History and Contemporary History in Sports
- 350050 VU Gender-Sensitive Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education - (= Geschlechtersensibles Unterrichten: Mädchen- und Bubenarbeit)
- 350139 VU Functional Movement and Health Promotion in the Subject of Physical Education: Didactic Concepts - NUR für Studierende des neuen Bachelorstudiums UF BuS
- 350140 VU Gender-Sensitive Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education - (= Geschlechtersensibles Unterrichten: Mädchen- und Bubenarbeit)
- 350163 VU Functional Movement and Health Promotion in the Subject of Physical Education: Didactic Concepts - NUR für Studierende des neuen Bachelorstudiums UF BuS
- 350183 UE ( KPH Krems ) Inclusive Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education - (= Behinderung und Integration im Schulsport)
- 350205 UE ( KPH Krems ) Inclusive Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education - (= Behinderung und Integration im Schulsport)
- 350214 VU Functional Movement and Health Promotion in the Subject of Physical Education: Didactic Concepts - NUR für Studierende des neuen Bachelorstudiums UF BuS
- 350215 VU Gender-Sensitive Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education - (= Geschlechtersensibles Unterrichten: Mädchen- und Bubenarbeit)
- 350218 UE ( KPH Krems ) Inclusive Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education - (= Behinderung und Integration im Schulsport)
- 350300 VO BC1I - Fundamentals of Sociology of Sport
- 350342 VU Gender-Sensitive Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education - (= Geschlechtersensibles Unterrichten: Mädchen- und Bubenarbeit)
- 350394 UE Inclusive Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education - (= Behinderung und Integration im Schulsport)
UF BuS 08 Preparing, Evaluating and Reflecting on Teaching in the Subject of Physical Education (8 ECTS)
- 350070 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation - (= Schulpraktische Studien 4)
- 350074 VU ( KPH Krems ) Studies on Teaching Practice 1: Observing, Planning, Implementing and Analysing - (= Schulpraktische Studien 1 + 2)
- 350103 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350114 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 1: Observing, Planning, Implementing and Analysing - (= Schulpraktische Studien 1 + 2)
- 350115 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation - (= Schulpraktische Studien 4)
- 350116 VO Safety and Risk Management in the Subject of Physical Education
- 350135 VO Social Learning and Group Processes in the Subject of Physical Education
- 350146 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation - (= Schulpraktische Studien 4)
- 350150 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350151 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350153 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation - (= Schulpraktische Studien 4)
- 350157 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350177 VU ( PH-WIEN ) Studies on Teaching Practice 1: Observing, Planning, Implementing and Analysing - (= Schulpraktische Studien 1 + 2)
- 350179 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350201 VU ( KPH Krems ) Studies on Teaching Practice 1: Observing, Planning, Implementing and Analysing - (= Schulpraktische Studien 1 + 2)
- 350209 VU ( PH-NÖ ) Studies on Teaching Practice 1: Observing, Planning, Implementing and Analysing - (= Schulpraktische Studien 1 + 2)
- 350211 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation - (= Schulpraktische Studien 4)
- 350225 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation - (= Schulpraktische Studien 4)
- 350230 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
UF BuS 09 Elective subjects (0-10 ECTS)
- 350194 VO ( KPH Krems ) Introduction to Sport Ethics
UF BuS 10 Subject-Based Teaching Practice (7 ECTS)
- 350094 VU Practical Training in Schools
- 350210 VU Practical Training in Schools
- 350212 VU ( KPH Krems ) Practical Training in Schools
UF BuS 11 Bachelor's Module (8 ECTS)
- 350034 UE Application of Qualitative Research Methods
- 350036 UE Application of Qualitative Research Methods
- 350051 UE Accompanying the Writing of Bachelor thesis
- 350084 UE Application of Quantitative Research Methods
- 350112 UE Application of Quantitative Research Methods
- 350129 UE Application of Qualitative Research Methods
- 350207 UE Application of Quantitative Research Methods
Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:41