Universität Wien

Zweiter Studienabschnitt

800203 VO Legal and Ethic Aspects of Genetic Engineering - Legal and Ethic Aspects of Genetic Engineering
800301 VO Microbial Biotechnology - Microbial Biotechnology
800684 VO Molecular Identification of Microorganisms - Molecular Identification of Microorganisms
801299 SE Spektroskopie von Biomolekuelen - Spektroskopie von Biomolekuelen
801425 UE UE aus Biomolekularer NMR Spektroskopie B - Übungen aus Biomolekularer NMR Spektroskopie B
801429 SE Seminar in Presentation Technics - Seminar in Presentation Technics
801443 UE UE Biophysikalische Methoden A - UE Biophysikalische Methoden in der Strukturbiologie
801472 UE UE aus Biomolekularer Simulation B - UE aus Biomolekularer Simulation B
803421 UE UE aus Biomolekularer Simulation A - UE aus Biomolekularer Simulation A
803445 UE Biophysikalische Methoden für Molekularbiologen B - Biophysikalische Methoden für Molekularbiologen - Vertiefungspraktikum
803577 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Seminar for Diploma Students
803578 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Seminar for Diploma Students
803579 SE Seminar for diploma students - Seminar for diploma students
803591 SE Methods in medical biochemistry - Methods in medical biochemistry
803592 SE Methods in Molecular Genetic - Methods in Molecular Genetic
803593 SE Studies on the control of gen expression - Experimental Studies on the control of gen expression
803648 UE Computer-based Sequence and Structure Analysis - Computer-based Sequence and Structure Analysis
806142 VO NMR - Relaxation - NMR-Relaxation und biomolekulare Simulation
806145 UE Übungen zu Biomolekularer Simulation - Übungen zu NMR-Relaxation und biomolekularer Simulation
806188 SE Cell Biology Seminar for Diploma Students - Molecular Cell Biology and Cytoskeleton Seminar (for Diploma Students)
806218 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Seminar in Biochemistry for Diploma Students
806242 SE Model Cell Culture Systems - Cellbiological Approaches using Model Cell Culture Systems
806333 SE Seminar: Algorithmen und Simulationstechniken - Seminar: Algorithmen und Simulationstechniken
806785 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Seminar for Diploma Students
806878 VO Organic Chemical Methods - Organic Chemical Methods in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
806890 SE Seminar: Molecular Modelling - Seminar: Molecular Modelling für Molekularbiologen
806892 VO Bioinformatik II (Phylogenien) - Bioinformatik II (Phylogenien)
806894 UE Bioinformatik-Praktikum II - Bioinformatik-Praktikum II
806896 VO Bioinformatik III (Strukturvorhersage) - Bioinformatik III (Strukturvorhersage)
806904 PR Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum A - Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum A
806907 PR Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum B - Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum B
806909 PR Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum C - Physikalisch-chemisches Praktikum C
809209 UE Practical Course in Molecular Genetics & Pathology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Genetics and Pathology
809757 UE [en] Practical Course in Cyto- and Developm. Genetics - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Cyto- and Developmental Genetics
809780 UE Practical course in Immunology - Practical course in Immunology
813036 VO Biomolekulare NMR-Spektroskopie - Kernresonanzspektroskopie für Molekulare Biologen
813037 UE Übungen zu Biomolekulare NMR-Spektroskopie A - Übungen zu Kernresonanzspektroskopie für Molekulare Biologen A
813038 VO Biophysikalische Methoden - Biophysikalische Methoden in der Strukturbiologie
856017 VO Laserspektroskopie - Laserspektroskopie
856169 VO Non-Standard Computation - Non-Standard Computation
856339 UE+PR Praktikum Bioenergetik - Praktikum der Bioenergetik (Experimente zum Energiehaushalt von Mikroorganismen)
856340 SE Bioenergetisches Seminar - Bioenergetisches Seminar
857154 SE Dissertanten-,Diplomanden-Seminar - Seminar für Dissertanten und Diplomanden
859413 SE Seminar in Gene- and Biotechnology - Seminar in Gene- and Biotechnology (Plant Genetics)
859528 VO Spezielle Kapitel aus mikrobieller Bioenergetik - Spezielle Kapitel aus mikrobieller Bioenergetik (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Strukturchemie)
877764 VO+UE Programmentwicklung in C - Programmentwicklung in C
883036 SE [en] Advanced Seminar in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Advanced Seminar in Microbiology and Biotechnology
883168 SE [en] Advanced Seminar in Plant Genetics and -Developm. - Advanced Seminar in Plant Genetics and -Development
892144 SE Dissertanten-,Diplomanden-Seminar - Seminar für Dissertanten und Diplomanden
902134 VO [en] Lymphocyte Development - Molecular and cellular aspects of Lymphocyte development
902304 UE Course in fluorescence/confocal microscopy - Pratical course in fluorescence and confocal microscopy for diploma, PhD and advanced students
800357 VO Pathobiochemistry - Pathobiochemistry
801424 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment - Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
806015 VO Eukaryotic Photosynthesis - Eukaryotic Photosynthesis
806296 VO Biochemistry and cell biology of the immune system - Biochemistry and cell biology of the immune system
806300 VO Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis
806420 SE+UE Masspectrometry of Proteins - Introduction in Identification and Analysis of Proteins by Masspectrometry
813030 UE Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry - Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry for Molecular Biology Students
877979 VO Arbeitstechniken in der biochemischen Analytik - Arbeitstechniken in der biochemischen Analytik
890548 SE Arbeitstechniken in der Proteinchemie - Arbeitstechniken in der Proteinchemie
801456 UE Laboratory Course: Advanced Cell Biology - Laboratory Course: Advanced Cell Biology for Molecular Biology Students
801457 SE Project Planing in Cell Biology - Cell Biology Today: Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design
801458 VO [en] Advanced Cell Biology - Advanced Cell Biology
801459 SE [en] Publications in Advanced Cell Biology - Publications in Advanced Cell Biology
801531 VO Methods in Cell Biology - Methods in Cell Biology
813033 UE Advanced Course in Genetics - Advanced Course in Genetics
859326 UE Practical Course in Cyto- and Developm. Genetics - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Cyto- and Developmental Genetics (Zebrafish)
859347 VO Molecular Biology of RNA - Molecular Biology of RNA
877829 SE Project Planning in Genetics - Project Planing, Experimental Design and Data Interpretation in Genetics
877954 VO Population Genetics - Population Genetics
562417 SE Project Planning in Microbiology/Immunology - Project Planing, Experimental Design and Data Interpretation in Microbiology/Immunology
803734 SE [en] Mechanisms of virulence regulation - Mechanisms of regulation of virulence in procaryotes
809162 UE Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Microbiology
813035 UE Advanced Course in Microbiology/Immunology - Advanced Course in Microbiology/Immunology
859347 VO Molecular Biology of RNA - Molecular Biology of RNA
859667 UE RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology - RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology
876535 UE Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Microbiology
882958 SE News an Views in Microbiology - News an Views in Microbiology
562531 VO [en] Strucutal Bioinformatic and data mining - Strucutal Bioinformatic and data mining
801430 VO Molecular biology of Plant IV - Biochemistry and molecular physiology of Plants
806015 VO Eukaryotic Photosynthesis - Eukaryotic Photosynthesis
859254 UE Practical Course in Gene- and Biotechn. - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Gene- and Biotechnology
800634 UE Physikalische Chemie f. Molekularbiologen, UE - Physical Chemistry for Students of Molecular Biology, Practical
813041 VO Physikalische Chemie f. Molekularbiologen, VO - Physical Chemistry for Students of Molecular Biology, Lecture Course
813042 SE Physikalische Chemie f. Molekularbiologen, SE - Physical Chemistry for Students of Molecular Biology, Seminar
801520 VO Molecular Medicine I - Molecular Medicin I
801522 SE Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine - Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine
801523 UE Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine I) - Laboratory Course for edvanced Molecular Biology Students, Part I
801525 UE Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine II) - Laboratory Course for edvanced Molecular Biology Students, Part II
801530 VO DNA-Tumor Viruses, from Cancer Agent to therapy - DNA-Tumor Viruses, from Cancer Agent to therapy (Elective Course in Molecular Medicine)
801531 VO Methods in Cell Biology - Methods in Cell Biology
801532 VO Specific aspects of hormones in women - Specific aspects of hormones in women: lipoproteins and fertilization
800640 UE Forschungsarbeiten a. d. Gebiet Neurowiss. - Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Gebiet Neurowissenschaften (Wahlbeispiele)
803425 SE Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
803426 VO [en] Immunology of diseases of the nervous system - Basic immunology of inflammatory diseases of the nervous system
803427 VO [en] Biochemistry of neuropsychiatric diseases - Biochemical basis of psychiatric and neurologic diseases
803428 VO [en] Role of neuronal plasticity - The role of neuronal plasticity under physiological and pathological conditions
803429 VO [en] Cell type-specific features of the CNS - Cell type-specific features of the CNS
800315 SE [en] Seminar in Developmental Biology - Seminar in Developmental Biology
800636 UE Practical course to selected model systems - Practical course to selected model systems in developmental biology: C. elegans
859624 UE Advanced Course in Developmental Biology - Advanced Course in Developmental Biology
800617 VO Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology - Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology
803647 VO+UE Patentrechtl. Grundlagen f. Naturwissenschaftler - Patentrechtliche Grundlagen für Naturwissenschaftler
877884 VO Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
877919 UE Science presented properly - Science presented properly. On the medial processing of research results.
877920 UE Writer's workshop on science journalism - Writer's workshop on science journalism. How the press works.
877921 UE Images of science and of scientists - Images of science and of scientists. On the visual representation of research in the media
877922 UE Science in the radio - Science in the radio
877923 UE Science-PR I - Science-PR I: Basics and Fund-Raising
877924 UE Science-PR II - Science-PR II: Research-Marketing
902277 UE Project management - Project management in science communication

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:33